So much going on... and I haven't blogged. Sorry!!
Let's pick up where I left. We went to the doctor two weeks ago (almost) and were given the news baby Emileigh has too much water floating around with her. I came this close to having a full out panic attack (thanks to google) but after a couple of days, decided what will be will be. I chilled.
That was Thursday, on Friday Dr Parks called and said that EmJ's bladder and kidneys looked good and stay off of google. She reminded me that she would be on Vaca the next week and if I were to go into labor it would be okay with her. Plth.
Saturday my girlfriend Leigh came up and we had pedicures. AWESOME- and then watched the OU BYU game. Ewww. Funny thing: I was petrified that my water would break while getting my toes done, so I refused to go to Walmart. Leigh and I went to this little place right by the house (right off of Riverside next to Camilles) and settled in to pampering bliss. I was doing just fine until the massage chair started thumping my lower back. I am sure that we were the topic of some funny conversations while we tried to figure out how to turn that thing OFF.
It was trying to beat the kid out of me... sheesh. Oh well, way worth it and my toes are painted to boot.
Sunday came, Kevin went to work and Grandma came to stay. She, for the last six weeks, has been coming on Wednesday's and Sunday's to stay with Blayne and me while Kevo went to work. Such a nice blessing. She does laundry and cooks and does all that stuff... LOVE IT, WILL MISS IT.
Monday was Labor day, we hung out and did absolutely nothing.... I became a little nervous knowing that my Doctor was officially off for the week.
Thursday came and with it brought my stupid birthday. I was really looking forward to getting to see the doctor and getting the non-stress test done that was ordered the week before. I woke up bright and early 7am and called the hospital. I was shut down before I could get half of my request out. NO ROOM AT THE INN! At 1130, I called back (as requested by the super hateful inn keeper from earlier) and was told NO. Ms. Nice (or heiney) was kind enough to tell me "they can do that procedure in the doctor's office!"
I hung up, and cried. My hormones are way out of wack and I really just want some assurance this little girl is okay.
I had to wait until 2pm to see the doctor and time went sllllooooooooooow. I got to the office and after the long walk was contracting. I sat down in front of "new nurse" and she proceeded to ask me if I wanted a Flu shot... Ugh- NO. I want nothing but to know my baby is okay. She then asked me if I wanted to be Checked. I am sure I looked at her like she was Shrek because her reaction was priceless. I simply said "Sure, I have no idea what I want... I have never been this far before... aren't YOU the one in charge?"
She laughed (I think she wanted to punch me) and I watched her proceed into an exam room. I went to the bathroom to leave a little urine in the cup (TOTALLY DIFFERENT POST TO COME) and moseyed my way to the room.
When I arrived, I didn't notice an ultrasound machine. Nurse walked in and I asked, "am I not getting an ultrasound?" She replied "ugh, no" to which I came this close again to a meltdown. I explained that is the only reason I was there and something about too much fluid and well...she quickly left the room to chat with the doctor.
3 seconds later she returned and took me to Dr. Razdon's ultrasound room. Whew.
During the ultrasound, I was lost. I am used to Dr. Parks' machine and can usually read the estimates. This machine was ancient and didn't give them. I asked if she could tell me how much she weighed and was told NO. "Dr parks didn't ask me to do that" WHAT??? Are you effing kidding me? I started to melt again, on the inside... but got over it pretty quickly. I decided Dr. Razdon was pretty cool. I explained my fear of a C-section and she put my mind at semi-ease.
I did get an induction date of September 15th and asked to arrive at 05:00! Due to the whole earlier episode with the inn keeper at St. Francis, Dr. Razdon advised not to call ahead, just show up. I laughed. She did a bio-physical profile of the baby and decided we looked pretty darn good.
I came home, and got ready for Blayne to go stay with my Dad and Rita (papa and doodah) and get ready for a long awaited dinner out. It was my birthday after all :)
Blayne stayed in Muskogee until Saturday. Yesterday was a typical Sunday with Gram, and today has been spent doing any last minute things. Like Blogging. HA.
Blayne went to Slick with Meemaw and will stay there until we come home... I am FREAKING OUT.
I think that waiting 6 weeks then getting an induction is way worse than having your water spontaneously bust...
I'll update more later!
1 day ago
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