Blayne will be a year old in 31 days. How did that happen? It feels like yesterday that I was getting ready for my baby shower, getting his room together, and trying to prepare for this journey. I was clueless, although I listened to every word of wisdom that was spoke in my direction.
This year has had many twists and turns. It began with me planning to stay home with Blayne full time. We were going to move back to Muskogee so Kevin could pick up extra shifts to compensate. That plan lasted for about 5 weeks. I decided that I needed to go back to work and had the opportunity to come back to LinkAmerica.
The decision to put Blayne in daycare was the hardest decision we have had to make to date. I definitely cried the first week. Thankfully, Kevin was home two days out of the week so Blayne only had to be in daycare 3 days. I was guilty everyday for two months, then I realized he loved being around other kids. He loves the interaction.
When Blayne was 2 months old, the ear infections began. By the time he was 6 months, we was getting tubes placed. That was supposed to stop the infections right? We have had 3 since, but it’s better than the 5 before…
Food Allergies are the biggie now. I keep praying that he will outgrow it… I mean, my poor baby can’t even eat a normal birthday cake!! At least he doesn’t know the difference.
I know that 10 years from now, I will be crying much longer and harder. Wondering where the last 10 years have gone instead of the last 11 months… but I still want to pout now.
1 day ago
Thanks for your support! I need it! Are you planning on doing anything for Blayne's bday? Let me know so I can ask off if needed!
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