When I was a kid, I used to write in a journal- its fun to go back and look at the ones that have followed me through life. Some things I read I turn red from embarrassment, others I go right back to the time and place as if I had just lived it. Boyfriends, heartbreaks, moves, arguments, trials, wins, hopes and dreams - we all remember those times.
I have this journal that when you open the back, there are little colored dots all over the back. You know, the kind of dots you used to price garage sale items? Oh hell- These:

So anyway- I would take them and put them on the back of my journal and then write as small as I could the name of my friend and their phone number. Yes, this was back before everyone and their 2year old had cell phones...when we actually remembered phone numbers, used a phone book and could call someone to get us out of Jail by memory.
i digress..
The funny thing, there were names on the little dots of people I can't for the life remember. And funnier, there are names of people I secretly wanted to know- you know, the cool older crowd. I spent a lot of time wondering when I moved away what exactly I was missing and what the cool kids would end up to be. Its funny to actually now, know.
Moving on... tomorrow is the first day of my third-trimester. People- we are getting down to the wire. I am absolutely not ready at all. On a serious note, I really just need bottles, diapers, and wipes, formula, and butt paste... but I want all of the cutsie girl stuff. I just have no place to store it. I suppose I will make a trip to wal-mart and invest in some plastic cubes. Not the best option, but useful for storage later.
Work has been a handful- I am just hoping the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the train.
My little brother went through a program last summer for a number of different reasons, it helped him become a better guy and for that it was worth all of the trouble. One of the projects he was assigned was to journal the earliest memory he had then journal one page for ever year of his life thereafter. I believe that is the direction I will go with this blog. Lord knows I have a LOT to say and need to get written. I am hoping that it will be a cleansing- as well as something I can look back on in 5 years and see a different angle, much like the journaling I began this post with. Hang in there with me, I am sure that I won't keep up with daily posts and will definately deter and have to find my way back on the correct route, but at least I have a plan.
If you are completely bored- just move on. But accept my sincerest apologies. It is my greatest fear not to get stories journaled for my children, especially if the unimaginable happens with their mother. I always want my kids to know that they are loved and where their momma came from.
Now... to find a clever catchy name.....
I'll post a couple of pics of Blayne- I haven't in a few:
And last but not least... my two favorite boys....
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