My Story - Introductions

I have been wanting to begin a project for what seems like hundreds of years.  Everytime I sat down to begin this project though, the time just didn't seem appropriate or the feeling just wasn't there for me.

Tonight, the project begins.  The project is titled my story and, well is just that.  My story.

I have an absolute fear of dying before my children really know me.  In a way I guess I plan to write enough down so that they will spend 5 years of mind numbing boredom reading it all someday.  In reality, I wish I had more information from my own mother.

If I write about you. Please do not be offended.  This blog is only my side of the story so feel free to chime in if you have a different version.  Also, this is a very rough draft.  It will be full of typos, grammatical, and spelling errors.  I plan to write from the heart and maybe someday take out my Mrs. Alcorn red marker and do some dirty clean up.  

* I plan to use this post to mark the chapters so it will be edited numerous times.
* I plan to label all posts my story and only the posts pertaining to this project.
* I do not expect this to be completed before Blayne graduates college.  Remember, I suck at blogging.

With that being said and without further ado-

My Story: