This post was going to be about how much I hate Valentines day and how much my husband sucks at the whole... Valentines day crap. This is a known fact that he admits to, willingly. :)
I decided to go a different route. Ten reasons I have the best husband ever...
1. Kevin always goes to QT, Wal-Mart, etc at my whim. Never complains, just gets in the car and goes for whatever I have the craving for at the moment.
2. Kevin gives Blayne the best tickle monster.... Blayne's laughter fills my heart with joy.
3. Kevin NEVER lets me win a fight easily, I had better have a good reason to be pissed...and had better be able to back it up. He ALWAYS hugs me and tells me he loves me after we argue.
4. Kevin never complains about hanging out with my crazy family... He goes right to Slick anytime I get the itch.
5. Kevin does not care that I have a couple of guys in my best friend list. In fact, he hangs out with them and thinks its fun... (or is a very good fibber!)
6. Kevin works his ass off to give me everything my little heart wishes for. It might take a while, but eventually... I get it. Eventually... There are some things I am still waiting for :).
7. Kevin is the best dad in the world. He gets up with Blayne, holds him tight, plays with him, feeds him, and stays home with him when he is sick. Kevin NEVER complains....ever.
8. Kevin has had the hardest childhood imaginable (another post with his permission) and NEVER complains. I thought I had it hard growing up... I can't hold a candle to him. He never complains... I have no idea how strong he is.
9. Kevin is my rock. When my mom died... he held my entire family together. Whatever decision I made, he supported me 110%. No questions asked. It's that level with support with everything I do.
10. He is my best friend. He understands my need to change my mind 50 times before I made a decision, understands that I am very moody, supports all of my hair-brained ideas... like it or not.
Kev- When you finally get around to reading this.... I love you. Happy Valentines Day!
1 day ago
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