
Growing up, I wanted to be a Mommy.  I wanted to be a wife and mother more than anything in the world.  When I was in Kindergarden, we had a play.  I believe it was about different occupations A-Z.  I was a Librarian, I really wanted to be the Kite Flier.  (That was Tara Smith and she had the biggest, most beautiful balloon that she used.) Librarian?  Okay- I went from Kindergarden to second grade wanting to be a Librarian.  When I was in Middle School, I wanted to be a basketball coach.  Not because I enjoyed the game, but because I despised every middle school coach I ever had and just knew I could be better.

High School came and I decided that I wanted to be a teacher.  Senior Year: I wanted to be Mrs. Alcorn.

I didn't go to college at the same time my graduating class did.  I entered in 2001, a couple of years later.  I felt out of place.  Young enough to fit the sterotype of "typical college student" but older than the rest of the freshmen class.  I bailed shortly after the attack on September 11th.  It is just a coincidence, or I thought it was. 

I attempted NSU again in 2003.  I was not a MARRIED college student. Surely, I would fit in much better now, right?  Umm NO.  

I bailed again and went to work at LinkAmerica. 

The next 7 years were spend with my head deep in the transportation industry.  I was like a sponge, soaking up every term, account, formula, and driver history.  It was my life for a long time, putting in many, many, many weeks of 70+ hours.  I was always accessable by cell phone during all hours of the day and night, and was issued a laptop to be able to access the system, oh and email.  I literally worked 23 hours a day.  Kevin learned a lot by just listening to me sleep.  I could do my best dispatching while sleeping. :)

Although I moved up the ladder fairly quickly, I would always face the fact that I was a woman in a man's world.  YES that still exists and actually thrives in this industry.

When Emileigh was born, we made the decision that I would stay at home with the kiddos.  I will never, ever, ever regret that decision. 

About six months ago, I got the itch.  I want to jump back into the work force, but I wanted to do something that would stick with me the rest of my working life.  I have thought a million times about going back to transportation, even looking into the program at the University of Arkansas.

I just didn't want to get back into the industry.  That chapter is closed... that Book is closed.

I am opening a new chapter in a new book.  This week I started back to college, to pursue a degree in Nursing.  My hope is to work with either Labor/Delivery, or the NICU.

Yesterday was my first class back.  I am taking a Winter Intersession (minimester) class at Connors.  Psychology. 


Stay tuned.. this could change at any minute.


I love facebook.

I love it because it allows an avenue to reacquaint myself with people I have known my entire life, but never see anymore.  I love it because it allows me to sit at home in my PJ's with a cup of coffee, no bra, (tmi?)  and socialize. I love it because I can talk to one of my best friends who lives in Utah, like she is next door.  I love it because a conversation can last four days, and everyone is okay with that. I love it because I am ultimately a people watcher, and you can't get any better people watching than facebook.

This weekend, I was accused.  Accused of being on facebook too much.

Last Sunday, I was at grandma's.  She cooked lunch and one uncle and two cousins, Jeff, Josh, and Tyler,  who will go unnamed were there.  The normal riff raff between father and sons continued through lunch when at the end of the meal, Tyler  Thing 1, pulled out his cell phone and discretely checked his text messages.  No harm, right?  WRONG.

Grandma immediately announced that she will be collecting all cell phones in a basket on Christmas day and locking them up, because ...wait for it.... wait for it.... facebook is of the devil.... 


I immediately knew this was going downhill and fast.  I quickly reached for the honey so I could have something to occupy my time and silently counted to 193 in my head. 

Before I knew it, I had fingers pointed at me, calling me out.  " AND SHE IS THE WORST! " 

Not cool guys... not cool at all.

Thing 2, Josh, tried to stick up for me, but he knew he was outnumbered so he backed off pretty quickly, chicken.   Jeff Uncle Sell Out's favorite word was "yeah" agreeing with everything grandma was saying.  I tried to remind him that he is on it more than anyone... but that point was mute.

I finally ended the conversation by saying... I am 31 (gasp) years old.  I believe I can post whatever I wish on facebook.  Besides, how do you KNOW what I do on the Internet... You don't even touch a computer or smart phone.

Needless to say, we cleaned the kitchen in very awkward silence.

After   MUCH thought about this whole debacle I have decided that maybe I do post too much random nothing-ness on facebook.  Maybe I do spend too much time reading about other people and their cool lives.  I decided that, although I will still participate daily in the facebook era, I will try to post more to this blog... I mean, it is intended for my kids. 

I would die if they read some of my status updates.... lol  
Maybe they will think I was cool???   nah

Goin' to the chapel.....

Kevin is from Ponca City, and most of what is left of his family still lives there.  We don't ever seem to get there enough and I always feel super guilty when we do go because I tend to drag him to see someone in my family every three days. 

We always come up with some sort of excuse as to why we shouldn't go.  In reality, we should definitely make it more of a priority. 

This blog isn't a premature list of new year resolutions. 

Last Saturday, Kevin and I went to Ponca City to see his nephew, Scott get married. Kevin is the youngest of 8 children, so he and Scott are fairly close in age 6 years.  It is strange to me that when I married Kevin, I immediately became an Aunt and great-Aunt all at the same time :)

We haven't seen Scott in a few years and I was SUPER excited to meet two of his sons.  I almost fell over when I met Eli.  He is six months old and the resemblance to Emileigh is striking.  Infact, his hair grows the exact same as her's.  Mohawk style :)

Liam just turned two, and unfortunately for his parents is LOVING this crazy stage.  He was supposed to walk his momma down the aisle... he screamed the entire time.  To me, it was adorable- I am sure the beauty in the white dress was thinking otherwise.

I can see the resemblance in Liam and Blayne as well..... so strange.

Here is a picture of the Taylor men... Some of them.  Steve and David aren't in it, nor are Scott's other sons.  Maybe this summer (or sooner) we can get them all together and get one.   There I go about those stinkin resolutions again.

Front:  Eli Taylor 6months - Liam Taylor 2 Years
Back: Kevin Taylor, Scott Taylor, Brett Taylor

I apologize for the quality of this photo.  It is actually from a camera phone that I 'borrowed' from facebook :)

December eve...

Thanksgiving flew by faster than it has ever flown before.  It seems like last weekend, we were celebrating Emileigh's birthday and now it seems I overslept and missed Black Friday all together. 

This year, my family got together in Bristow at my Uncle Curtis' house.  It was a small gathering, it seems to get smaller every year, but a good time was had by all.  More than once I heard, "why do we only eat this meal once a year?!!"  We had a lot left over, but it was so yummy.

Kevin worked Friday- So Butch, me, and the tots hung around all day and watched football.  I enjoyed living in my sweat pants and doing nothing.  Saturday Kevin was home and we pretty much continued from the day before :)  As crazy as life is, I am learning to enjy those days where you ahve absolutely nothing planned.  They are nice.

I put our Christmas tree up the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, because I knew we would be uber busy and I wouldnt get around to it.  I am SOOO glad I did.  Sunday, we went to Slick to put up Grandma's tree, she always says every year that she isn't going to put one up.  This year, I found out why.  Not only does she have the heaviest tree known to man, but also 17 million ornaments.  WAY TOO MUCH WORK.

We got it up, though. 

Emileigh has decided that she thinks everything is hers and will say as loudly as possible, "miiiiiine!!"  This was cute for about 2 times, now I am going crazy hearing it.  She will see something across the room and on her way over to it, scream the entire way.  Blayne just picks up the toy he wants and chooses to hide.  Poor kid.

Emileigh has also decided that she would give walking a try, finally.  I guess she liked it, because she is toddling around the house like she is looking for something, talking baby chinese the entire time. Either that or she is cussing me in 1 year old, which is probably what she is doing.

Crap Shows

I have been attending craft shows with my grandma since I was born.  I can remember when I was young, I hated to be drug to them.  Quilt shows?  the worst  Grandma likes to remind me that I used to refer to them as "crap shows" when I was young. 

Apparently, I outgrew that.  I love, love, LOVE them.  We really do not go enough.   My favorite are the shows in Arkansas the third weekend in October.  War Eagle, Hillbilly Corner, etc. 

Yesterday, we attended An Affair of the Heart in Tulsa.  This show is held at the Quick Trip center two times a year, once in Spring and another in Fall. 

I found some SUPER cute outfits for Em-J.  I am telling you, if I am ever lucky enough to win the lottery, a HUGE chunk will be spent at this show.

I really, really, need to charge my camera and stop using my Iphone... the quality is so much better.  But- you get the idea.

The show is still open today- go spend some cash!

we DID it

we made it- we moved.  I forget how exhausting it is.  Most of our things are still packed away in half-emptied boxes strewen about, but oh well... we are here. I love being able to run to the grocery store and be back in 7 minutes. 

We are getting used to the stairs, lol.  We have 15.  I made sure to count them the fifth time I had to climb them.  Blayne fell down them yesterday after climbing the baby gate that was secured to the top of the stairs.  Emileigh will go up the stairs, but then make a little "uhh uhhh" sound until someone comes to her rescue.

Most of their toys are upstairs in their rooms, so I spend a lot of time up here while they play.  Blayne refuses to be up here alone.  We will work on that...

Oh- speaking of Blayne.  He has slept in his own bed all night long the last two nights.  This is a MAJOR accomplishment considering he would come and get in our bed by midnight at the latest at the old house.  He likes Blaynes new room...

Dear Emileigh


   Today was special, daddy and I got to spend time with all of our attention focused on YOU today.  Blayne has been begging to go stay with papa and doodah, so we shipped him off.  I love spending time alone with you, just the three of us: Daddy, Mommy, and You.     
    At dinner tonight and you stole the show for sure. We went to Runts and you ate your very first fried pickle today. Of course, you made the funniest face but kept eating away.You wore your OU shirt and brand new OU flower that Aunt Amanda bought you... with your smile you took the breath away from a lot of people today.  I love that you are such a friendly little girl :)
     You are such a little stinker though.  You are 13 months old right now and refuse to walk.  We have to trick you to get you to stand on your own.  I should be happy that I have a baby who prefers to be held, but I am ready for you to walk!  I know I should cherish this time, before long, you will be running everywhere. 
   You have begun to show your personality a bit lately.  Uncle Butch taught Blayne to "put em up" when I was still pregnant with you.  It is super cute and Blayne tends to "put em up" from time to time.  We really never taught you the trick, but you learned all on your own.  The last week, you have been wanting to fight everyone you see :)  I wish Butch was here to see it.
    You went to the doctor for the first time this week.  You have your first ear infection, but are such a trooper.  I wouldnt have know you were even sick if it hadn't disrupted your sleeping habits.  You were SUCH a good girl at the doctor's office.  Not a peep out of you. 
    I cherish the time we get to spend one on one.  While you will never know what it feels like to be the only child, you will know what it feels like to be the baby.  The daughter.  I hope it is a good experience that you will tell your daughter about one day.  I love the way you ask for mama now, not just when you are scared or hurt.  I love that you always have to know where everyone in the house is at all times.  You have began to love to watch "Dora the explorer" and "Mickey Mouse."  You shout Duuura  Duuura and do the "we did it" dance so perfectly. 
    You and Blayne started attending Children's Day Out this week at the United Methodist Church in Muskogee, Ok.  While your brother cries when I drop him off, you are such a big girl and crawl in the room and play with the closest toy/friend you come to. I hope that you will continue to be friendly, I want to to be nice to everyone.  We will work on that more later.
    I love you so very much, Emileigh.  When you are a mommy one day, you will understand.  Right now, you will just have to trust me.


It is not a surprise to anyone that I hate living in the sticks of muskogee county.  Actually, I guess it could be worse, I could have zero internet access or satellite.  That would be so bad.

When we moved to this house, we were desperate.  In about a weekend, we came to the conclusion that I would quit work, we would move, and this needed to happen in days, if not minutes.  Our rent and expenses from Kevin driving back and forth from Tulsa to Muskogee for work were astronomical to say the least.  The only way we could afford to let me stay at home (in theory) was to move back to the 'Gee. 

Kevin and I spent a day combing through the newspaper and calling local relators.  We were not (and still are not) ready to purchase due to going from two incomes to one.  We were lucky enough to find a realator who also managed some properties in Muskogee.  That is how we landed here. 

At first glance, I was excited.  I have the granite countertops, I have the stainless steel appliances, I have crown molding, blah blah blah.   I also live 35 minutes from Wal-Mart, 25 Minutes from a grocery store, 15 minutes from a convenience store.  I fight ants and spiders on an hourly basis. I am not even going to begin to speak about the dogs next door, the ones who killed our dog and would do the same to my children.  The ceramic floor tiles in my kitchen are cracking and breaking under our feet.  What do you expect from a house that is 100 years old?  Our roof is a metal one, which might be amazing if, again you arent living in an 800 square foot, 100 year old house.  Being as it is, when it rains, no one sleeps.  I compare it to sleeping under a tarp. Clearly,I read this book by the cover.

Lucky for me, WE ARE MOVING!!! 

We are moving into town, into a neighborhood where other normal people live.  People who have children, not mean pit bull dogs.  I am super excited about this move.  We will gain about 800 square feet plus a two car garage.  We will also gain a fenced in back yard (privacy fence) and a back door for the kids to leave open and come in and out all day.  The only drawback I have at the moment is the fact that there are two bedrooms upstairs with the master down.  This means that my kids will be upstairs.  That will take a little bit of logistical thought, but I am up for it.  I need to purchase baby moniters, and was thinking about whether ot not I would prefer a video monitor.  Do any of my readers have any suggestions?

uncle mike

My uncle Mike came home to visit this week.  I posted on my facebook account that I felt like I did when I was 8 and he would come home to visit.  I was very serious. 

I was born in 1979, Mike's senior year.  I attended my first Bristow High School football game when I was only days old to cheer on my uncle Mike.  I can remember riding in the car for what seemed like hours with my grandparents to watch him play baseball games while he was in college at SWOSU in Weatherford, OK.

I would take my matchbox cars with me because the guys in the dougout would play with me during the games.  I am not sure why they would let me play with them... but I can vividly remember it like yesterday.  I LOVED going to baseball games. 

When I was 6 my uncle Jeff got married, and I can remember the atmosphere being so thick.  Mike was supposed to be in the wedding and was late!  25 years later, I finally asked my grandmother about that.  Her voice always lowers a bit and I hear sadness.  Apparently, on the day that Jeff got married, Mike had a try out with the Phillies in Kansas.  He was offered a contract and all anyone really cared about was that he was late (almost) to Jeff's wedding!   Looking back, how hard would that have been to have to drive 8 hours with the news that you were officially a professional baseball player... then to arrive and not be able to tell anyone. 

I remember Mike working out in the mornings.  He would run and I would always ask to go with him.  Some days, he would allow me to run to the post office with him if I would run back.  He would always run backwards while I would run as fast as I could.  I just wanted to keep up with him.

In the first grade, he came to school with grandma to pick me up.  I was so surprised, he picked me up and put me on his shoulders and walked through the hallways at Washington Elementary.  I will NEVER forget that.

As Mike progressed through the ranks of his baseball career, I saw him less and less.  I was always glad to see him when he game home.  He ALWAYS had the best stuff.  I played a nintendo for the first time at my grandma's house.  Mike brought one back :) 

When I was 10, we went to Oklahoma City and watched him play.  I am pretty sure I smiled for a month afterward.  I still have the baseball with the players signatures on it in my hope chest.  That was MY uncle Mike on the pitching mound.

I always wanted him to be proud of me. I worked really hard when I was young to do good while playing softball.  We even named our team the Phillies :)

I love my Uncle Mike.  I wish he lived closer. 

Here are some pictures of the good ole days-

A is for Apple

My children love to eat apples.  I believe their first real fight was over an apple.  Last week, I was sitting on the couch with Emileigh watching cartoons and eating apples.  I grabbed my iPhone and took a few shots, please excuse the picture quality, it really is about the moment.

 ooooohhhh looook an apple

 mine! mineminemine MINE.

that blayne better watch out...

 i'll karate chop him!  haaa-yeeah

nom nom nom nom


Today, Blayne and Emileigh started school. 

Technically, they started Kids Day Out at St. Paul United Methodist Church, here in Muskogee.  Last Friday, we visited the church to meet the classroom teachers and get an understanding about how they conduct the day.  Blayne fell in love immediately.  Emileigh just loved all of the toys! We had to drag him out, kicking and screaming to stay and play.

Today was the official day #1.  We woke up early, took showers, packed his backpack, and grabbed lunches.  Off to school we went.

Sadly, neither one of them cried when we left. (Kevin met and rode into town with me, yay)

It was nice to have five hours to get some things accomplished without having little feet running under mine.  I felt like I could focus my complete attention on them when they came home today.  I think it will be a fantastic journey.

We picked them up at 2:00. (They attend MWF from 9:00 - 2:00)

Blayne asked if he could go back morrow?

 I'll have to take pictures this Wednesday.  

the defination of fun

Having a 2.5 year old, is... fun.   

For example:    My 2.5 year old ...
  • has ZERO interest in the potty.  He is content to attend high school with a diaper in place.
  • would play outside in said diaper from the second he wakes up until he crashes, telling the neighbor's dog to 'hush it up' every few minutes.
  • Thinks that every single time I pick up my iPhone, he should say, "cheese!!!"  He doesn't even eat cheese!
  • Uses that iPhone better than I do.  
  • somehow survives on a menu consisting of 'half-fries' (french fries), chicken nuggets, bananas, oranges, and apples.  it is very frustrating.
  • is the best kid when it comes to time to sleep.  He knows that he is to take a nap as soon as lunch is over, and as soon as as that little head hits the pillow, he is sleeping.  8PM is bedtime at our house, the same thing happens.  He says good-night and is asleep by 8:10.  LOVE THAT.

Today- I learned what he thought is fun...

 what?  I like a powder momma

THIS is what I walked into this morning...
the fog... that is baby powder.

"it on my shirt, momma.  yucky"


 my floor, after the fact.  is baby powder.


We went to the ZOO

If you know me very well, you know that I fly by the seat of my pants.  If I make plans, it is a proven fact that I will change my mind 10 times before the event even happens.  However, if I just go with my instincts, I am liable to get more accomplished. 

Yesterday, was one of those days.

The day was so pretty outside, I just couldn't stand the thought of staying inside all day.  Sure, I could have cleaned house, but I can do that when it is freezing, or raining, or even hot.

Kevin got home around 10am and by 11:00 I was pitching the idea, "what do you think about the zoo today?"
He agreed, and by noon, we were loaded up and on our way to Tulsa.

Blayne watches a cartoon on NickJr from time to time, called "Little Bill."  He loves it, and in one episode, little Bill goes to the zoo.  I think Blayne thought that he was going to get to meet him, but all the way he would name the names of the animals.  It was SUPER CUTE.

We arrived and rode the train first, then we walked around to see the animals.  What a great thing to do with a 2.5 year old.  I didn't take my camera, but did get some shots on my iphone. 


 No, momma.  No pictures on the choo choo train
I am way too cool for that kid stuff.

 This is the best way to keep a 2 year
old close by when he refuses to ride.
He pushed that stroller everywhere.
 i likes the zoo too, momma

 i likes my daddy the most, though


Dear Tots: 1

Dear Blayne and Emileigh,

Yesterday, I learned a friend of mine was going through a very difficult time.  Her daddy passed away, and left her with a lot of unanswered questions.  When your grandma Susan passed, I felt the same way.  I wanted to ask why?  Today, I wish I would have asked more.  I wish I would have asked what my first words were.  I wish I would have asked what my favorite toys were, what songs I liked, etc.

I started thinking yesterday about the questions you will have someday, and decided that I would use this blog to answer them.  I am sure in 30+ years, you will not come to this, but I plan to print them for you.

I want you to know that I love you more than anything.  I would pass up winning the lottery if it means I get to spend the rest of my life loving you two.

I hope to capture the little moments that pass so quickly.  For example:  Blayne. when you were learning to talk, you would NEVER say the entire word.  "Mick" was Mickey Mouse, "Bop" was Baby Bop from Barney.  In fact, a year ago, you were calling for Mick.  As I type this though, I think that you probably did that on purpose.  Maybe you just prefer one syllable names.  You never call Emileigh by her name.   When you refer to your sister, you call her "girl." 

In the morning, when we wake up, I hear, "good morning pretty girl."
During the day, I hear, "NO girl!"   "Sorry girl."  "Come here girl" "NO GIRL!"
At night, when it is time for bed, I hear, "nite nite, girl"

It is such a sweet name you have given your sister.

Emileigh, you call everyone either, "sissy" or "Jaci"  Although that sound very much alike, they are very distinct when you speak them. You will only call for "momma" when you are scared or hurt.  All of the other times you ask for "dada."  You babble a lot.  I think Blayne understands, but won't translate for me.  You are a quiet little girl.  I think it is because you study everything so closely because it doesn't take long before you have something mastered.

Emileigh, you  LOVE  to sing the "ewey gooey" song and "If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops."  You will dance and sing with us, then you will tip your head back and laugh. You can NOT stand for daddy to sing "rock a bye baby" to you.  You immediately pucker out your lips and cry big tears.  I have to get onto daddy for doing it.  I threaten him with the naughty chair.

Ahhh- The naughty chair.  That is something we have introduced to you, Blayne.  It really is more of a "chill out" then a "time out" for you.  You seem to sit your two minutes and gather your thoughts.  Seldom do you cry, you just wait for the buzzer on the microwave to sound, then you holler, "hear it momma?!"  You immediately say, "I sorry mommy" then get up and go about your business.

You have only had to sit on the naughty chair a handful of times, mostly for taking Emileigh's toy away from her.  Being two is hard, but being two and having to share your toys must be almost impossible.  Hang in there- you will get the hang of it.  One day, you will have to share your car!

                                                                                                Love you forever,

365 days...

365 days ago, I was preparing to meet my daughter. 

I was packing, then re-packing the hospital bag.  Cleaned the apartment.  Sent Blayne to my grandma's house.  I thought I was prepared. 

Kevin and I went to sleep and woke up at 4am for the journey.  You can find it here.

Since then, we have welcomed Emileigh, went from a two income to a one income family, moved from Tulsa back to Muskogee, experienced holidays, birthdays, and everydays as a family of four.  Through all of the ups and downs we have gone through the past 365 days I have learned one thing.  Emileigh completes us.

She teaches me daily what true, absolute love is.  She has loved Blayne since the very first time he kissed her in the hospital.  She was hour old.  She loves her da-da with every bone in that tiny body.  She loves me more than I have ever been loved.  She is patient with us, teaches us to laugh, and to slow down.  She watches, patiently and then attempts to take on the challenges before her.  She is ONE.  She is such a big girl.  She is such a good girl.

I re-read the post about crying when grandma took Blayne the day before we had Em.  I cried because I was afraid that bringing another baby into this world would somehow be bad for him.

i couldnt have been more wrong.

I love you sweet baby girl.  Happy Birthday Emileigh.  

bad blogger

i know i need to update.  i really have a lot to talk about... just not ready... not yet.
Being a parent is hard.

The parenting isn't so hard.  It can be... expecially when Kevin is working for thee days straight and I change dirty diapers every hour, and Emileigh is teething, and Blayne is just cranky.  That stuff is draining. 

However, when one of your children have something wrong, that is when things are hard.

Blayne has a cavity.  He is 2.5  We have brushed his teeth since he was tiny.  He loves to "brush teeth"  I do not allow him to drink tons of juice, sugary drinks, etc.  He chooses to eat french fries and chicken over cake and candy.   He has beautiful sweet white baby teeth.... and one has a great big ugly cavity behind it. 

Yesterday, grandma spotted it.  I was crushed... I cried 1/2 the way home from Slick... I know that cavities happen... I know that it doesn't require major surgery to get it corrected.  However, Blayne has a complete melt down when we cut his hair... getting him in a dental chair is going to be difficult.


I was sitting on the couch feeling sorry for Blayne, and well, really myself and saw that Michael Schofield updated his blog. 

If you aren't aware of his story, you should really check it out.  His daughter, January, is one of the youngest ever diagnosed with child onset schizophrenia.  It is such a heart breaking story, yet it sometimes comforts me to read how a father will fight for his child.  

Suddenly, a little cavity isn't so importaint to me.

When you have time, visit his page Jani's Journey.  You will not be sorry you did... it might actually make you look at things a bit differently.

:) JT

Dear UPS Man:

I am not sure if you are aware of this or not, but those beautiful boxes you are delivering to me weekly that have the word FRAGILE printed directly on the box, are just that... FRAGILE.

Oh, and the wonderful scent that is drifting from said box into your dirty vehicle... is... wax.

Lesson #1 Do not throw my boxes around like they are filled only with packing peanuts. I watched you today... stop in front of my house, sit there for 35 minutes, get up, grab my box and literally pitch it from your seat to the ground. Oh, not once... twice. The next time I see you do that.. I might just claw your eyes out. Seriously.

Lesson #2 If you are going to deliver to my doorstep. Could you at least knock on my door and let me know you have arrived. Remember... wax?? Hot Oklahoma heat index of 115 today brother. I am sick of going to the door every hour to see if you have dropped off my package.

I wish you looked like Drew Carey instead of Mr. Beautiful Wonderful Stud.


30 Day Challenge - Day 3 of 30

I never promised to stay on track with this 30 day challenge. :)

Day 3 is all about your favorite TV shows.  So, below is a list of mine.  I can honestly say, Thursday nights have been my favorite for years.  The best TV is always on Thursday.  Kevin is so good to me, he usually lets me be. 

ER -  My favorite, hands down.  I watched ER from day one.  I have watched every single episode probably more then twice.  This is the very first show that I really followed.

Survivor - I am a true sucker for survivor.

*edited to add:
Big Brother-  How could I forget BIG BROTHER??? Thank GOD my sister, Amanda was watchin' my back.  this show is for all of us "people watchers" aka. nosy bitches.

Friends- Whachyouuuu dooin

Greys Anatomy-  Almost lost me this year... but the final few episodes caught my attention.

Private Practice- I love this show.  It isn't just about medical crap... it has life, and drama, and love... ahhh

Toddlers and Tiaras - I'll bunch these two together.  They are to fulfill my drama tank, that's all.
Kate + 8

Army Wives-  This show makes me sign Kevin up for the army and move to Charleston SC to live on base.
                         Yes, I know this is just made up stuff... but its a feel good show for me!!

The Duggars-  If there was a perfect family... this would be the one.  I LOVE to watch them!

Day 2 of 30 - Favorite Movie

Hands down best movie ever... Shawshank Redemption.  (I need to get that back from my dad...)  I didn't watch it until a few years ago, shame.

Next favorite move: Pretty Woman.  I watched pretty woman so much during 10th and 11th grade, that I wore out a VHS tape... TWO of them.  Anytime TBS is showing Pretty Woman, I stop everything I am doing to watch.  I can quote this movie line by line.  It is just a "feel good" movie. 

The Wizard of Oz- Another movie I have been known to watch multiple times. 

Dazed and Confused- Every time I watch this one, I think of my high school buddies.  Man, I was so lucky.  Seth Campbell would go around saying, "check ya later"  Classic.

Tombstone- ahhh do I have to explain? 

Beaches, Steel Magnolias, 8 Seconds... all great movies to watch when you need a great cry.

Field of Dreams- This movie was replaced by Shawshank... but barely.   I cry during this movie each and every time I watch it. every time

Shout out to Megs!  Love YOU sister.


30 day challenge - Day 1 of 30

your favorite song

Can anyone pick one  favorite song?  I know I can't.  I don't even think I can come close.  I was never one of those that would listen to lyrics, I mostly listen to tunes.  I can remember times in my past where I would have music spurts if you will.. but was never cool enough to be music smart. 

With that being said, here is what I can think of...

5. "Seven Bridges Road" by the Eagles
There are stars
In the southern sky
Southward as you go
There is moonlight
And moss in the trees
Down the seven bridges road

Now I have loved you like a baby
Like some lonesome child
And I have loved you in a tame way
And I have loved you wild

Sometimes there’s a part of me
Has to turn form here and go
Running like a child from these warm stars
Down the seven bridges road

There are stars in the southern sky
And if ever you decide
You should go
There is a taste of time sweetened honey
Down the seven bridges road

4. "Hold on to Jesus" by Michelle Tumes

I've found love
I've found peace in my life
I've found joy
That no one can describe
When I lay down to sleep

There's a voice inside keeps telling me
Something that I ought to do
You've got to hold on to Jesus
When your heart is crying, your world is dying
You've got to hold on to Jesus
When your life has had enough

I've had pain
And like everyone else
I've been tempted
To only live for myself
When I lay down to sleep

And as time goes by, the tick of the clock is not enough for me
And as time goes by, I'll give Jesus my allegiance

You and me and we've got to hold on
You and me and we've got to hold on
You and me and we've got to hold on
Hold on to Jesus

3. "Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler

It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have sunlight on your face.
You were content to let me shine, that's your way.
You always walked a step behind.

So I was the one with all the glory,
while you were the one with all the strength.
A beautiful face without a name for so long.
A beautiful smile to hide the pain.

Did you ever know that you're my hero,
and everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed,
but I've got it all here in my heart.
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it.
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be.
I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be.
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings,
'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.

Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings.
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings.

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky,
so high I almost touch the sky.
Thank you, thank you,
thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.

2. "Cryin for me" by Toby Keith
Got the news on Friday mornin’
But a tear I couldn’t find
You showed me how I’m supposed to live
And now you showed me how to die
I was lost till Sunday mornin’
I woke up to face my fear
While I’m writing you this goodbye song
I found a tear

I’m gonna miss that smile
I’m gonna miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
‘Cause that’s right where you wanna be
I’m not crying 'cause I feel so sorry for you
I’m crying for me

I got up and dialed your number
And your voice came on the line
That old familiar message
I heard a thousand times it just said
Sorry that I missed you
Leave a message and god bless
I know you think I’m crazy
But I had to hear your voice I guess

I’m gonna miss that smile
I’m gonna miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
‘Cause that’s right where you wanna be
I’m not crying 'cause I feel so sorry for you
I’m crying for me

So play your upside-down, left handed
Backwards bass guitar
And I’ll see you on the other side

I’m gonna miss that smile
I’m gonna miss you my friend
Even though it hurts the way it ended up
I’d do it all again
So play it sweet in heaven
‘Cause that’s right where you wanna be
I’m not crying 'cause I feel so sorry for you
I’m crying for me

I’m still crying
I’m crying for me
I’m still crying

1.  ANYTHING by Collective Soul
      Lyrics are from "December"
Why drink the water
from my hand?
Contagious as you think I am
Just tilt my sun towards
your domain.
Your cup runneth over again.

Don't scream about
Don't think aloud
Turn your head now baby
Just spit me out
Don't worry about
Don't speak of doubt
Turn your head now baby
Just spit me out

Why follow me to higher ground?
Lost as you swear I am.
Don't throw away your basic needs,
Ambiance and vanity.

December promise you gave unto me
December whispers of treachery
December clouds are now covering me
December songs no longer I sing


I stumbled upon a facebook fan page today. I had to do a double looked exactly like mine. No... surely not. Oh, Yes. Someone totally face-jacked (like car jacked) my fan page. Could you NOT come up with your own information??? Really? I mean, I stopped plagiarizing in jr high.


* Blayne loves Dr. Pepper.  I know he shouldn't even know what it is, but he does.  He requests milk 99% of the time, so I feel less guilty when I give him the good stuff.

* Emileigh is very independent.  She loves to be put in the middle of her brothers room, surrounded by his toys, and left alone to play with them all.

* Blayne will watch a movie over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....... same one.  I get so tired of hearing the same movie, but he loves it. 

* Grandma will be here tomorrow.  We are going shopping sans kiddos.  I am so excited, it's really sad.

* I could not watch an entire game of soccer for two reasons.  1. I know nothing about the game. 2. That buzzing sound those people are making is driving me insane.  

*watching blayne watch soccer and kick an invisiable ball- priceless.  


** If you are easily offended... do not read this post.  You arent missing much **

So it is 10:50 pm, I am laying on my bed patiently waiting for the Big Brother 12 live feeds to come on. STUPID WEST COASTERS (love ya megs)...

Kevin is playing poker, SURPRISE!!, and is normally very quiet during the process.  I only hear little clicks of the mouse and keystrokes from time to time. 

Then out of the blue, Kevin proclaims, "somebody just told me to 'eat a dick and die'". 

I haven't been able to stop lauging yet.

People get really pissed about their .02 cent poker games online. 


okay, back to big brother. 

Ten on Tuesday

10 Ways to Enjoy the Summer

1.  Laying on the couch under a light blanket watching a movie because the air conditioner is down low.
2.  Home Grown, Vine Ripe Tomato - Picked from the vine, into the mouth before even walking in the house.
3.  12 hours of daylight, meaning less depression!
4.  Summer television shows. AKA- big brother!
5.  Fireworks, before children.  Fireworks with a 9 month old and 2 year old is a whole new experience.
6.  freshly cut grass, it smells and looks so wonderful.
7.  Shorts, flip flops, t-shirts.
8.  Swimming pools, waterparks, water!
9.  Flexible schedules, less rushing, more relaxing.
10. Watching my kids play in the sand box, play outside, and explore. 


* I love watching people, I am a people watcher.
* I belong to a forum 2peas, and it is crazy full of information
* It is my own sorority! 

This is what I posted tonight- Thought I would copy to here.  Pretty much sums up my BB Love.

I have a confession. I have stayed away from 2Peas for a while, you know... life kinda got in the way. But today... that has all changed THERE IS A BIG BROTHER FREAKING FOLLOWING HERE!!!!

I have watched Big Brother since season 1. Thankfully, season 2 was much better and I was hooked. Oh, and the writer's strike... the year we had TWO SEASONS! I love those writers

I am a blessed married mother of two little ba'bees. I refer them as "tots" or mostly the "taylor tots"

Blayne is 2 and Emileigh is 9 months. They are exactly 18 months apart and keep me on my toes. I never thought I would have such perfect kids.

My husband is a Paramedic and works those god-awful 24 hour shifts. You know the kind, where he says, "honey I am at work for twenty-FOUR whole hours, I am tired!" He forgets to add the part about grown men playing xbox 360 for 16 of those said hours, while I have been at home with two toddlers who are in a very heated, very close competition to see who can poo the most during the day!

Before I was a mommy, I worked in the Transportation/Logistics field. I was responsible for making sure 300 Semi's were where they were supposed to be 100% of the time. that job... easy.

We live in OKLAHOMA and are true Boomer Sooners... even during the hard times. We root for anyone who is playing OSU, Nebraska, and Texas with our whole hearts.... unless it is the stinkin national Championship then we will send some sooner magic to those for a fee. " Gotta stay loyal to your conference, right? Nebraska- you are OUT! Jk Jk

So.... BB for me is an outlet. I love other people's drama. I kinda feed off of it and use it to convenience myself that my life isn't as boring as it really is.

I hate being a thread killer, so if you see me post, be kind and at least say, Yo. HA

I have a blog and a facebook- I love freinds!!!!

I can't WAIT to join up with you gals. I hope I am as cool as you all are!.

Do you remember your dreams?

As I stated in a previous post, I have been struggling with blog posting lately.  Sure, I have two very sweet, special children who give me more than enough to re-tell... but I am also wanting a break. 

Anyway, I went to google and did a search.  I came upon this site.  THANK YOU

# 31. caught my attention first. "Do you remember my dreams?"

I have always been a very vivid dreamer.  I can remember when I was a little girl, I would lay in bed at night, reciting the following:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the lord my soul to take.
And please let me have good dreams
even in the morning.
The first part is something that is said millions of times a night, in millions of houses around the world.  It is the second part that I made sure to add.  I am very serious about this.  every night.
When I stayed with my grandparent's, grandma would always say "sweet dreams" before I went to sleep.  She does it to this day, I have always cherished it.  When I was younger I thought that the phrase was magical and would keep the bad dreams away.  I loved to hear her say it.  You know, my grandmother has very special powers :) 
The dreams... oh, the dreams.  When the dreams were good, they were good.   When they were bad... well, let's just say I can still remember them.  The bad ones, they kept coming... over and over and over.

One of the worst ones that I can remember involved a midget.  He lived under my grandmother's table in her kitchen.  He wore green and a brown top hat.  He had facial hair and an ear ring.  *side not: we do not knock when we go to grandma's we just walk in... that is normal*  In my dream, I am walking into my grandmothers house from the back door, turn the corner to go into the kitchen and the guy jumps out from under the table.  He almost grabs me everytime.  I still to this day wake up with a scream.  

Dreams for me aren't always scary.  Sometimes they are purely freaky.  Especially when the below happens:

When living in New Mexico, I would have the same dream over and over.  I would hear bells and see yellow... it would be so strange.  It would occur at the end of a completely different dream, sort of like ending credits.  It didn't frighten me, so I just went with it. 

The first day of school in Roosevelt, Utah I had a 5th period gym glass.  We played basketball and right before the bell rang I had a chill.  The school mascot was a cougar and across the west wall a huge yellow cat was painted.  One of the guys that was playing wore bells on his shoe laces.  Just like the dream.  exactly like the dream
When I moved to Purcell, it was in the spring and because I didn't run track or play slowpitch softball, I enrolled in off-season.  Myself and two girls would go to the gym afterschool to work out.  It wasn't until a couple of weeks later, I was taken into the girls locker room.  Again, I got the chills.  There in the middle of the room was a couch that I had dreamed of since we lived in Utah.  I am very serious.
This happens to me all of the time.  At first, it completely freaked me out.  Now I just look at it like it is a way for me to know I am chosing the correct path.

Lastly, I am very vocal when I sleep.  There were many nights during my senior year that my grandmother spent in my bedroom when I got home.  I always wondered how she knew every.single.thing. i did.  

As I have gotten older, the bad dreams have mostly disappeared.  Now I have daydream fears about my kids! ha.

Sadly though- I think I gave my dream issues to Blayne... he seems to do what I did.  I hope I don't have to teach him my addition to the prayer.

Until next time...


I was on Facebook today, (Surprise!) and stumbled upon the following article: U.S Only Industrialized Nation With No Paid Leave For New Parents

First of all, I am very frustrated with the way facebook has become the place where it is acceptable to regurgitate information you believe to be true and then attempt to force everyone on your friends list. Thus, leaving the rest to endure the comments that most always turn into a stupid virtual argument. stupid.

 That being said, it was very hard for me when I read the article.  I went ahead and linked it to my facebook profile but choose to use my blog as the avenue to leave my opinion. Plus, my blog has SUCKED lately.... I need something with some subtance. 

So, the United States is the only industrialized nation with NO paid leave for new parents, hua?  I can speak from experience, this is true.  When pregnant with Blayne, I resigned from LinkAmerica about 2 months before he was born, and went to work at St. Francis as a Unit Secretary in the cardiac intensive care unit.  (I so wish I would have stayed there.... ) Blayne was born and we started talking about moving back to Muskogee to ake it easier on Kevin.  About a month into being a "stay at home mom" I was literally pulling my hair out.  I was online one day and saw an ad for Arnold Trucking, and submitted my resume.  Long story, but I was offered a position back at Link and accepted.  

When Emileigh was born, I didn't expect to quit work.  I LOVED my job.  I was on bedrest for 6 weeks prior to her entry, and a lot of changes happened during that time.  Although FMLA states I could have kept my job, and have the same position or one equal- that did not happen.  I didn't fight it, shame on me.

During the six weeks I was off (6 of the 12 allowed through FMLA) I was not paid my salary.  To be quite honest, it was hard. Financially speaking, we were still living the same but had substancially less money.  I went back to work when Emileigh was 4 weeks old.  I would have went back at three weeks, but it didn't work out that way.  I went to work purely for the money.  We had bills that needed to be paid. 

I set up a daycare system with Family and thought that we could keep the kids out of daycare.  We moved back to Muskogee because the cost of living seems cheaper (it isn't) and made some big changes.  I worked for a couple of weeks, then decided the best thing to do was to just stay at home with the kids. 

honestly speaking- if I would have continued to receive my salary during my maternity leave, i would still be working today.  I believe this is the case for MANY women.

Gift Idea for your favorite Guy!

Seriously- Can't you see this in your guys' office?

It is only 27 bucks this month- Email me and let's get it ordered!  :)


This girl is now a Scentsy consultant.  I am definately not a salesperson.  I do, however LOVE THIS PRODUCT.  I know that any girl will agree.  I am just starting out - help a girl out and have a party.  I will definately make it worth your while.  You can do a home party (FUN), a book party, or just place an order. 

Who is first?!!!


Why do I watch the finale of the Biggest Loser and think... i could totally win this... and then continue drinking the dr. pepper in my glass and the ice cream in my bowl?



Look at this guy. If you met him on the street, at a party, in church, at your child's school... would you trust him?

I can tell you without a doubt, I would. I tend to be very trusting of people.  I would take one look at this clean shaven, well dressed, well groomed man and think he was a good guy.  You know, one of those guys who spends his weeks working with the kids at the school where he is a principal and weekends mowing his grass and grilling chicken with a beer.  Only one beer though, he has a reputation to uphold.  Sunday would be spent in church working with the youth group, maybe even children's church.  He would hold open the doors for ladies, always compliment them, and listen intently to the stories told and retold by the older ladies of the church.

Yes, I can paint a picture of this man's life with one picture. Even if it is his booking picture. (bet the defense would kill to have me on their jury)

This man is nothing that I wrote above.  Well, not the good stuff.  He is well groomed, clean shaven, and well dressed.  He is also an administrator at a Tulsa elementary school.  That is probably where the good ends.  This man, Robert Yerton, is accused of molesting young men during the past 10 years while holding a role of "safe person".

This blog isn't about whether or not this man is guilty.  Quite frankly, that will be up to a group of his peers.  I pray that this is all a misunderstanding and he isn't guilty of anything charged.

This blog is about the fact that the rose colored glasses I have worn for so long are fading fast.  It scares me to death that I can't protect my child from these predators.  It scares me to death that I trust these folks... but wait!  Aren't you supposed to trust teachers???

I know I can't keep my children with me 24/7 (I do now), so how do I prepare them (and myself) for the big bad world?  Homeschooling is something that keeps popping up in my head... but really?  I would hate myself for allowing my children to miss out on the highs and lows of public school.  Seriously, the friendships, lessons, and well... memories.

How do we keep our children in a bubble?!

Sandbox Birthday

I am a bit behind on posting pictures from Blayne's second birthday...  Seems like I am a bit behind on life in general lately.  

Blayne turned two on March 6, 2010.  I can't even begin to explain how quickly the past 24+ months have flown by.  It makes me very sad when I think that in just two short years, Blayne will be attending Pre-K and getting ready for school.  amazing...

Blayne's Birthday was on a Saturday this year; however, Kevin was taking a class to keep his license for work, so we decided not to have a big party.  We spend the day in Slick with Memaw and Pepaw.  Blayne's favorite place to be in the universe is outside, so he got to play all day!  We went from the Sandbox, to the park, to the swingset, to just running around.  He had a blast. 

My grandparents have had a turtle sandbox since I was a baby.  I mostly remember pretending I was Mr. Rogers when I played it.  You see, I was addicted to Mr, Rogers and he had the best sandbox of all time!!
I can remember playing in it with my friends, cousins... etc.  I remember putting the lid on tip and using it as a trampoline, as my grandparents would NOT buy one for me.   Lots of special memories are in that little sandbox. 

Funny- I guess I was pretty old before I realized that they must have replaced the sandbox again and again... I just thought it was the same old one.

Needless to say, they still have that green turtle sandbox in their back yard.  It isn't under the big tree anymore, the big tree has been cut down... it isn't next to the tire swing either... but it is there!  Jaci and Blayne spend HOURS playing in the box. 

Now- when I was a little girl, there was a rule:  NO THROWING SAND!:  It seems that since a new generation has arrived- that rule is out the window.  At least when it comes to Blayne that is... Now they say, " we can always replace it, Jennifer.  Let the boy play..."  When did they let ME play?  ha.

Below are some shots of Blayne playing in the sandbox on his Birthday.  He had sooo much fun. 

Happy Birthday Blayne, We love you so very much!

Finally - The Elmo shirt he is wearing... he would have lived in it if we would have let him.  everything was ELMO....   I'm all for elmo, love sesame street... but am very glad everything isn't elmo now...


So, Kevin and I were driving home from Slick today and I witnessed the strangest thing.

We were just around the last turn, you know the one, past Kings, before Coles... anyway... the state of Okahoma is replacing the bridge on Highway 16.  There are always a TON of vehicles.

Today we met one of those that pick up the debris off of the highway.  Alas, there was some shredded tire on the highway... The truck was stopped. The guy got out and KICKED THE TRASH IN THE DITCH!!! 


iPhone - 0 Life - 3


April 15 - iPhone went AWOL.  Yes, Absent without leave.  That is huge. 
April 16 - Actually realized phone is missing.  grr
April 17 - Spend the next week without a phone, or with Kevin's... blah blah

April 22 -am: Upgraded my account and brought home new iPhone 3gs
               pm: Brand new pretty phone, fell off kitchen counter and shattered glass.  Yes.

April 23 - Drove to Tulsa, sick as a dog, and spent an obscene amount of cash to replace glass and purchase
                the famed "otter box".  Stupid salesman said it would be water proof.  lair.

May 05 - Blayne decided to see if the phone, that was inside the waterproof otter box, could float. 
                iPhone - 0  Dr. Pepper - 1

Seriously- when does a girl get a break.

Lucky for me- we found the old phone. 

Blayne is definitely his FATHERS CHILD.


I really want to use this blog to spew out a million different thoughts and frustrations. However, that wouldn't only be very inappropriate but I would regret it later, I am sure.  I understand that everyone goes through tough times, frustrating times, aggrivating times.... but today I just want to go outside and SCREAM.  Actually, I don't even have the energy to scream.

Anyone have the winning lottery numbers in the back of your mind?  What about a fee million you could just gift me?  HA. I know.... 

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better and post something sweet and kind about my kids.

part 2

Part 2:

I upgraded. 
It has a Video Camera.

Thought my last post needed a bit of spice.

This was taken :30 seconds before a bath.  2.5 minutes after the last Oreo cookie was eaten. 

I love you, too!

When Blayne was about six weeks old, Kevin came out of the bedroom holding him tightly and said, " I can't wait until he can say 'I love you, too"  I can remember that moment like it was yesterday, etched so deeply in my mind, because for one of the few times in our lives, I knew exactly what he meant.

Growing up, I heard the "i love you's" but never fully understood the impact of hearing it until my son began to say it.  It is much sweeter than I could have ever imagined, you see, Blayne has his very own, special way of saying he loves you.

I ba-lleeeww

It really sounds like, I blew.. but more of a  ba-lew.

It truly is the best sound in the entire universe.  I will hate it when he decides he is much too grown up to speak two year old.