First of all: Today is the anniversary of my mothers death. 4 years ago, I received a phone call at work. 10am-ish. My little sister was screaming in the background. Micah, my mother's friend, was on the phone saying something. All I could think was, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY SISTER!!!!? She then said, "Jennifer, I don't know how to say this, but your little brother found your mother dead this morning." WHAT?? I was not close with my mother. Ever. I tried from time to time, I was always there for her when she needed me. I can honestly say that it was a one way relationship. It took me a couple of years to absorb that... I don't hate her in anyway. Never have, never will. However, I do not feel the loss the same way that Kaitlynn and Butch do. I have had a couple of moments since that awful April day that I have felt sad. Once was when my little brother took the basketball court for his senior year. I cried. The second was when my little sister graduated high school... Mom's brother and sisters came. It is always hard for me to be around them... they remind me so much of her. I love them though... The third was when I found out I was pregnant with Bryce. Blayne, not so much... Bryce though... it's different.
My mother would be proud of my brother, sister and really myself. I truly believe she has bugged God everyday for him to bless Kevin and me with kiddos. She always wanted grandkids. Mom- You can STOP now... Thanks. :)
Butch and Kaitlynn spent the night last night. We kinda get together on the 5th to remember. We don't talk about it, we don't need to. We will ALWAYS stick together... no matter how bad they piss me off. :)
Miss you mom.
I read the Twilight series in about 2.5 weeks all 4 books. I was ADDICTED. To the point my husband asked me to divorce the freaking books. I couldn't put them down, it was all I could think about. I like to read, but this was insane.
Last night, Kaitlynn brought the movie over for me to watch. I will say this... If you didn't read the books, THE MOVIE SUCKS. Especially if you are so close to 30 and could care less about the high school drama-crap. I believe I will stay away from the rest of the Movies. Edward was much hotter in my mind.
Speaking of Edward, Kevin's partner at work, Brian- Could be Edwards twin. No wonder why he has the ladies dropping left and right... Go get em buddy. You little vampire you.
Today- Blayne took a tumble at school. Crashed into a bookcase and bought himself a trip to the ER. He was a trooper... poor little guy. I KNOW, having boys, this will be a recurring thing.... hope mom can handle it.
Hang in there dear! I'm here for you if you need to talk, but I think you've got it under control. :) Love ya!
i was the same way with the twilight books, which is embarrassing because they're not good literature. i could not put them DOWN! jake was like, sweetheart, give it a rest!
losing a parent is hard. you know it, i know it. it doesn't matter whether you're close or not, it's one of those things, along with motherhood, that brings your own mortality to the forefront. just use that reality check as a reminder to hug your children extra tight.
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