I hate packing, I hate loading, I hate unloading and I hate that I can't find a single thing.
I LOVE unpacking though. Stick me in a house full of loaded up boxes and I will be in heaven. All I need is a weekend of un interrupted time and space. I can be an orginzation queen.
Problem is, I have none of it. No time, no space, and interruptions every 2.5 minutes.
My alarm went off this morning at 05:00. I groaned, I slept so well last night. The search began. Box of towls- check. Undergarmets- Check... shoes. Searching. .. ... Ahhh.
I did make it out of the house at 06:01. I pulled into the parking lot at 21st and Memorial at 7:02. score.
i hate moving.
I love that my baby boy got to play outside as much as he wanted to yesterday.
I love that my children will have their own space.
I love that my family is about 15 minutes away
I love that tomorrow- we are gonna carve pumpkins and drink hot chocolate on my front porch.
I love that my children don't understand how hard I work for them, they just care how hard I play with them.
Boomer Sooner
I love autumn! The crisp air, the changing foliage, football, and warm drinks. Blayne is in his room watching Barney and drinking his milk. I LOVE this age.
Today is the Red River shootout, aka OU/texas (hence the crimson font). It begins in a little over two hours. I am making a big pot of chili and beer bread to enjoy during the game and after. We are moving in 7 days and I have yet to pack one single item. I suppose that will be what I do today as well.
I love Saturdays....
i have this fear of making the wrong decision. its a little weird though, this only applies to my personal life decisions. i can be at work throwing decisions down on a dime... sigh.
the biggest decision of my life just happened:
i have flip-flopped a million times. there are some situations at work that made the decision very easy two weeks ago. so easy, i convinced my sweet husband to move back to muskogee immediately and pick up 100 hours of overtime to compensate for my lack of salary. talk about a monkey wrench when i went to talk to the EVP on thursday and i came home with wanting to go back to work.
i work for a transportation company, you know, the big trucks that either you hate because they run you of the road or you love because you get behind them on the interstate and can afford to drive a little faster?
i work with those men and women who are behind the wheel. delivering the freight to our customers who expect it on time no exceptions. hurricane katrina? that was just a rainstorm... talk about a headache.
anyway- i digress.
those people behind the wheel. they have families at home. those people behind the wheel have children at home. children whom they sometimes do not see for weeks at a time, and when they do get home.. it could be for hours. hours that is spent buying food to replenish their pantry and doing 2 weeks worth of laundry. they should be out side playing catch with their children, watching barney... anything. instead, they are getting ready for the next run. because our customers expect that of us.
my customers expect that of me. you see, i have two sets of customers. those that pay me to pick up and deliver their freight to their customers, and those who actually do the work (drivers). my job directly affects so many people... i rock at it, and i don't want to leave!
then i have the two most beautiful babies in the WORLD. babies, i never thought i would have. doctors told me multiple times that i would never carry a baby. adoption was my only answer. those doctors suck. thank goodness.
so i had a decision. back to work, my career that i have worked my heiney off for, or stay at home with my precious babies.
for the last three days i have changed my mind so many times. written lists of pros and cons... cried in restaurants, cried while driving, cried when i held them.... dreamed about the decision i was about to make.
yesterday, i was made an offer. a really good offer. one that is going to make bigger changes to our lives...
it came down to one thing:
we will be living in muskogee. the reason, family. to keep my kiddos out of daycare, i needed someone on the following schedule:
Monday- 5:30 Am to Noonish
Wednesday- 5:30 am to 6:pm ish
Thursday- 5:30 Am to Noonish
because i have the best family and the best friend in the entire world, i have all three covered. and the best part, no daycare. no worrying about pink eye, or stitches, or some idiot feeding my child cheese.
thank you.
thank you Rita, Amanda, Butch, and Leigh. you have allowed me to continue working, for now, and will give my sweet babies what they need. i love each of you, more today than ever. :)
sooo- that's what i have been doing.
back to the office monday morning. 7am. i can't wait.
Okie from Muskoge
Last Friday, Kevin and I spent the day combing the streets of Muskogee for a house. We will be leasing in order to get our feet under us with one income (Guess that is one secret out of the bag hua?). We started with the Muskogee paper and got absolutely nowhere fast. Second, we used word of mouth. There are some great townhouses available.. if you want to spend a lot of cash on about 600 square feet... sheesh.
I was getting very disappointed after the 6th house we looked at. Then I had the brilliant idea of calling a couple of realators. CHA-Ching.
We found a BEAUTIFUL house on six acres in the COUNTRY south of Muskogee. Beautiful I am so excited. I'll post pictures as soon as we take posession around the 22nd. It feels so good, like a dream. This move will allow me to stay at home with my wonderful children, spend a TON of time with my family, and give the opportunity to have my sisters and brother drop by at a moment's notice.
The downside: My husband is trying to kill himself right now working overtime to fund this move. In the next two weeks, Kevin will be putting in around 100 hours of OVERTIME. Yes, that is 180 hours total. It's a good thing he gets to sleep at work... I love him for taking one for the team.
Our office is located at 21st and Memorial and there is an El Chico right up the road. We arrived around 12:30 and was given the BEST table in the entire place. Emileigh was out of the way and away from traffic. SCORE.
We ordered our food, Lynda chicken taquitos and me... Nachos. I remember asking our waiter specifically if there were tomatoes on the food, I didn't want them. He assured me there weren't.
This is what I received:

I promise, this is right out of the kitchen to the table plating. My server could have DIED.
I just took a picture.
Part One
As everyone who got into earshot of me, or was kind enought to read my twitter, facebook status, or blog knows, this little girl took a toll on her momma. Approximately 6 weeks before her birth, she decided she was tired to being in utero and thught it was a good idea to come early. The next 6 weeks were pure torture for her mother... but looking back, I am so glad I got those preciuos weeks.
My doctor decided to induce my delivery at 38 weeks 6 days gestation. I truly believe she did it for my sanity instead of overall health. Maybe she should get a plaque or something, I am sure saved a life or something :).
My last post left off with me leaving the doctor's office for the last time. Blayne went to spend the night with my parents in Muskogee and came home on Saturday. Kevin and I spent one last day as a family of three before Kev went to work on Sunday. Grandma came as usual and hung out until Monday morning when Kevin got home.
We agreed that Blayne would stay with my grandparents in Slick while I was in the hospital. When grandma went home Monday morning, she went ahead and took Blayne with her. I stood on the sidewalk crying so hard when she left with my baby. I know that it was the hormones, but it was so... hard. I really felt like I was cheating him out of something amazing. (I now know better)
I had a list of last minute things I wanted to get accomplished that was a mile long, so Kevin and I got started. I was determined to do all of the items along with him. I guess I just forgot about the previous 6 weeks of going from Bed to Chair to shower.... We went to Babies R Us to look for a Big Brother shirt and walked around for 30 minutes before I asked someone where to find one... I was quickly told, "we are out, sorry." GRRRRRRR I bought Emileigh some socks and left. I was hungry, couldn't decide what I wanted, and we ended up at Teds. It was okay if I could do it over, I would pick McDonalds. About half way through the meal, I start to sweat. Contractions and walking and just being in public got the best of me. So much for item #3-47 on my to do list. We headed straight home for a nap.
Kevin and I took a much needed nap and woke up around 4pm. Kev got started on the list and by 7PM, it was finished. I started to get nervous about the induction and repacked my bags for the 5th time. I packed Kevin's clothes, snacks, etc. Checked and rechecked... by 10pm I was tired. I made a couple of phone calls, took an ambien and went to bed.
I was told to be at the hospital at 5am on Tuesday. My alarm went off at 4am. I drug myself to the shower and left my snoring husband in the bed. My girlfriend Leigh texted me stating she was on the way. At 4:30, Leigh arrived and we were getting things loaded into the Jeep. We got to the hospital, parked and I walked right on up to Labor and Deliver like nothing was going on.
My nurse came out to get me around 5:15 and took us to my room, Myself, Kevin and Leigh. I quickly got into the fashionable gown and planted myself into the bed. I was hooked up to the monitors and had my IV going by 6am. Pitcoin running.
I have to say at this point, the nurses at St. Francis ROCK. My night nurse was so super friendly and easy to talk to... and my day nurse, Karen- Well... I heart her to the moon and back.
This is where the fun stops.
Dr. Parks (I love her) arrived to check on me around 8ish. I was having contractions about 3 minutes apart and was breathing right through them. No worries. Dr. Parks tells me that she is going to break my water. I get on my back and seriously have the worst experience to date. Apparently my bag of water is HIGH and very hard to reach. My girlfriend Leigh was standing by my head telling me how good I was doing with the scariest look on her face. I am telling you IT HURT. It didn't help that I was contracting through them.
Thanksfully, my nurse asked the doctor to put internal monitors on the baby. This allowed me to sit up and move around pretty well. I also received a cathather at this point due to the monitors. I was bed bound. At this point I am dialated to around 2-3 and 60% effaced.
When that ordeal was over, the nurse said she would call the anesthesiologist for my epidural. He arrived around 9am. It was nice to see him because I was having some doozies of contractions at this point. I was ready for some R&R before getting to the baby birthing business.
My nurse ushered everyone out of the room but Kevin and helped me get to the side of the bed. This guy (the anesthesiologist) was more interested in talking than working. This experience was so completely different than with Blayne. I felt everything including the medicine being inserted. It actually felt like it was pooling behind my left knee cap. I was very vocal about this and was told that sometimes that happens, blah blah blah.
The epidural seemed to help and I was back down at 930 resting. By 10am I could feel everything from my pelvic bone north. Not something that is supposed to happen. The nurse called the anesthesiologist back down to my room and he gave me a bolus. BAD MOVE. About 15 minutes after that medication was given, I couldn't feel anything. I seriously lost my hearing. It scared the CRAP out of me. I called for Kevin to get a nurse, something was WRONG and she immediately arrived and started oxygen, upped my fluids, monitored my blood pressure, etc. Eventually I gained my composure and was told the medication dropped my blood pressure. I tried resting again, but woke up within 20 minutes with hard contractions.
At this point, I can not feel my legs at all however can feel every.single.contraction. It is around 11am and I am just having to deal with it.
The anesthesiologist came down again around 1230, gave me another bolus of medication that worked for about 1/2 an hour. The nurse checked and I was between a 3-4. I was devistated at this news. I had been laboring for 6 hours and was exhausted.
**********are you sick of reading yet? Sorry, it gets longer*****************
From 1230 to 130 was the longest hour of my life. I was in so much pain and still could not feel the bottom half of my body. I couldn't even roll over without assistance. Thank goodness Kevin and Leigh love me, because they were my legs. I seriously had no movement. It was a very scary feeling to say the least.
There were about 23 babies born at St. Francis on September 15. My noon, my nurse had delivered 2 and a set of twins for a total of 4 babies already. Needless to say, she was busy.
Around 1:30I could not stand the pain. I had decided that I already couldn't feel my legs, lets get the anesthesiologist in there to dope me up again. I looked forward to the 20 minutes of relief. About this time, Dr. Parks came in. I was conracting every 1.5 minutes and just said, THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!!! She asked when I was last checked, and Leigh told her 1230. She said she would go get my nurse, and left. I waited 15 minutes and couldn't deal, so I pushed the call light and asked them to send in my nurse or get the anesthesiologist down there.
A new nurse came in about 10 minutes later and asked me to roll over so she could check me... Serioulsy? I can't feel my legs. She totally thought I was being a baby. I asked her to wait until the contractions were over...she sighed. I ended up on my back and she checked me. It was 2pm and she asked me to push. I pushed, she said "STOP" you are going to have this baby!! I didn't freaking care, I wanted the pain to stop. I was soaking wet with tears and sweat and she wanted me to push. HELL NO.
Things started getting pretty wild. I was literally begging for them to hurry. My nurse came back in to deliver, dr showed up and Kevin texted my sister (who wanted to be in the room for the birth) at 2:12. Thank goodness Kaitlynn ran, because Emileigh Joann arrived at 2:24. I literally pushed 3 times. I could not feel my legs, but could feel everything else... It was soooooooo bad.
I will write the "rest of the story" later... This is one long one.
Sooo much to say
Plus- All of the pictures are on my camera. I griped at Kevo tonight and do not dare to ask to use the desktop computer... I'll stay with my little laptop in my room :) Sorry baby... it must be the leftover hormones. Love ya.
More tomorrow= sorry for the delay!
Whew... a long one. Updated.
Let's pick up where I left. We went to the doctor two weeks ago (almost) and were given the news baby Emileigh has too much water floating around with her. I came this close to having a full out panic attack (thanks to google) but after a couple of days, decided what will be will be. I chilled.
That was Thursday, on Friday Dr Parks called and said that EmJ's bladder and kidneys looked good and stay off of google. She reminded me that she would be on Vaca the next week and if I were to go into labor it would be okay with her. Plth.
Saturday my girlfriend Leigh came up and we had pedicures. AWESOME- and then watched the OU BYU game. Ewww. Funny thing: I was petrified that my water would break while getting my toes done, so I refused to go to Walmart. Leigh and I went to this little place right by the house (right off of Riverside next to Camilles) and settled in to pampering bliss. I was doing just fine until the massage chair started thumping my lower back. I am sure that we were the topic of some funny conversations while we tried to figure out how to turn that thing OFF.
It was trying to beat the kid out of me... sheesh. Oh well, way worth it and my toes are painted to boot.
Sunday came, Kevin went to work and Grandma came to stay. She, for the last six weeks, has been coming on Wednesday's and Sunday's to stay with Blayne and me while Kevo went to work. Such a nice blessing. She does laundry and cooks and does all that stuff... LOVE IT, WILL MISS IT.
Monday was Labor day, we hung out and did absolutely nothing.... I became a little nervous knowing that my Doctor was officially off for the week.
Thursday came and with it brought my stupid birthday. I was really looking forward to getting to see the doctor and getting the non-stress test done that was ordered the week before. I woke up bright and early 7am and called the hospital. I was shut down before I could get half of my request out. NO ROOM AT THE INN! At 1130, I called back (as requested by the super hateful inn keeper from earlier) and was told NO. Ms. Nice (or heiney) was kind enough to tell me "they can do that procedure in the doctor's office!"
I hung up, and cried. My hormones are way out of wack and I really just want some assurance this little girl is okay.
I had to wait until 2pm to see the doctor and time went sllllooooooooooow. I got to the office and after the long walk was contracting. I sat down in front of "new nurse" and she proceeded to ask me if I wanted a Flu shot... Ugh- NO. I want nothing but to know my baby is okay. She then asked me if I wanted to be Checked. I am sure I looked at her like she was Shrek because her reaction was priceless. I simply said "Sure, I have no idea what I want... I have never been this far before... aren't YOU the one in charge?"
She laughed (I think she wanted to punch me) and I watched her proceed into an exam room. I went to the bathroom to leave a little urine in the cup (TOTALLY DIFFERENT POST TO COME) and moseyed my way to the room.
When I arrived, I didn't notice an ultrasound machine. Nurse walked in and I asked, "am I not getting an ultrasound?" She replied "ugh, no" to which I came this close again to a meltdown. I explained that is the only reason I was there and something about too much fluid and well...she quickly left the room to chat with the doctor.
3 seconds later she returned and took me to Dr. Razdon's ultrasound room. Whew.
During the ultrasound, I was lost. I am used to Dr. Parks' machine and can usually read the estimates. This machine was ancient and didn't give them. I asked if she could tell me how much she weighed and was told NO. "Dr parks didn't ask me to do that" WHAT??? Are you effing kidding me? I started to melt again, on the inside... but got over it pretty quickly. I decided Dr. Razdon was pretty cool. I explained my fear of a C-section and she put my mind at semi-ease.
I did get an induction date of September 15th and asked to arrive at 05:00! Due to the whole earlier episode with the inn keeper at St. Francis, Dr. Razdon advised not to call ahead, just show up. I laughed. She did a bio-physical profile of the baby and decided we looked pretty darn good.
I came home, and got ready for Blayne to go stay with my Dad and Rita (papa and doodah) and get ready for a long awaited dinner out. It was my birthday after all :)
Blayne stayed in Muskogee until Saturday. Yesterday was a typical Sunday with Gram, and today has been spent doing any last minute things. Like Blogging. HA.
Blayne went to Slick with Meemaw and will stay there until we come home... I am FREAKING OUT.
I think that waiting 6 weeks then getting an induction is way worse than having your water spontaneously bust...
I'll update more later!
Polyhydramnios: Too Much Amniotic Fluid
Here is the scoop:
Everyone knows that I have been on lock down for the last 5 weeks. I have literally moved from my bed, to my recliner, to my couch. The times I have tried to escape and take a journey, I have either landed in the hospital or on my bed with riveting contractions, both suck.
Today Kevin and I went to the doctor at 11:30. We are on weekly visits now, and I was really looking forward to seeing the doc. Last week, week 36, I had the Strep B test so I was not able to have my normal ultrasound. I was having some "ahem" complications in the bathroom department (sorry, but I have to explain) and melted down in Dr. Park's office. She suggested a couple of OTC medications and asked if I needed a small dose of anti-depressant. Kevin assured her that I was just really tired from not getting any sleep, so I left with a prescription of Ambien.
Although we got to hear the heartbeat, the visit was less than incredible. I did not get the chance to talk about my fear of having a C-section due to this baby being so much bigger than Blayne. (Blayne had to be suctioned out) Oh- forgot to add, last week I gained 8 pounds. I chalked it up to being in my "condition" and didn't think anything else about it. I knew it wasn't from eating, because.. I just can't eat.
This week, I felt much better and was really looking forward to the visit. I knew that we would be having our ultrasound, and I would be able to bring up the baby's weight then. I got to the doctor, and went right in. My blood pressure rocks and proceeded to the scale. I gasped when I gained another 8 pounds!! Guys, I have lost weight every appointment.... gaining 16 pounds in 3 weeks, 8 pounds in one week... a little weird. I got off the scale, prepared for a lecture, trying to figure out where the weight was coming from and sat for my turn in the ultrasound room.
Once inside, Dr. Parks came in smiling and greeting us. She asked me to lay back and measured my tummy. This is where the visit went down hill. She immediately lost her smile and mentioned to me that I was huge. "Really?? Because I thought I was looking good doc!" She started pushing around and asked if I could breathe okay and if I was in much pain. Ugh, yes... more pain than I can describe at times. It feels like my insides are going to fall out!
She began the ultrasound and immediately became concerned. "you have too much water!" As in there is way too much water around the baby.
Apparently the 15 pounds I am gaining... all going to the uterus and surrounding the baby. She measured the baby's belly, then took a different angle she preferred. She mentioned that Emileigh is stretched head to toe, (no kidding!) and began looking for her kidney's. She did state that her kidneys looked okay.
I asked if we could induce Friday, she said they (i am assuming insurance) won't let her. She did state that I really needed to go into labor this weekend though, and began giving me pointers in how to start the process.
Dr. Parks is going to be on Vacation next Tuesday through Friday, so if anything happens then, I will see one of her associates. I'm okay with that, but a little nervous. She did state that she was going to do some research and we might induce this Sunday- I am way for that. Please say a little prayer....
Last bit of advice she gave me, when my water breaks- it's going to gush. That made me chuckle a little. I guess public outings are off limits right now!
Anyway... I still had some questions, so Kevin and I googled when I got home. BIG MISTAKE!
Polyhydramnios- Here is the link.... Say a little prayer this is just a freak thing, that my water will break this weekend, and baby Em will have absolutely no heart or swallowing issues.
Thanks for taking the time to read this- it really means a lot to me.
Blayne got kicked out of daycare today for having pink eye- that is an entirely different post! ahhhh kids!
Week 36- Boop?

We have made it! Technically, we can go forward. I can officially say, "any day now" and truly mean it. On one hand, that is so exciting- I have been ready for 4.5 weeks. On the other hand, I am getting nervous. Blayne was such a good baby, I am worried Em is going to be opposite!
I am just ready to meet my little princess.
When I was pregnant with Blayne, Kevin called him peanut. It wore me out! I was so worried that he was going to call him peanut until he graduated high school. Here I was imagining sitting in the baseball stands listening to my husband call out " WAY TO GO PEANUT!!!" I still cringe.
When Blayne arrived, the first thing Kevin said was, "I love you Boog." I can remember choking on my water and looking at him, "Boog??" Kevin couldn't explain where it came from, but it stuck. I catch myself calling Blayne boog all of the time. Jeez, Can you imagine us at that same baseball game? "GOOD CATCH BOOG!!!" He is going to KILL US.
I say that to explain this:
What are we going to call Emileigh? Her name is Emileigh Joann Taylor. I always wanted to name her Mattie Joann and was vetoed about 4 months ago. Kevin said it looked too old and just didn't like it. The name was important to me because Mattie was my grandmother's grandmother and Joann is my grandmother. I also wanted to shorten it and call her MJ.
Kevin fussed and I agreed to change her first name, but not her middle.
I am big on names, being named for a purpose. Blayne has my grandpa's name for his middle name. Big shoes to fill in my opinion.
Unfortunately, Kevin's family was full of men and his mother HATED her name. Irene Betty. Kevin assured me that if we named our baby girl either of those she would haunt us for the rest of our life.
So we thought and thought and fretted. Finally, one day while at work I came up with a couple of names, one of which was Emily.
Now, as much as I want names to be meaningful, I want them to be beautiful and original as well. You would understand if you grew up as a Jennifer. Trust me- there are bazillions of us.
As I was saying Emily Joann, I realized I had my MJ... It's now Em-J. :) SCORE.
My only hesitation was the commonness of the name. There are a LOT of little girls named Emily. How would I make my little girl, unique?
Then it hit me. Leigh. Leigh is one of the angels God placed in my life during a very turbulent time. My parents had just divorced, I just married Kevin (that was a good thing), my little brother and sister were being torn in a very ugly custody battle. My little sister was 14 and pregnant when I was told I would NEVER have biological children. My little sister's baby was born and died at 24 weeks. I started a new job, my mother died... I really could go on, but that hits the major points.
Leigh was the person who lived down the street and was available 24/7. I relied on her strength more than she will ever know. There were times I just sat and cried and she listened. There were times that I had some really stupid things to say, she never criticized and supported me 100%. She was the best thing that happened to me and I can honestly say, held me together for two years. She and Kevin. I always tell her that she is the female version of my husband, they are so much alike.
When I decided to name my baby girl Emileigh, it is truly to honor the friendship God gave me. It is the only way I can begin to thank her.
Okay- So now I have my baby girl officially named, what are we going to "call" her? Em-J comes out of my mouth now.... Baby girl is what her daddy calls her.
Usually nick names come out of the air, kinda like Boog did. We haven't put much thought in it and just decided to wait until something landed. A few nights ago, Kevin was telling me a story about his family. He never does this, so when he does I pay especially good attention. He was talking about his mother's friend coming by and telling them about some night crawlers (worms good for fishing) down the ally way and how when he was little he hated to touch worms as they reminded him of snakes. Apparently she came in the house and said, "Boop- there are a million worms down the way. You oughta send your boys down to get them." I stopped him mid-stream, "Boop?" It was confirmed. Kevin's mother (Betty) collected Betty Boop items. Hence- Boop. At that moment, my precious little Emileigh was renamed by her daddy. "Boop" after her grandmother Betty Taylor.
I have a feeling we won't be haunted by my mother in law... maybe my teenager in a few years...
Instead- I am going to blog what I am thankful for:
1. I am thankful that my little girl is 4 days from being 36 weeks in utero. Once we get that far, we avoid the nasty NICU (baring any irregular complications) and once contractions start, the nice nurses at the hospital will help them along.
2. I am thankful that I have got to spend so much time watching Blayne. 18 months has got to be the best time so far. I know, I have talked about how much I love all of the phases, but to date, I am loving this stage. He is trying to communicate, can say most things he puts his mind go, loves to laugh, play and smile. He is such a good baby. He minds so well and takes the BEST naps ever.
3. I am thankful that my Grandma cares enough to come twice a week so I am not by myself. It is so nice to just have her here. Most of you (well some of you) know that I was raised my my paternal grandmother. Although she was not who I lived with during my childhood and teen years (until 171/2) she was a consistent, stable, person in my life. She made sure I had the values that were not considered important by my parents.
4. I am thankful for my friends. Their facebook comments, text messages, and just support is awesome. It is such a weird feeling to count on the computer/internet to connect to the outside world. Thanks guys- truly, I appreciate it so much.
5. My stinkin husband. He listens to me whine and gripe and complain. He let's me yell at him for no reason, get frustrated when he doesn't read my mind, or say exactly what I wanted him to. He doesn't get frustrated with me. He tries to just listen and let me vent. He gets quiet at times, but that is to be expected- I whould have shot me by this point.
Here is to another day. We did spend about 5.5 hours at the hospital again last night. Emileigh's heartrate was high, mine was high, and I have either chilled or sweated for the last 3 days straight. Due to the sweating my potassium was low... oh well. I can deal!!
I do not want my positive post to go negative, so I will stop there. Besides, I have lost my cell phone and need to find that dude.
Love- Jen
Splish Splash
35 weeks- almost there... so over this!

Dude- this little girl is getting B-I-G. I am really ready for this to be over. I just keep thinking... two more weeks. Emileigh will be considered "full term" at 37 weeks... I will then be BEGGING for an induction. :)
The last three weeks have left me at home to do little of nothing. The first week, I abided by the rules. Then I got bored and started breaking them here and there. The doctor prescribed some medications to keep the contractions tame, and I was allowed to stop taking it when they subsided.
Fast forward to this past Monday. Blayne went to daycare as usual, Kevin came home from work and we spend the day staring at each other. Booooring. He went to pick up Boog and got home around 5ish. There were some big kids playing with a big blue ball outside. Blayne had a meltdown because he wanted to play. He doesn't understand he is just a little guy and balls are his favorite toy.
After dragging the little guy in the house kicking and screaming, I had the brilliant idea to take him to the Jenks splash pad and to McDonald's for dinner. Water is his absolute favorite thing- the kid is a fish.
Kevin agreed, but asked if I was sure I was up to it. I had been in the dang house for weeks- I NEEDED the break. (Big Mistake)
I gathered Blayne's water diaper, swim trunks, and shirt. Kevin gathered the kicking kid- off we were to Jenks. While walking to the Jeep, I felt a little pang. It hurt, bad. Took my breath away, but I was determined to get out of jail and refused to say anything.
We went to McDonalds, Blayne ate his chicken nugget happy meal, then we walked to the splash pad. For an hour blayne played . I had SOOOOO much fun watching him laugh and smile and play... It did a girl good. We came home around 730ish, kevin gave blayne a bath and I sat down in the recliner to rest. Then they started. By the time Bathtime was over, I was timing the contractions to be 12 minutes apart.
I have strict instructions to go to the hospital on anything 10 or less... so I hold by breath. 1/2 an hour later, I am on the phone with backup. Jeff and Christie came to pick up Blayne to spend the night and we are off to the Hospital.
I get to the hospital and we are looking at contractions 5 minutes apart. At this point- I am PRAYING for my water to break. No luck (thankfully) I get two shots and a reservation to sleep in the most uncomfortable bed for the night. Plth.
Came home Monday- woke up to contractions again... this is getting old... Dr tells me to double up on meds and DO NOTHING.
Needless to say, I have made a permanent spot on the recliner, bed, and have watched everything I could on the internet. I actually think I have make it to the END of the internet.
Anyway- that is my week. Grandma came to stay with me yesterday and last night, she is a godsend. Plus she made homemade chicken and noodles- YUM.
I need to upload the pics from the splashpad- they are toooo cute.
Okay - Vent over...
Until next time:
HGTV, Food Network, and Prison
I always wanted to stay at home... until it happened. I feel like a prisioner in my own house! I guess the end result will be well worth it though.
I have been cooking A LOT. It is amazing how much money you actually save by cooking instead of eating out all of the time. I hope that is one change I will stick to.
Blayne is going so good. He is teething again, this time his molars. These puppies are the WORST to get poked through. He does really well during the day, but at night he turns into an animal. I have to remind myself that he is just a little guy.... The next morning, when he wakes up and smiles though, all of the pain the night before was well worth it. I guess I shouldn't complain. I could be working 80+ hours and dealing with this crap. At least I get to take a nap with him during the day.
My niece Susan has stumbled upon my blog... She is such a sweetie. I have only got to meet her in person once, she is a traveler (lucky duck) but I wanted to give her a little loving shout out. She and Kevin look more like brother and sister than anyone I know.. I think it's cute. When people tell me that Kevin looks like his daddy, I playfully disagree and say he looks like his cousin Susan :) HA
I have grown obsessed with HGTV and Food Network while in lockup. I have the nesting urge to cook 3 meals a day while re-finishing the entire place, then next week heading to the grandparents and working on theirs... Oh, then I wake up.
I guess I have rambled on enough- Until next time...
in reality, i haven't been to work in 2 weeks tomorrow and really have avoided anything that makes me use my brain. you can find me on facebook- brain rot to the max :) really just spending my time clicking little squares "farming" or whatever... see- told you ... brain rot.
today was a little different. kevo works two 24 hour shifts right now, Sunday and Wednesday. so my little brother came to babysit i.e. help me take care of me and blayne while i am on house arrest until this little girl decides to make her grand entrance.
anyway- my house is clean (with the exception of boogs toys in the living room) and I am not allowed to go anywhere, so I sat my rear in front of the computer and played with photoshop a little bit. enough to make me want to learn sooooo much more about it. enough to make me want to win the jackpot at the cherokee casino and plop down the $3,500 for the suite instead of just running elements....
i guess the thing that frustrates me the most though: i spent 90% of my day organizing my computer. tagging photos, tagging brushes, downloading new brushes, downloading new everythings-
the next thing i know- i am on myspace completing an extreme makover....

Yeah- that's exactly what mommy was saying... duck.
Way too early
I will be asleep at 7PM tonight- Mark my words.
I have been awake since 01:30.
On the bubble
Job- in the bag! WOOOO HOOOOO
Need the house thingy to come through for me.
Still have not heard about the J.O.B.
Still have not heard about the House
I am going crazy!!! I was not born with an ounce of patience...
so I updated my template
and i love the update.
1. Last Friday, I left work feeling pretty good with a decision and a change. I had spend A LOT of time with the decision I made and spent many hours of MY.OWN.SLEEP.TIME. tossing it over and over in my head. Friday- I was comfortable with the decision, no I was freaking excited. I was stupid excited. All weekend long, I had this anticipation of Monday. seriously- that never happens. I come into work, all gung ho- and nothing. Nothing. At 10:45 I go on a search and uncover the "well, your thing is on hold" WTF? You put my "deal" on hold and don't have the guts to at least ring my extension and tell me? Better yet, You call me all of the time to check the damn weather, and it doesn't cross your mind this might be worth a phone call???? Needless to say, something good better come out of this little "deal" or I will be one pissed off person.
2. We found a house. Just a rental for now, but it is perfect. Move in date August 1st, 3 bedrooms, fenced in yard with a much larger outside area perfect for a garden. Great area- 2 miles from Blayne's daycare... etc. etc. I get the paperwork together today to send and shoot the prospective landlord an email. To which she replies a bunch of bullcrap meant for someone else! Looks like we are one of the final 3 people to be selected. Dude- not sure I can even bear to wait 24 hours. JUST PICK US ALREADY!!! GEEZ.
3. My sister- My heart is breaking for a million reasons. Mainly- because she feels unloved or unappreciated, I am not sure which.
She picked up and jetted off to Texas, that I am not upset that she went to Texas, she is young and single and well, GO! I would love to have had the luxury to pick up and go at a moments notice. I am upset with the way she left, and the comments she gives. I have lost sleep over this- but have decided she is a big girl now. Kaitlynn, I hope you find the happiness you so desperately are looking for. I hope that one day you will truly understand that Family is really all you have and no matter what, they love you. Your family doesn't have to like you 100% of the time, but love is built in. you know the whole, blood is thicker than water?
I feel a little better- will do some work (what, I have no idea...remember I am in limbo) and see if I can't get this day to pass a little quicker.
What!! A post??? HA!
When I was a kid, I used to write in a journal- its fun to go back and look at the ones that have followed me through life. Some things I read I turn red from embarrassment, others I go right back to the time and place as if I had just lived it. Boyfriends, heartbreaks, moves, arguments, trials, wins, hopes and dreams - we all remember those times.
I have this journal that when you open the back, there are little colored dots all over the back. You know, the kind of dots you used to price garage sale items? Oh hell- These:

So anyway- I would take them and put them on the back of my journal and then write as small as I could the name of my friend and their phone number. Yes, this was back before everyone and their 2year old had cell phones...when we actually remembered phone numbers, used a phone book and could call someone to get us out of Jail by memory.
i digress..
The funny thing, there were names on the little dots of people I can't for the life remember. And funnier, there are names of people I secretly wanted to know- you know, the cool older crowd. I spent a lot of time wondering when I moved away what exactly I was missing and what the cool kids would end up to be. Its funny to actually now, know.
Moving on... tomorrow is the first day of my third-trimester. People- we are getting down to the wire. I am absolutely not ready at all. On a serious note, I really just need bottles, diapers, and wipes, formula, and butt paste... but I want all of the cutsie girl stuff. I just have no place to store it. I suppose I will make a trip to wal-mart and invest in some plastic cubes. Not the best option, but useful for storage later.
Work has been a handful- I am just hoping the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the train.
My little brother went through a program last summer for a number of different reasons, it helped him become a better guy and for that it was worth all of the trouble. One of the projects he was assigned was to journal the earliest memory he had then journal one page for ever year of his life thereafter. I believe that is the direction I will go with this blog. Lord knows I have a LOT to say and need to get written. I am hoping that it will be a cleansing- as well as something I can look back on in 5 years and see a different angle, much like the journaling I began this post with. Hang in there with me, I am sure that I won't keep up with daily posts and will definately deter and have to find my way back on the correct route, but at least I have a plan.
If you are completely bored- just move on. But accept my sincerest apologies. It is my greatest fear not to get stories journaled for my children, especially if the unimaginable happens with their mother. I always want my kids to know that they are loved and where their momma came from.
Now... to find a clever catchy name.....
I'll post a couple of pics of Blayne- I haven't in a few:
And last but not least... my two favorite boys....
Vacation is over
Vacation: Day 1
I do think it is funny that it is airing the same night at the Spencer/Heidi wedden'
Brain Rot- Completely.
Kevin worked today, I spent the day cleaning carpets and playing with Blayne. We moved all of his toys from the living room to his bedroom. It was fun watching him play. I loved it.
Tomorrow we have two dr's appointment (ENT and PED) so we will be busy with that and sticking two nap times in between. Wednesday is an appointment with the allergy doctor then Thursday is BRANSON!!!
Off to eat dinner- I am STARVING. I forget to eat when I am not at work. weird.
Council Oaks
They have a gym in the building which is better then many I have played in throughout high school. The outside play area is wonderful, Blayne did not want to come back in to finish our tour. They have a swimming pool where they teach the children 3 and up to swim with certified red cross lifeguards on hand. It is a 5 star daycare- for real!
The best thing- Aunt Christi works there and Blayne will always have that person checking in on him. THAT is what I love the most.
Now- off to get a lot of work done. Vacation next week and I am NOT answering my cell phone.
Blayne promoted in Daycare on May 11th. he is the youngest- definately not anywhere near the other children, HATES IT, cries when I leave him, comes home starving... etc.
Since May 11th he has been to daycare a total of 4 days.
Day 1- BIG HUGE fiasco regarding epi-pens and how to use them. My kid has been going to the same daycare with the same directors since he was 6 weeks old. He has had food allergies that require knowing how to administer an epi-pen since he was 6 months old. Blayne is 14 months old and you call me to get directions? I know that I sleep a lot, but come on- YOU WERE TRAINED IN OCTOBER!!!!
Day 2- I have to peel a screaming kid off of me and hand him over to a lady who referrs to him as the "allergy kid" umm excuse me his name is Blayne. What is yours because I have NEVER MET YOU BEFORE. Oh and Blayne is fed somthing that might have cheese on it. Cheese is the #1 no no- the item he is most allergic to. The item that sends himi to the hospital in a big ambulance where he gets to spend a very expensive night in the hospital. not fun
Day 3- I have to again peel a screaming kid off of me. i leave in tears, haven't had to do that since day 1 and not ever going to do it again. Aunt Christy picks Blayne up, no one called to let them know she was going to- they just let him go with her. No phone call to mom, nothing! Good thing she called with him in her Jeep on the way home- I would have wasted a trip. BUT that really isn't the point is it? When I pick him up, she explains that they might have let him eat a goldfish with his snack. Uhhh CHEESE PEOPLE!
Day 4 (today) FINAL STRAW. I drop blayne off in a room FULL of big kids. We are talking at least 8 and 1 teacher. The kid in front of Blayne is clinging to his mother- i am calling him a hollar monkey- Blayne is staring. He isn't crying though- so maybe we are crossing a bridge. I put away all of his things, diapers, cups of soy milk, diaper bag, epi-pens and walk out the door. At 9am I get a phone call from daycare explaining that Blayne has been crying for two hours. Uhhh, I say- He hates his new classroom, does he have a fever? Throwing up? Any medical issue? No they say- he is just tugging at his ears. (surprise) Blayne's ears have been draining for a week (allergies) and they itch. Comes with Tubes... instead of inside drainage we deal with outside drainage. Wipe it off and put him in front of a toy. No medical issues, give them my suggestions and say I will call later to check on him. Hang up
Called back to see if they fed him breakfast. I get, Ummm let me go check. (doh)
Comes back to the phone and says yes. I ask what he is doing now, am told that he is headed outside to play. Outside is Blayne's most favorite place to be. I said I would call back and check on him at 11.
11:00 rolls around and I call. I am told now that my kid has a 99.9 degree temp, crying non stop and needs to come home. I call in reinforcements (gram) and head to BA to pick up Blayne-o.
Upon arrival i find my kid strapped in a chair 20 feet from all of the other kids. He looks so sad. My blood pressure and mommy pissed off meter goes off and I try to keep my cool while the two girls who are supposed to be taking care of my kid give me all kinds of excuses why his face looks like he ate dirt cakes for breakfast and his diaper needs changed. All the while he is trying to get out of the freaking geri-chair!
I pick up the daily record without taking another glance and storm out with my kid. heading to the PED's office because accoriding to the dumbasses at daycare he is sick. GRRRR
I finally look down at the paper and notice they fed blayne waffles for breakfast. i call them, simply ask what the ingredients were and told, eggs, milk, and soy. DING DING DING
I wonder why he was fussy?!!!! his tummy hurt you ignorant idioit.
Walk into Dr. Bakers office 15 minutes later ( I LOVE MY PED) and Blayne's temp is 97 and nothing. We are going to work on his ears a little but other than that FINE AS FROG HAIR.
so- do I just go kick their ass or do what????
- Wanting to get back to Muskogee. Not ready to buy another house, want to rent for now. Why you ask? Not ready to settle down permanently. Not 100% sure where I want my kids to go to school. LOVE muskogee though, the small town feel with Big town conveniences. I have missed living in Muskogee for a while now... Kevin has taken a little bit to get on board, but I think he is getting better. Now- to find the perfect house. Must have at least 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms and have a fenced in back yard! MUST.
- Needing a new car- NOT wanting to pay for it. Anyone want to gift me a $10,000 ride to use next year for a tax break? :)
- MUST get paperwork together and pre-register for my epidural. YES, I am aware I am not due until September- however I will wait until the very last second (just like last time) and miss out on that blessing..... MUST HAVE MEDICATION!
- Vacation begins next week- actually at 430 this FRIDAY- so far I have the following: Wedding in Tahleuah (yes- that is what the invite said... gotta get my atlas out for that one!) College World Series in OKC, Float Trip down the Illinois, Blayne follow up with Allergy Doctor, Follow up with 15 month check up, pack and spend 3 days in Branson with Gram. I might be ready to come back to work.
- I am DYING to get crafty- have NO ROOM. GRRRRRRRR
Beware- there might be another post coming soon....
Catching up
This year, I spent January 20th with one of our Regional Sales team members, Ken Nance, in Muskogee meeting with customers. As fate would have it, we had lunch at the same Applebee's. I had the same but held the broccoli. When I got home, I sat on the side of the tub as shocked as I could be. My kids were both discovered on the 20th after a meal from Muskogee Applebee's.
That is about all they had in common. I felt the very first week I was going to have a little girl. In fact, Kevin and I called her a her before I ever went to my first doctor's appointment. I dreamed of pink nikes with Blayne.... so I was pretty sure God was going to throw me a bone.
I am lucky to have an ultrasound at each doctor's appointment, and at Week 13 Dr. Parks thought she saw a little piece of boy. I was mad for a minute- then got my head wrapped around two boys 18 months apart and dealt with it. I would confirm on week 17, my next appointment- Surely we would be able to see by then.
Week 17 comes and the little guy is still breach and won't open those stinkin legs. However, Dr. Parks mumbled the word... girl. I brushed it off.
Week 21 comes along and girl is mentioned a little louder. Still baby is breach and legs are still stuck.
Dr. Parks ordered my "big" ultrasound and it was completed last Friday. Third call for Girl. In my life- three strikes and you are out. This girl is buying Pink!
I have needed to blog that for a few weeks- sorry girls and guys- I have a LOT of blogging catchup to do...
The Stupid Excitement is back...
disappointed to the 47th power.
Today is that kind of day. I get a phone call from my little sister... she usually doesnt even wake up until 4pm. That should have been my first clue. She was pissed about something my little brother did... something I can't even post for the web to see. However, I am so pissed... I have to vent a little. I thought she was going to tell me that she was pregnant... I think I could have taken that better. They moved into the apartment above us- I am ready to move back to Muskogee yesterday. GRRRRR
19 weeks left until my due date. That is soooooooo soon. i am freaking out a little bit. Not ready at all.
Blayne promoted in daycare today. I got a call from them around 12:00 on my voice mail "Hi Jennifer, Blayne is okay- I just wanted to go over the epi-pen instructions and what food he can't eat. Oh, and also- wanted to know what to do if he has an episode" Seriously? I mean, 8 months ago we sat down together and I spent 30 minutes going over EVERYTHING- are you telling me because he promoted, that you are now paying attention? Oh- and then " cheese? What happens when he eats cheese? Because, I think he had some for lunch" OH MY GAWD.
Needless to say, my husband called them. I am sure he wasn't nice and when I arrive to pick him up they will be shooting daggers at me. Oh well. Bring it on.
Can someone please tell me the winning numbers to the lottery??? I'll share- I promise.
Blayne had surgery last Thursday, he had his adenoids removed along with the tubes in his ears replaced. His tonsils were not removed... guess Dr. Brownlee wants to wait to do that later, if necessary. I'm glad... I just hope this will cure the ear infections.
Surgery went well...Blayne had a bit of trouble with the anesthesia. We were at the hospital a bit longer than normal, but once we got home Blayne settled down.
Friday was a pretty good day, I stayed home Thursday and Friday with Blayne. We played outside a bit on Friday (Blayne's favorite thing to do) and didn't go anywhere. He slept well Friday night and seemed to be feeling good.
Yesterday, we had to be in Muskogee at 9:!5 to do some bloodwork for our Insurance company. Routine draw, but man... I was starving. We went to MCEMS to get the work done, then stopped by dads. Blayne played with Dad and Rita's dog, maggie and we walked through the greenhouse and garden. It is beautiful...I should have snapped some pictures. Dangit.
After visiting with the grandparents, we went to Pauls' Diner in Muskogee for breakfast. Blayne was very good, eating his cracker and drinking his juice. There were a couple of kids sitting behind us that were acting aweful. Blayne kept looking at them, then back to Kevin and I with the look- Mom, they are BAD! After breakfast, we stopped by Doug and Leighs, then back home that afternoon.
I should have noticed my little guy at this point. He was so sleepy... but we had plans for dinner and a trip to the new Riverspirit Casino so we went ahead and took Blayne over to Jeff and Christie's to play.
We went to dinner, steak. Then off to the casino. I am NOT a gambler... I talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, I am not interested in giving my money away without something shiny to show for it. Nevertheless, I was curious to see what the inside looked like. We arrived around 8pm, took the shuttle to the door and walked in. It was pretty. The atmosphere was nice, the people were friendly, and the place didn't smell like a cigarette. The ventalatiion was fantastic. We sat down at the penny machine and spent an hour giving away $40 bucks. It was fun...
We picked up Blayne around 10pm. He was asleep but very restless. He cried all the way home.. poor guy. He had a major case of overstimulation. Today will be a lot of rest and relaxation for him. Right now, he is sleeping...finally.
I go back to work tomorrow. I will have to admit, I am looking forward to it... a litle.
Life in a Northern Town
A Salvation Army band played
And the children drank lemonade
And the morning lasted all day,
All day
And through an open window came
Like Sinatra in a younger day,
Pushing the town away
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a northern town.
Ah hey ma ma ma
They sat on the stoney ground
And he took a cigarette out
And everyone else came down
To listen.
He said "In winter 1963
It felt like the world would freeze
With John F. Kennedy
And the Beatles."
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a northern town.
Ah hey ma ma ma
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
They shut the factory down.
Ah hey ma ma ma
The evening had turned to rain
Watch the water roll down the drain,
As we followed him down
To the station
And though he never would wave goodbye,
You could see it written in his eyes
As the train rolled out of sight
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a northern town.
Ah hey ma ma ma
Take it easy on your self
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a northern town.
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a northern town
Ah hey ma ma ma
Into the Night
Ah hey ma ma ma hey ah
Life in a Northern Town
Ah hey ma ma ma
April 6th
First of all: Today is the anniversary of my mothers death. 4 years ago, I received a phone call at work. 10am-ish. My little sister was screaming in the background. Micah, my mother's friend, was on the phone saying something. All I could think was, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SISTER!!!!? She then said, "Jennifer, I don't know how to say this, but your little brother found your mother dead this morning." WHAT?? I was not close with my mother. Ever. I tried from time to time, I was always there for her when she needed me. I can honestly say that it was a one way relationship. It took me a couple of years to absorb that... I don't hate her in anyway. Never have, never will. However, I do not feel the loss the same way that Kaitlynn and Butch do. I have had a couple of moments since that awful April day that I have felt sad. Once was when my little brother took the basketball court for his senior year. I cried. The second was when my little sister graduated high school... Mom's brother and sisters came. It is always hard for me to be around them... they remind me so much of her. I love them though... The third was when I found out I was pregnant with Bryce. Blayne, not so much... Bryce though... it's different.
My mother would be proud of my brother, sister and really myself. I truly believe she has bugged God everyday for him to bless Kevin and me with kiddos. She always wanted grandkids. Mom- You can STOP now... Thanks. :)
Butch and Kaitlynn spent the night last night. We kinda get together on the 5th to remember. We don't talk about it, we don't need to. We will ALWAYS stick together... no matter how bad they piss me off. :)
Miss you mom.
I read the Twilight series in about 2.5 weeks all 4 books. I was ADDICTED. To the point my husband asked me to divorce the freaking books. I couldn't put them down, it was all I could think about. I like to read, but this was insane.
Last night, Kaitlynn brought the movie over for me to watch. I will say this... If you didn't read the books, THE MOVIE SUCKS. Especially if you are so close to 30 and could care less about the high school drama-crap. I believe I will stay away from the rest of the Movies. Edward was much hotter in my mind.
Speaking of Edward, Kevin's partner at work, Brian- Could be Edwards twin. No wonder why he has the ladies dropping left and right... Go get em buddy. You little vampire you.
Today- Blayne took a tumble at school. Crashed into a bookcase and bought himself a trip to the ER. He was a trooper... poor little guy. I KNOW, having boys, this will be a recurring thing.... hope mom can handle it.
April 1. 2009
So- a week or so ago, we went to the doctor. It seems as if we will be having another boy. Yes, i soooo wanted that girl. I am okay with another boy now though. We will make sure at the next appointment, but... I saw it. The little flag waiving for all to see. My boys are so proud of their equipment. Sheesh. Blayne's little brother will be Bryce Eric. September 23rd...
Speaking of September 23rd. That is Rita's birthday. I think it would be pretty cool for him to be born on that day. As long as he isn't born on MINE! :) Who wants to share his birthday with his mother? Not my kiddos :)
Kevin has been working like a mad man... this weekend, he is staying at home. I can say I am totally excited and nervous at the same time. We will probably fight... we aren't used to being around each other so much. HA. I'll WIN.
Lastly, April 6 is the 4 year anniversary of my mother's death. I'll post more about that later... dude. It's so hard!
On a lighter note: We FINALLY got Blayne's picture taken.... here is a sneak:

Good Stuff: I get to have lunch with a girlfriend today... it's 8:48 and I am starving.
This week- the little shrimp is.... well a shrimp. I never knew that Limes were smaller than shrimp.