Dude- this little girl is getting B-I-G. I am really ready for this to be over. I just keep thinking... two more weeks. Emileigh will be considered "full term" at 37 weeks... I will then be BEGGING for an induction. :)
The last three weeks have left me at home to do little of nothing. The first week, I abided by the rules. Then I got bored and started breaking them here and there. The doctor prescribed some medications to keep the contractions tame, and I was allowed to stop taking it when they subsided.
Fast forward to this past Monday. Blayne went to daycare as usual, Kevin came home from work and we spend the day staring at each other. Booooring. He went to pick up Boog and got home around 5ish. There were some big kids playing with a big blue ball outside. Blayne had a meltdown because he wanted to play. He doesn't understand he is just a little guy and balls are his favorite toy.
After dragging the little guy in the house kicking and screaming, I had the brilliant idea to take him to the Jenks splash pad and to McDonald's for dinner. Water is his absolute favorite thing- the kid is a fish.
Kevin agreed, but asked if I was sure I was up to it. I had been in the dang house for weeks- I NEEDED the break. (Big Mistake)
I gathered Blayne's water diaper, swim trunks, and shirt. Kevin gathered the kicking kid- off we were to Jenks. While walking to the Jeep, I felt a little pang. It hurt, bad. Took my breath away, but I was determined to get out of jail and refused to say anything.
We went to McDonalds, Blayne ate his chicken nugget happy meal, then we walked to the splash pad. For an hour blayne played . I had SOOOOO much fun watching him laugh and smile and play... It did a girl good. We came home around 730ish, kevin gave blayne a bath and I sat down in the recliner to rest. Then they started. By the time Bathtime was over, I was timing the contractions to be 12 minutes apart.
I have strict instructions to go to the hospital on anything 10 or less... so I hold by breath. 1/2 an hour later, I am on the phone with backup. Jeff and Christie came to pick up Blayne to spend the night and we are off to the Hospital.
I get to the hospital and we are looking at contractions 5 minutes apart. At this point- I am PRAYING for my water to break. No luck (thankfully) I get two shots and a reservation to sleep in the most uncomfortable bed for the night. Plth.
Came home Monday- woke up to contractions again... this is getting old... Dr tells me to double up on meds and DO NOTHING.
Needless to say, I have made a permanent spot on the recliner, bed, and have watched everything I could on the internet. I actually think I have make it to the END of the internet.
Anyway- that is my week. Grandma came to stay with me yesterday and last night, she is a godsend. Plus she made homemade chicken and noodles- YUM.
I need to upload the pics from the splashpad- they are toooo cute.
Okay - Vent over...
Until next time:
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