Vacation: Day 4

Dude... it's impossible to keep up with a blog while you are here.  I'm sorry... there are TONS of pictures I'm going to share, and maybe a few stories to go with them...  I just couldn't take the time from the fun to sit behind a computer.  I hope you'll understand.  It just means that vacation is a few days longer, right?

Day 4 of our Vacation was Sunday, April 15th.   It was our first full day on Okaloosa Island.  We spent the entire morning on the beach, took a late nap, and then went to check out the fishing pier

Once we were all awake and had enough sunscreen applied to last two weeks, we headed out to the beach.  I'm not exactly sure what I expected when I stepped into the ocean, but I can tell you know what I didn't expect.
1. I didn't expect the red flags.  (that means the ocean is a bit more dangerous than normal. high winds, but surf, etc.)

2. I didn't expect the sand to be so dang hard to walk in!  Seriously, I grew up watching baywatch and those suckers ran fast in that crap.  Really?!! 
3. I didn't expect the waves to try and drown me :)

4. I also didn't realize that the sand would wash away right under my feet.

After we got our bearings, and understood the mighty ocean... we haven't looked back.

OHHHH - - Something else I didn't know... every morning a very good looking boy (we'll call him boy because then I won't feel guilty winking at him) comes down the beach and sets up the chairs and umbrellas.  Yes, you have to pay to rent them, but come on... it's free to watch the show.  And watch the show, I did.  I even took some pictures, you know... to document our trip.

After swimming and before napping, we had lunch at pepitos.  It was really good mexican eats (sorry no pics)  Thanks UrbanSpoon!!

The fishing pier was an experience that I wasn't expecting.

 Being from Oklahoma, I thought I'd just walk out on a pier and walk back.  I didn't expect all of the people.  I also didn't expect the sick feeling I had when looking back to the shoreline.

Everyone loved the fishing pier.  Everyone excpet Blayne and myself.  After getting the crap beat out of me that morning, I was very respectful of the waves.  I kept thinking, what's going to happen when this stupid pier breaks and all 400 people fall into the water??  How am I going to save my kids, my camera, get to the shore, and not get stuck by a gazillion fish hooks??  Yes.  stuff like this goes through my head ALL of the time.  I'm crazy like that.

The pier is HUGE.  It doesn't look so big from two miles away, but when you get to it... it's pretty big.  When you get on it, you go past the guy selling fishing stuff, then you get to the pier.  Folks are really, fishing.  I'm that guy who thought all of the people would be walking hand in hand enjoying the view.  NOPE.  There is some serious fishing happening there. 

I took some pictures of one dude who caught a catfish.  There were a lot of peeps catching fish, but once someone brought it out of the water and onto the deck... Blayne would lose his shit (sorry grandma). 

We sat on a bench and watch a lady catching little bait fish.  While on that bench, Kevo lost his hat...

And I got to take a picture with the two most important people in the UNIVERSE.

The pelicans stood watch... very closely.  Any dropped bait were quickly swooped up.  All of those Bristow peeps will remember this... "Strange bird that pelican... it's beak can hold more than it's bellican!"  (sorry, had to go there...)

On the parking lot side, there was a super cute little boat that we got some pictures of the kiddos. (and a very pregnant Tiffany)  :)

For dinner that night- we went to a little pizza place that doubled as a...wait for it...brew pub.    While I could give two hoots about beer, my sweet husband thought it was pretty nifty :)  The pizza was pretty good, actually.  If I hadn't had some from Crust Pizzeria later, it would have been the been best pizza tasted.  Insetead, it's definitely top 3 :)

After a late dinner, we made it back to the condo to catch some much wanted zzz's

**Blogging this a week late is a bit funny, right?  Sorry!!**

Thursday Update

I wish I could apologize for not keeping up with the updates, but really, when bedtime finally comes, I'm one sleepy momma!!!

We have been getting up at the crack of dawn (well, okay... sometimes 8:30-9:30 feels like the crack of dawn) and going until 10:30pm or later.  Days are spent beside a large body of water on a beach so white, it makes ME look tan.

Speaking of that sparkling beautiful sand, it gets everywhere.  I'm not sure exactly what I expected, I guess I thought if I took my hefty camera bag, and was super careful, sand wouldn't intrude. WRONG.  That crap is everywhere.  

I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm sitting on the balcony as I type.  Attempting to edit four days worth of pictures.  We'll see how far I get. I promise to get some online today.  Thanks for all of the emails, tweets, text messages, etc.  It feels really good to know that there are actual people, who I know, following :)

Please, let Thursday have 72 hours in it....

Vacation: Day 3

"I've got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold drink in my hand.. life is good today.... life is good today."

That is exactly how I wanted this post to be about.  Yesterday, we finally made it to our destination, Destin, Florida.  Actually, we are in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.  We are ON THE BEACH.  We walk out of our condo, past the pool, down three steps, and there is the beach.  I can not begin to tell you how calming it is here.  I have waited 32 years to see the ocean.  It was worth the wait.

As I said before- I really wanted this post to be super upbeat, and I'll get to that.  However, Oklahoma was hit very hard yesterday and the day before with massive tornadoes.  Not only Oklahoma, Kansas was hit as well.  In fact, my cousin's farm was demolished.  Gone.  Everyone is okay... and at the end of the day, that is what is important, right?

So- before I continue, I want to ask you to pray, send good thoughts, say a rosary, whatever you do, just do it for the Stephens family.  The universe, God, whatever will hear and help them.  Thanks.

Now- to the pictures and commentary - hooray!

Emileigh says, "good morning blog readers!"  She was especially blue-eyed this morning.

You know, we were just sitting around, drinking our sprite...

playing angry birds on mom's cell phone...

"gotcha pig!"

I'm not sure what emileigh plays.  Mostly she moves the icons around, deletes apps, sends random text messages, you know. Girl Stuff :)

Blayne has to keep his eyes on his little sister.  She can't beat him, you know.

 THEN... daddy get's an idea...

The ole Lemon Trick.

Emileigh isn't going to be left out!  Poor girl...

(best picture ever)

After a drink to wash it all down... we headed to a cemetery to check things out.

There isn't much I know to say, except it was beautiful.  Beautiful if you like this kind of stuff, which, I do.  I think a cemetery is the most peaceful place on earth.  No pun intended... I actually enjoy them.

This is a picture of the mausoleum.  I didn't know until a girlfriend suggested visiting, but everyone is buried above ground in New Orleans due to the NoLa being under the water table.  Makes sense, Right?

Something else I wasn't expecting, multiple people in the same tomb.  I'm sure they are all from the same family... but still.  Some have A LOT.  History, people.  History is cool.

I tried to imagine what it would be like to see everything in original brick.  I thought it was pretty how the concrete was falling off.  

Blayne and Em J just liked climbing.  

And running from daddy...

I think this is was my favorite tomb.  It was really beautiful.

I had to take some pictures of the incredible tree outside the cemetery.  The roots were above ground, and really, really beautiful.

I so should have gotten a tattoo here.  Just because the sign, rocks.  

Then we loaded up and headed to Florida...

Words will never do this place justice... neither will pictures.  However, hopefully... you'll get a glimpse.