Okay- so we made it to 37 weeks 1 day. We are full term and can deliver at anytime. I can breathe a little easier at that statement, however after today's doctor appointment, I have some new worries.
Here is the scoop:
Everyone knows that I have been on lock down for the last 5 weeks. I have literally moved from my bed, to my recliner, to my couch. The times I have tried to escape and take a journey, I have either landed in the hospital or on my bed with riveting contractions, both suck.
Today Kevin and I went to the doctor at 11:30. We are on weekly visits now, and I was really looking forward to seeing the doc. Last week, week 36, I had the Strep B test so I was not able to have my normal ultrasound. I was having some "ahem" complications in the bathroom department (sorry, but I have to explain) and melted down in Dr. Park's office. She suggested a couple of OTC medications and asked if I needed a small dose of anti-depressant. Kevin assured her that I was just really tired from not getting any sleep, so I left with a prescription of Ambien.
Although we got to hear the heartbeat, the visit was less than incredible. I did not get the chance to talk about my fear of having a C-section due to this baby being so much bigger than Blayne. (Blayne had to be suctioned out) Oh- forgot to add, last week I gained 8 pounds. I chalked it up to being in my "condition" and didn't think anything else about it. I knew it wasn't from eating, because.. I just can't eat.
This week, I felt much better and was really looking forward to the visit. I knew that we would be having our ultrasound, and I would be able to bring up the baby's weight then. I got to the doctor, and went right in. My blood pressure rocks and proceeded to the scale. I gasped when I gained another 8 pounds!! Guys, I have lost weight every appointment.... gaining 16 pounds in 3 weeks, 8 pounds in one week... a little weird. I got off the scale, prepared for a lecture, trying to figure out where the weight was coming from and sat for my turn in the ultrasound room.
Once inside, Dr. Parks came in smiling and greeting us. She asked me to lay back and measured my tummy. This is where the visit went down hill. She immediately lost her smile and mentioned to me that I was huge. "Really?? Because I thought I was looking good doc!" She started pushing around and asked if I could breathe okay and if I was in much pain. Ugh, yes... more pain than I can describe at times. It feels like my insides are going to fall out!
She began the ultrasound and immediately became concerned. "you have too much water!" As in there is way too much water around the baby.
Apparently the 15 pounds I am gaining... all going to the uterus and surrounding the baby. She measured the baby's belly, then took a different angle she preferred. She mentioned that Emileigh is stretched head to toe, (no kidding!) and began looking for her kidney's. She did state that her kidneys looked okay.
I asked if we could induce Friday, she said they (i am assuming insurance) won't let her. She did state that I really needed to go into labor this weekend though, and began giving me pointers in how to start the process.
Dr. Parks is going to be on Vacation next Tuesday through Friday, so if anything happens then, I will see one of her associates. I'm okay with that, but a little nervous. She did state that she was going to do some research and we might induce this Sunday- I am way for that. Please say a little prayer....
Last bit of advice she gave me, when my water breaks- it's going to gush. That made me chuckle a little. I guess public outings are off limits right now!
Anyway... I still had some questions, so Kevin and I googled when I got home. BIG MISTAKE!
Polyhydramnios- Here is the link.... Say a little prayer this is just a freak thing, that my water will break this weekend, and baby Em will have absolutely no heart or swallowing issues.
Thanks for taking the time to read this- it really means a lot to me.
Blayne got kicked out of daycare today for having pink eye- that is an entirely different post! ahhhh kids!
1 day ago
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