
Facebook.  What in the world did we do before we were all connected at the hip?  Seriously, though? We are always watching people post to Fakebook.  Perfect smiles, perfect pictures, perfect lives.  We have all  been guilty of this, right?

Oh- while we are talking about that... what do we do when we are angry?  Yep, you guessed it... we get behind our keyboards either on small phones or behind our keyboards and we tell the entire world.  "Ugh, that restaurant messed up my order!"  "Can you believe wha the school did this time?" "Did you hear the latest about him? Yep, I can't believe it either!"   

Facebook groups where people are griping about whatever calling it "opinions" is the worst.   Keyboard giants are popping up everywhere.

Today, Kev finally drug me out of the house (because sickness).  We went to Tulsa to the Mac store to pick up my computer.  (it's been in the apple hospital for a month... that's another story... ugh)  
On the way out of town, we stopped by McDonalds to get the TaylorTots some nuggets.  {One day, said kids will be so angry that they missed out on all kinds of good food (like the Brook, oh yeah.)}

We pulled up to the speaker to place our normal order and we were greeted with, "Hello!  It's a wonder day how may I help you?"   What?  We stopped what we were doing and looked at each other for a couple of seconds.  Kevin's voice immediately changed to match the chipper voice coming from the speaker and we ordered food.  While we drove around to the window to pay, we were baffled... complimenting the gentleman.  I almost broke my neck when we arrived so I could take a look at this nice man.  He was busy, but smiling.  

We picked up our food and every one of us left McDonalds happier than we were when we pulled up.  We weren't in bad moods... but this man jump started our day.

What did I do?  I immediately pulled out my phone and complimented this man on Facebook.  Quickly, several people started commenting that they too had experiences with this gentleman.  Everyone is so excited to tell how nice he is. Ya'll, I encouraged business owners to steal him!  ha.

As we drove to Tulsa, I kept thinking about this guy.  My phone would buzz with notifications and I'd smile all over again.  

Why did this guy make my day?  Why did it effect my day so strongly?  Why did I rush to compliment him on Facebook?  Why was this so exceptional?

Then it hit me.  

This gentleman was showing the love of Jesus.  I know he must know him, because he was showing the love and the light of peace.  He was spreading kindness.  He was happy.  

Then I was concerned.  I saw Jesus today in a stranger and it was so abnormal that I wanted to tell the world.  (my small world, but the world none the less.)

Why isn't this the NORM?  Why is it normal for us to tell the world our disappointments but not the Joy?  Are we looking for something to complain about?  

Jesus convicted my heart today... and I am so thankful.

Hebrews tells us that we are running towards Jesus, but we are to run with endurance.  Endurance because the race is long and hard.  Endurance because we can see Jesus everywhere, if we look.  Endurance because sometimes it is very hard to show Jesus... but that is what we are called to do.

I'm so thankful for that gentleman at  *MKSdonalds McDonalds this morning.  My encounter with him opened up an opportunity for me to have an encounter with Jesus.  

Isn't that cool?   

Post the good news, friends.  Stop the negative.  Where have you seen Jesus lately?

In him- 

*MksDonalds is what we call McDonalds are our house.  That's a new thing thanks to my favorite little Brownie.