Why do I watch the finale of the Biggest Loser and think... i could totally win this... and then continue drinking the dr. pepper in my glass and the ice cream in my bowl?



Look at this guy. If you met him on the street, at a party, in church, at your child's school... would you trust him?

I can tell you without a doubt, I would. I tend to be very trusting of people.  I would take one look at this clean shaven, well dressed, well groomed man and think he was a good guy.  You know, one of those guys who spends his weeks working with the kids at the school where he is a principal and weekends mowing his grass and grilling chicken with a beer.  Only one beer though, he has a reputation to uphold.  Sunday would be spent in church working with the youth group, maybe even children's church.  He would hold open the doors for ladies, always compliment them, and listen intently to the stories told and retold by the older ladies of the church.

Yes, I can paint a picture of this man's life with one picture. Even if it is his booking picture. (bet the defense would kill to have me on their jury)

This man is nothing that I wrote above.  Well, not the good stuff.  He is well groomed, clean shaven, and well dressed.  He is also an administrator at a Tulsa elementary school.  That is probably where the good ends.  This man, Robert Yerton, is accused of molesting young men during the past 10 years while holding a role of "safe person".

This blog isn't about whether or not this man is guilty.  Quite frankly, that will be up to a group of his peers.  I pray that this is all a misunderstanding and he isn't guilty of anything charged.

This blog is about the fact that the rose colored glasses I have worn for so long are fading fast.  It scares me to death that I can't protect my child from these predators.  It scares me to death that I trust these folks... but wait!  Aren't you supposed to trust teachers???

I know I can't keep my children with me 24/7 (I do now), so how do I prepare them (and myself) for the big bad world?  Homeschooling is something that keeps popping up in my head... but really?  I would hate myself for allowing my children to miss out on the highs and lows of public school.  Seriously, the friendships, lessons, and well... memories.

How do we keep our children in a bubble?!

Sandbox Birthday

I am a bit behind on posting pictures from Blayne's second birthday...  Seems like I am a bit behind on life in general lately.  

Blayne turned two on March 6, 2010.  I can't even begin to explain how quickly the past 24+ months have flown by.  It makes me very sad when I think that in just two short years, Blayne will be attending Pre-K and getting ready for school.  amazing...

Blayne's Birthday was on a Saturday this year; however, Kevin was taking a class to keep his license for work, so we decided not to have a big party.  We spend the day in Slick with Memaw and Pepaw.  Blayne's favorite place to be in the universe is outside, so he got to play all day!  We went from the Sandbox, to the park, to the swingset, to just running around.  He had a blast. 

My grandparents have had a turtle sandbox since I was a baby.  I mostly remember pretending I was Mr. Rogers when I played it.  You see, I was addicted to Mr, Rogers and he had the best sandbox of all time!!
I can remember playing in it with my friends, cousins... etc.  I remember putting the lid on tip and using it as a trampoline, as my grandparents would NOT buy one for me.   Lots of special memories are in that little sandbox. 

Funny- I guess I was pretty old before I realized that they must have replaced the sandbox again and again... I just thought it was the same old one.

Needless to say, they still have that green turtle sandbox in their back yard.  It isn't under the big tree anymore, the big tree has been cut down... it isn't next to the tire swing either... but it is there!  Jaci and Blayne spend HOURS playing in the box. 

Now- when I was a little girl, there was a rule:  NO THROWING SAND!:  It seems that since a new generation has arrived- that rule is out the window.  At least when it comes to Blayne that is... Now they say, " we can always replace it, Jennifer.  Let the boy play..."  When did they let ME play?  ha.

Below are some shots of Blayne playing in the sandbox on his Birthday.  He had sooo much fun. 

Happy Birthday Blayne, We love you so very much!

Finally - The Elmo shirt he is wearing... he would have lived in it if we would have let him.  everything was ELMO....   I'm all for elmo, love sesame street... but am very glad everything isn't elmo now...


So, Kevin and I were driving home from Slick today and I witnessed the strangest thing.

We were just around the last turn, you know the one, past Kings, before Coles... anyway... the state of Okahoma is replacing the bridge on Highway 16.  There are always a TON of vehicles.

Today we met one of those that pick up the debris off of the highway.  Alas, there was some shredded tire on the highway... The truck was stopped. The guy got out and KICKED THE TRASH IN THE DITCH!!! 


iPhone - 0 Life - 3


April 15 - iPhone went AWOL.  Yes, Absent without leave.  That is huge. 
April 16 - Actually realized phone is missing.  grr
April 17 - Spend the next week without a phone, or with Kevin's... blah blah

April 22 -am: Upgraded my account and brought home new iPhone 3gs
               pm: Brand new pretty phone, fell off kitchen counter and shattered glass.  Yes.

April 23 - Drove to Tulsa, sick as a dog, and spent an obscene amount of cash to replace glass and purchase
                the famed "otter box".  Stupid salesman said it would be water proof.  lair.

May 05 - Blayne decided to see if the phone, that was inside the waterproof otter box, could float. 
                iPhone - 0  Dr. Pepper - 1

Seriously- when does a girl get a break.

Lucky for me- we found the old phone. 

Blayne is definitely his FATHERS CHILD.


I really want to use this blog to spew out a million different thoughts and frustrations. However, that wouldn't only be very inappropriate but I would regret it later, I am sure.  I understand that everyone goes through tough times, frustrating times, aggrivating times.... but today I just want to go outside and SCREAM.  Actually, I don't even have the energy to scream.

Anyone have the winning lottery numbers in the back of your mind?  What about a fee million you could just gift me?  HA. I know.... 

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better and post something sweet and kind about my kids.