
Friday night I was accused of being the "worst blogger ever." Or was it, "your blog sucks!"... I cant remember. I try to remind those faithful readers that I am definately... a bad blogger. There was a time I didn't blog for 11 months.... oh, then there was this other time I completely switched the location of my blog and didn't tell anyone. I stand by my disclaimer...

However, I will attempt to be a better blogger. Amy was always known to give me a swift kick when I needed one. :) love you girl.

So, back to Friday night... I was lucky enough to be included in what I hope to become a traditional girls only gathering, coined girls night out or better yet, GNO. 11 gals all whom I graduated high school with met up at the Elm Street Pub in Jenks. We met at 8:30 and left around midnight- its been a while since I have laughed so hard at such craziness. Stories that happened 11 years ago, were bought up and details were remembered as if it was yesterday that Lisa got busted by her parents... 44 times. Or, how Amy almost killed her driving back from BJ's. *off topic, but who the hell names a club BJ's? and Why the hell didn't I think of that 11 years ago?" I would die of hystaria if I heard a bunch of girls running around asking each other if they were going to BJ's this wekend. I am sick.*

It's funny how some people change and others are exactly the same. It's also strange how it doesn't seem like 11 years has passed by. I hope that I continue to meet up with these girls and grow these valued relationships.

I also have been fortunate enought to get back intouch with Kendra and Michael. Michael was and always will be one of my best friends. Its awesome that he and Kevin hit it off ... not so awesome that they tag up on me though. Plth.

After getting home at Midnight, late right? I spent most...well all of Saturday sleeping. Kevin kept Blayne in check so I was able to just sleep. It was so very nice. Sunday was spent at Target getting supplies for Blayne's first birthday party that will be held at Grandma's this Saturday. It's so crazy to me that a year ago I was getting ready to give birth to the most precious thing ever.

Speaking of birthday's, I will leave you with a funny story. I have been asked 33 times, "what does blayne like to play with?" On several occasions, I have stated, " Well, he likes to play with his balls!" Jeez... my poor kid.


This week, baby2 is a kumquat. Because we do not yet know the sex of baby2 I have been referring to her as a HER or the food she is comparable to in size. This week she is kumquat.

I am quite sure that if baby2 is a boy, he will hate me for calling him a her. I can't help it! I need some pink.

Tonight I am going out with about 10 girls from highschool- Its pretty neat that we are all around to catch up. I am really looking forward to it, just hope I can stay awake!

Got rid of the black blog... it just wasn't doing it for me. maybe this weekend I'll find something a little better-

Not diggin the black

Not diggin the black blog... must update..... tonight?

September 23, 2009

Went to the doctor today, edd is 9.23.2009

My baby is the size of a GRAPE!

Valentines Day... Hmph.

This post was going to be about how much I hate Valentines day and how much my husband sucks at the whole... Valentines day crap. This is a known fact that he admits to, willingly. :)

I decided to go a different route. Ten reasons I have the best husband ever...

1. Kevin always goes to QT, Wal-Mart, etc at my whim. Never complains, just gets in the car and goes for whatever I have the craving for at the moment.
2. Kevin gives Blayne the best tickle monster.... Blayne's laughter fills my heart with joy.
3. Kevin NEVER lets me win a fight easily, I had better have a good reason to be pissed...and had better be able to back it up. He ALWAYS hugs me and tells me he loves me after we argue.
4. Kevin never complains about hanging out with my crazy family... He goes right to Slick anytime I get the itch.
5. Kevin does not care that I have a couple of guys in my best friend list. In fact, he hangs out with them and thinks its fun... (or is a very good fibber!)
6. Kevin works his ass off to give me everything my little heart wishes for. It might take a while, but eventually... I get it. Eventually... There are some things I am still waiting for :).
7. Kevin is the best dad in the world. He gets up with Blayne, holds him tight, plays with him, feeds him, and stays home with him when he is sick. Kevin NEVER complains....ever.
8. Kevin has had the hardest childhood imaginable (another post with his permission) and NEVER complains. I thought I had it hard growing up... I can't hold a candle to him. He never complains... I have no idea how strong he is.
9. Kevin is my rock. When my mom died... he held my entire family together. Whatever decision I made, he supported me 110%. No questions asked. It's that level with support with everything I do.
10. He is my best friend. He understands my need to change my mind 50 times before I made a decision, understands that I am very moody, supports all of my hair-brained ideas... like it or not.

Kev- When you finally get around to reading this.... I love you. Happy Valentines Day!


I love to read blogs. Blogs written by people I know, and those who I will never encounter in this lifetime. I love to hear what they say, what they think, agree or not...It's fun.

I also like to watch people. Set me up in the middle of the mall, state fair, or McDonalds. I love to watch people. I get so engrossed with their body language and conversations (if I can hear) that I forget that I am visible. Kevin always warns me that I am going to get beat up... but I can't stop myself. Maybe that's why I love blogs so much. I can peak into someone's life and get a pretty good read without them beating me up.

Don't get me started on Big Brother- I LOVE THAT SHOW. 24/7 people watching and no violence to me.

Blayne has been sick- this kid is HIGH MAINTENANCE! Poor guy. He came down with the stomach virus that has been going around. That and adding yet another ear infection, with tubes mind you, made this a very long week. I have stayed home with him everyday... hopefully I am still employed tomorrow after returning to work. I work for a bunch of men who don't have a clue what their wives do for their children.... that's another post. Sorry.

Anyway- Yesterday we woke up to spots all over Blayne. I immediately thought chicken pox and freaked a little. We quickly called the doctor (who is the greatest by the way!) and drove him over. Dr. Baker took 1 look...a very long look and decided that it was just a viral rash. Thank goodness, this morning it was much better. I was so worried we were going to have chicken pox in the mouth and throat due to Blayne's need to suck on his two fingers at all times.
Tomorrow Blayne will be spending the day in Muskogee with his Doo-Dah (grandma Rita) and will come home completely spoiled!

The other kiddo is still hanging in there. We go to the doctor one week from today to find out how far along we are and estimate a due date. Being that I have no regularity to cycles, I have NO IDEA when she (I am referring to the baby as a she.... wishful thinking) made her appearance. I am guessing 12 weeks, Kevin cheated and guessed 13. You know, closest without going over... plth.

Here's a shout out to my sister Amanda... It's Valentines day! You are whipping the shit out of Nursing School. Way to go girl! :)


Blayne will be a year old in 31 days. How did that happen? It feels like yesterday that I was getting ready for my baby shower, getting his room together, and trying to prepare for this journey. I was clueless, although I listened to every word of wisdom that was spoke in my direction.

This year has had many twists and turns. It began with me planning to stay home with Blayne full time. We were going to move back to Muskogee so Kevin could pick up extra shifts to compensate. That plan lasted for about 5 weeks. I decided that I needed to go back to work and had the opportunity to come back to LinkAmerica.

The decision to put Blayne in daycare was the hardest decision we have had to make to date. I definitely cried the first week. Thankfully, Kevin was home two days out of the week so Blayne only had to be in daycare 3 days. I was guilty everyday for two months, then I realized he loved being around other kids. He loves the interaction.

When Blayne was 2 months old, the ear infections began. By the time he was 6 months, we was getting tubes placed. That was supposed to stop the infections right? We have had 3 since, but it’s better than the 5 before…

Food Allergies are the biggie now. I keep praying that he will outgrow it… I mean, my poor baby can’t even eat a normal birthday cake!! At least he doesn’t know the difference.

I know that 10 years from now, I will be crying much longer and harder. Wondering where the last 10 years have gone instead of the last 11 months… but I still want to pout now.

Superbowl Sunday=1

I love weekends. Especially the ones when I have absolutely nothing planned. The kind that by 8:30 Sunday night, I kinda want to go back to work. Believe me, these don't come often...especially the want to go back to work part. This weekend was a good one.

Blayne slept until 7am Saturday (Saturday is Kevin's day to sleep in) and played with his toys without much mommy audience. I put 1/2 of his toys in his bedroom this weekend as he thinks he is growning up and plays in his room. It's pretty cool. Kevin and I were able to enjoy a pretty lazy day.

Saturday night we broke a cardinal rule and went out to dinner with Doug, Leigh and Jacob. The rule is no dinner after 6:30 with Blayne as he hits the bed by 7pm every night. I forgot about the stinkin rule and made plans... we went to Joe's Crabshack so there was no chance of him sleeping as it is LOUD in there. We got to Joe's around 7:15 and home by 9... the little guy did pretty good for being sooooooo tired.

Sunday is my day to sleep in. I LOVE IT. I have a feeling in a few months, there will be no sleeping in with two kiddos.... so I am taking advantage now while I can.

I spent some time on line yesterday surfing through blogs and such. Being that I went to 5 different high schools, I have a lot of folks I have lost touch with. It's fun to actually find them... I kinda feel like a stalker, but it is all in good humor. I hope to catch up with more guys and gals.

I mentioned to Kevin tonight, while we were watching Blayne stand by himself, "you know, last superbowl we had 0 kids, this superbowl we have 1, and next year 2...that's freaky"

No pics tonight... I need to charge the battery to my camera.