I love to read blogs. Blogs written by people I know, and those who I will never encounter in this lifetime. I love to hear what they say, what they think, agree or not...It's fun.
I also like to watch people. Set me up in the middle of the mall, state fair, or McDonalds. I love to watch people. I get so engrossed with their body language and conversations (if I can hear) that I forget that I am visible. Kevin always warns me that I am going to get beat up... but I can't stop myself. Maybe that's why I love blogs so much. I can peak into someone's life and get a pretty good read without them beating me up.
Don't get me started on Big Brother- I LOVE THAT SHOW. 24/7 people watching and no violence to me.
Blayne has been sick- this kid is HIGH MAINTENANCE! Poor guy. He came down with the stomach virus that has been going around. That and adding yet another ear infection, with tubes mind you, made this a very long week. I have stayed home with him everyday... hopefully I am still employed tomorrow after returning to work. I work for a bunch of men who don't have a clue what their wives do for their children.... that's another post. Sorry.
Anyway- Yesterday we woke up to spots all over Blayne. I immediately thought chicken pox and freaked a little. We quickly called the doctor (who is the greatest by the way!) and drove him over. Dr. Baker took 1 look...a very long look and decided that it was just a viral rash. Thank goodness, this morning it was much better. I was so worried we were going to have chicken pox in the mouth and throat due to Blayne's need to suck on his two fingers at all times.
Tomorrow Blayne will be spending the day in Muskogee with his Doo-Dah (grandma Rita) and will come home completely spoiled!
The other kiddo is still hanging in there. We go to the doctor one week from today to find out how far along we are and estimate a due date. Being that I have no regularity to cycles, I have NO IDEA when she (I am referring to the baby as a she.... wishful thinking) made her appearance. I am guessing 12 weeks, Kevin cheated and guessed 13. You know, closest without going over... plth.
Here's a shout out to my sister Amanda... It's Valentines day! You are whipping the shit out of Nursing School. Way to go girl! :)
1 day ago
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