Council Oaks

I enrolled Blayne in a new daycare yesterday, Council Oaks Learning Campus. From the minute I walked in, I felt a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I can not tell you how impressed I was with this facility. AMAZING. The classrooms are large, clean, organized, and smelled good. Children were orderly yet happy. Faces were clean. Blayne actually smiled a few times...
They have a gym in the building which is better then many I have played in throughout high school. The outside play area is wonderful, Blayne did not want to come back in to finish our tour. They have a swimming pool where they teach the children 3 and up to swim with certified red cross lifeguards on hand. It is a 5 star daycare- for real!

The best thing- Aunt Christi works there and Blayne will always have that person checking in on him. THAT is what I love the most.

Now- off to get a lot of work done. Vacation next week and I am NOT answering my cell phone.


**Update** We have a meeting tomorrow with a NEW DAYCARE!

Blayne promoted in Daycare on May 11th. he is the youngest- definately not anywhere near the other children, HATES IT, cries when I leave him, comes home starving... etc.

Since May 11th he has been to daycare a total of 4 days.

Day 1- BIG HUGE fiasco regarding epi-pens and how to use them. My kid has been going to the same daycare with the same directors since he was 6 weeks old. He has had food allergies that require knowing how to administer an epi-pen since he was 6 months old. Blayne is 14 months old and you call me to get directions? I know that I sleep a lot, but come on- YOU WERE TRAINED IN OCTOBER!!!!

Day 2- I have to peel a screaming kid off of me and hand him over to a lady who referrs to him as the "allergy kid" umm excuse me his name is Blayne. What is yours because I have NEVER MET YOU BEFORE. Oh and Blayne is fed somthing that might have cheese on it. Cheese is the #1 no no- the item he is most allergic to. The item that sends himi to the hospital in a big ambulance where he gets to spend a very expensive night in the hospital. not fun

Day 3- I have to again peel a screaming kid off of me. i leave in tears, haven't had to do that since day 1 and not ever going to do it again. Aunt Christy picks Blayne up, no one called to let them know she was going to- they just let him go with her. No phone call to mom, nothing! Good thing she called with him in her Jeep on the way home- I would have wasted a trip. BUT that really isn't the point is it? When I pick him up, she explains that they might have let him eat a goldfish with his snack. Uhhh CHEESE PEOPLE!

Day 4 (today) FINAL STRAW. I drop blayne off in a room FULL of big kids. We are talking at least 8 and 1 teacher. The kid in front of Blayne is clinging to his mother- i am calling him a hollar monkey- Blayne is staring. He isn't crying though- so maybe we are crossing a bridge. I put away all of his things, diapers, cups of soy milk, diaper bag, epi-pens and walk out the door. At 9am I get a phone call from daycare explaining that Blayne has been crying for two hours. Uhhh, I say- He hates his new classroom, does he have a fever? Throwing up? Any medical issue? No they say- he is just tugging at his ears. (surprise) Blayne's ears have been draining for a week (allergies) and they itch. Comes with Tubes... instead of inside drainage we deal with outside drainage. Wipe it off and put him in front of a toy. No medical issues, give them my suggestions and say I will call later to check on him. Hang up
Called back to see if they fed him breakfast. I get, Ummm let me go check. (doh)
Comes back to the phone and says yes. I ask what he is doing now, am told that he is headed outside to play. Outside is Blayne's most favorite place to be. I said I would call back and check on him at 11.
11:00 rolls around and I call. I am told now that my kid has a 99.9 degree temp, crying non stop and needs to come home. I call in reinforcements (gram) and head to BA to pick up Blayne-o.
Upon arrival i find my kid strapped in a chair 20 feet from all of the other kids. He looks so sad. My blood pressure and mommy pissed off meter goes off and I try to keep my cool while the two girls who are supposed to be taking care of my kid give me all kinds of excuses why his face looks like he ate dirt cakes for breakfast and his diaper needs changed. All the while he is trying to get out of the freaking geri-chair!

I pick up the daily record without taking another glance and storm out with my kid. heading to the PED's office because accoriding to the dumbasses at daycare he is sick. GRRRR

I finally look down at the paper and notice they fed blayne waffles for breakfast. i call them, simply ask what the ingredients were and told, eggs, milk, and soy. DING DING DING
I wonder why he was fussy?!!!! his tummy hurt you ignorant idioit.

Walk into Dr. Bakers office 15 minutes later ( I LOVE MY PED) and Blayne's temp is 97 and nothing. We are going to work on his ears a little but other than that FINE AS FROG HAIR.

so- do I just go kick their ass or do what????


This is a first- multiple posts in one day. Weeks go buy without seeing multiple posts. Maybe my new office is inspiring me. I have a LOT on my mind...
  • Wanting to get back to Muskogee. Not ready to buy another house, want to rent for now. Why you ask? Not ready to settle down permanently. Not 100% sure where I want my kids to go to school. LOVE muskogee though, the small town feel with Big town conveniences. I have missed living in Muskogee for a while now... Kevin has taken a little bit to get on board, but I think he is getting better. Now- to find the perfect house. Must have at least 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms and have a fenced in back yard! MUST.
  • Needing a new car- NOT wanting to pay for it. Anyone want to gift me a $10,000 ride to use next year for a tax break? :)
  • MUST get paperwork together and pre-register for my epidural. YES, I am aware I am not due until September- however I will wait until the very last second (just like last time) and miss out on that blessing..... MUST HAVE MEDICATION!
  • Vacation begins next week- actually at 430 this FRIDAY- so far I have the following: Wedding in Tahleuah (yes- that is what the invite said... gotta get my atlas out for that one!) College World Series in OKC, Float Trip down the Illinois, Blayne follow up with Allergy Doctor, Follow up with 15 month check up, pack and spend 3 days in Branson with Gram. I might be ready to come back to work.
  • I am DYING to get crafty- have NO ROOM. GRRRRRRRR

Beware- there might be another post coming soon....


Does it make me weird or old that I am piping KMOD into my office as LOUD as possible?

Catching up

Kevin and I lived in Muskogee when I found out I was pregnant with Blayne. It was August 20th, we had supper at Applebees, I had the ususal. Boneless buffalo wings, fries and a side of broccoli. I almost threw up the broccoli on Kevin's feet. An hour later I was sitting on the side of the tub rocking with excitement.

This year, I spent January 20th with one of our Regional Sales team members, Ken Nance, in Muskogee meeting with customers. As fate would have it, we had lunch at the same Applebee's. I had the same but held the broccoli. When I got home, I sat on the side of the tub as shocked as I could be. My kids were both discovered on the 20th after a meal from Muskogee Applebee's.

That is about all they had in common. I felt the very first week I was going to have a little girl. In fact, Kevin and I called her a her before I ever went to my first doctor's appointment. I dreamed of pink nikes with Blayne.... so I was pretty sure God was going to throw me a bone.

I am lucky to have an ultrasound at each doctor's appointment, and at Week 13 Dr. Parks thought she saw a little piece of boy. I was mad for a minute- then got my head wrapped around two boys 18 months apart and dealt with it. I would confirm on week 17, my next appointment- Surely we would be able to see by then.

Week 17 comes and the little guy is still breach and won't open those stinkin legs. However, Dr. Parks mumbled the word... girl. I brushed it off.

Week 21 comes along and girl is mentioned a little louder. Still baby is breach and legs are still stuck.

Dr. Parks ordered my "big" ultrasound and it was completed last Friday. Third call for Girl. In my life- three strikes and you are out. This girl is buying Pink!

I have needed to blog that for a few weeks- sorry girls and guys- I have a LOT of blogging catchup to do...


and then you have these:

The Stupid Excitement is back...

Now that Bryce might be an Emileigh- I am going NUTS- soooo on the girl band wagon.....
Check these out- I am SOOOO making them.

disappointed to the 47th power.

some days you just want to growl.

Today is that kind of day. I get a phone call from my little sister... she usually doesnt even wake up until 4pm. That should have been my first clue. She was pissed about something my little brother did... something I can't even post for the web to see. However, I am so pissed... I have to vent a little. I thought she was going to tell me that she was pregnant... I think I could have taken that better. They moved into the apartment above us- I am ready to move back to Muskogee yesterday. GRRRRR

19 weeks left until my due date. That is soooooooo soon. i am freaking out a little bit. Not ready at all.

Blayne promoted in daycare today. I got a call from them around 12:00 on my voice mail "Hi Jennifer, Blayne is okay- I just wanted to go over the epi-pen instructions and what food he can't eat. Oh, and also- wanted to know what to do if he has an episode" Seriously? I mean, 8 months ago we sat down together and I spent 30 minutes going over EVERYTHING- are you telling me because he promoted, that you are now paying attention? Oh- and then " cheese? What happens when he eats cheese? Because, I think he had some for lunch" OH MY GAWD.

Needless to say, my husband called them. I am sure he wasn't nice and when I arrive to pick him up they will be shooting daggers at me. Oh well. Bring it on.


Can someone please tell me the winning numbers to the lottery??? I'll share- I promise.