Happy Birthday, Emileigh

Do you remember your fifth birthday? Yeah, me either.  I do know that I'll never forget my baby girl's fifth birthday.

As I sit on the bed tonight, listening to the sweet, slow breathing coming from two exhausted kiddos, I can't help but to feel blessed.  We've had a super hard year.  Life has thrown us some watermelon sized lemons that we have been able to turn into lakes of lemonade.

 It seems like we were just celebrating her first birthday... now, she's a round faced, blue eyed, beauty.

We had 9 littles at her party today with a balloon twisting clown as the entertainment, magic man. The kids would make a request and he would churn it out in lightning fast speed.  Honkey the clown... best money spent.

We celebrated this little gem, today.  We also celebrated making it through this crazy, hectic year.  Thank you baby-cakes... you bring us such joy and anchor this family.  Enjoy five.  It's going to be so.much.fun.