This will be a complete vent post. I apologize up front- if you aren't in the mood for bitching- move right along.
1. Last Friday, I left work feeling pretty good with a decision and a change. I had spend A LOT of time with the decision I made and spent many hours of MY.OWN.SLEEP.TIME. tossing it over and over in my head. Friday- I was comfortable with the decision, no I was freaking excited. I was stupid excited. All weekend long, I had this anticipation of Monday. seriously- that never happens. I come into work, all gung ho- and nothing. Nothing. At 10:45 I go on a search and uncover the "well, your thing is on hold" WTF? You put my "deal" on hold and don't have the guts to at least ring my extension and tell me? Better yet, You call me all of the time to check the damn weather, and it doesn't cross your mind this might be worth a phone call???? Needless to say, something good better come out of this little "deal" or I will be one pissed off person.
2. We found a house. Just a rental for now, but it is perfect. Move in date August 1st, 3 bedrooms, fenced in yard with a much larger outside area perfect for a garden. Great area- 2 miles from Blayne's daycare... etc. etc. I get the paperwork together today to send and shoot the prospective landlord an email. To which she replies a bunch of bullcrap meant for someone else! Looks like we are one of the final 3 people to be selected. Dude- not sure I can even bear to wait 24 hours. JUST PICK US ALREADY!!! GEEZ.
3. My sister- My heart is breaking for a million reasons. Mainly- because she feels unloved or unappreciated, I am not sure which.
She picked up and jetted off to Texas, that I am not upset that she went to Texas, she is young and single and well, GO! I would love to have had the luxury to pick up and go at a moments notice. I am upset with the way she left, and the comments she gives. I have lost sleep over this- but have decided she is a big girl now. Kaitlynn, I hope you find the happiness you so desperately are looking for. I hope that one day you will truly understand that Family is really all you have and no matter what, they love you. Your family doesn't have to like you 100% of the time, but love is built in. you know the whole, blood is thicker than water?
I feel a little better- will do some work (what, I have no idea...remember I am in limbo) and see if I can't get this day to pass a little quicker.
1 day ago
Glad that you got all of that off of your shoulders!
#1 - sorry, that sucks.
#2 - Yeah! I hope you get it!
#3 - I've noticed her comments too (I found her through your facebook) and it has made me sad as well, so I can only imagine how you feel. Hang in there! She will work through it...growing up sucks!
Love ya!
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