Kevin and I lived in Muskogee when I found out I was pregnant with Blayne. It was August 20th, we had supper at Applebees, I had the ususal. Boneless buffalo wings, fries and a side of broccoli. I almost threw up the broccoli on Kevin's feet. An hour later I was sitting on the side of the tub rocking with excitement.
This year, I spent January 20th with one of our Regional Sales team members, Ken Nance, in Muskogee meeting with customers. As fate would have it, we had lunch at the same Applebee's. I had the same but held the broccoli. When I got home, I sat on the side of the tub as shocked as I could be. My kids were both discovered on the 20th after a meal from Muskogee Applebee's.
That is about all they had in common. I felt the very first week I was going to have a little girl. In fact, Kevin and I called her a her before I ever went to my first doctor's appointment. I dreamed of pink nikes with Blayne.... so I was pretty sure God was going to throw me a bone.
I am lucky to have an ultrasound at each doctor's appointment, and at Week 13 Dr. Parks thought she saw a little piece of boy. I was mad for a minute- then got my head wrapped around two boys 18 months apart and dealt with it. I would confirm on week 17, my next appointment- Surely we would be able to see by then.
Week 17 comes and the little guy is still breach and won't open those stinkin legs. However, Dr. Parks mumbled the word... girl. I brushed it off.
Week 21 comes along and girl is mentioned a little louder. Still baby is breach and legs are still stuck.
Dr. Parks ordered my "big" ultrasound and it was completed last Friday. Third call for Girl. In my life- three strikes and you are out. This girl is buying Pink!
I have needed to blog that for a few weeks- sorry girls and guys- I have a LOT of blogging catchup to do...
1 day ago
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