My style

Since we moved to Bristow, we have been covered up in boxes.  There really isn't much difference in the square footage of this house from our last one, we just don't have a garage with this one.  Garages = home for all of my junk, not car.
Slowly, I have unpacked, sorted, and put away.  I haven't decorated at all inside, I've only bought a few plants for outside.  I am DYING to decorate.
The problem... the color scheme my house is painted.
  • The living room and my bedroom (which is visible clearly through the french doors off my living room) is an oatmeal cream color. 
  • The south wall in my living room, the one that you first see when you walk in my door, is painted red.  It's a pretty red, a barn + rust, red.  
  • The dining room and kitchen is blue.  It's a soft but bold blue.  The dining room is visible in the living room 
  • The bathroom is a beautiful color blue.  It takes me right to the ocean, I'm in LOVE with that color. Here's the color:

  • emileigh's room is Pink  it is decorated with Minnie Mouse-Dora-and Parisian 
  • Blayne's room is bright blue-green -  we will be doing it in Angry Birds (i have no choice)
About 13 years ago, I was in love with the red/white/blue color scheme and deco.  I was into it before September 11th and before the main stream jumped on the patriotic bandwagon.  I enjoyed the search that was associated with finding just the right thing for my house.  It felt like a win when I found just the right thing.  That was before Kevin, and way before kids.  I guess I just burned myself out?  Don't get me wrong, June and July are major RWB months for me... but not year round.  A few years ago, I got rid of most of my decorations.  

Then, we move here.

So- while I love the colors, individually I'm not interested in decorating with them being the primary. My bedroom quilt is still a countryfried version of red, white, and blue, but that's going away... soon.

I've said all that, to say this.

I'm not an interior decorator, but I am an awesome pinterest(er).  
I'm not a decision maker, on anything. AT ALL 
I have to see something before I can understand the concept
I'm NOT made of money, not even pennies, so this must be done on the cheap.
I do not want cheap to mean trashy.

The next few posts will be filled with things tat make me smile, or what I think I want.  For my B-town readers, feel free to come over and see first hand... 

i need help, people!

Here is my pinterest board

Below is the first installment of stuff I am loving right now:

this is amazing- minus the fugly lamp.  but you get the idea

This is so freaking cute...     Link to website

If this wasn't distressed, I like it better I like the crosses, because I like the cross trend.
Here is the link.  I'm not about paying $1900 for it, ugh.

So- looking at this...what is my style???


Do you remember when I started talking about Insanity?



A-Z Jennifer Style

Tons of really cool bloggers have been answering the following questions on their super awesome, amazing, addicting blogs, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon, too!
Besides, I needed to get a lighter post uploaded :)

Age - 32  I always have to remember how old Em is when I answer this. I can NEVER remember.
Bed size - Queen
Chore that you hate - anything. i despise chores, housekeeping, decorating, anything.
Dogs - One.  We adopted a boxer, Bobo, this year.  
Essential start to your day - I don't really have an answer to this, I guess breakfast of some kind.
Favorite color- Purple, although if you came to my house, you'd swear I was lying. No purple here.
Gold or silver - Gold
Height - 5'8"
Instruments you play - HAHA the radio.
Job title - Homemaker.  Mom.
Kids - Two Blayne (4) and Emileigh (2) 
Live - Bristow, Oklahoma
Mother’s name - Susan
Nicknames - Rudy, Jen
Overnight hospital stays - Appendix scare when I was in the 7th grade, Post-Partum after the birth of my two sweet TaylorTots, and twice for back surgery in the last year :(
Pet peeves - Stupid drivers, people who are older than me who think they know what's best for my family, two-faced people, stupid drunk people, people who don't take responsibilty for their stupid actions... i could go on
Quote from a movie - If you build it, he will come...
Right or left handed - Right
Siblings - Full Blood: 2 - Brother and Sister, both younger   Married: 3: Sisters, all younger
Television - Army Wives, Big Brother, Survivor, REVENGE
Underwear - Umm. YES!! 
Vegetable you hate - asparagus.
What makes you run late - procrastination
X-Rays -Dude- a LOT.  I can't even remember. But over 50 I'm sure.
Yummy food that you make -Enchillidas, Lemon Pie, :) 
Zoo animal - Penguins :)