A-Z Jennifer Style

Tons of really cool bloggers have been answering the following questions on their super awesome, amazing, addicting blogs, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon, too!
Besides, I needed to get a lighter post uploaded :)

Age - 32  I always have to remember how old Em is when I answer this. I can NEVER remember.
Bed size - Queen
Chore that you hate - anything. i despise chores, housekeeping, decorating, anything.
Dogs - One.  We adopted a boxer, Bobo, this year.  
Essential start to your day - I don't really have an answer to this, I guess breakfast of some kind.
Favorite color- Purple, although if you came to my house, you'd swear I was lying. No purple here.
Gold or silver - Gold
Height - 5'8"
Instruments you play - HAHA the radio.
Job title - Homemaker.  Mom.
Kids - Two Blayne (4) and Emileigh (2) 
Live - Bristow, Oklahoma
Mother’s name - Susan
Nicknames - Rudy, Jen
Overnight hospital stays - Appendix scare when I was in the 7th grade, Post-Partum after the birth of my two sweet TaylorTots, and twice for back surgery in the last year :(
Pet peeves - Stupid drivers, people who are older than me who think they know what's best for my family, two-faced people, stupid drunk people, people who don't take responsibilty for their stupid actions... i could go on
Quote from a movie - If you build it, he will come...
Right or left handed - Right
Siblings - Full Blood: 2 - Brother and Sister, both younger   Married: 3: Sisters, all younger
Television - Army Wives, Big Brother, Survivor, REVENGE
Underwear - Umm. YES!! 
Vegetable you hate - asparagus.
What makes you run late - procrastination
X-Rays -Dude- a LOT.  I can't even remember. But over 50 I'm sure.
Yummy food that you make -Enchillidas, Lemon Pie, :) 
Zoo animal - Penguins :)