We always come up with some sort of excuse as to why we shouldn't go. In reality, we should definitely make it more of a priority.
This blog isn't a premature list of new year resolutions.
Last Saturday, Kevin and I went to Ponca City to see his nephew, Scott get married. Kevin is the youngest of 8 children, so he and Scott are fairly close in age 6 years. It is strange to me that when I married Kevin, I immediately became an Aunt and great-Aunt all at the same time :)
We haven't seen Scott in a few years and I was SUPER excited to meet two of his sons. I almost fell over when I met Eli. He is six months old and the resemblance to Emileigh is striking. Infact, his hair grows the exact same as her's. Mohawk style :)
Liam just turned two, and unfortunately for his parents is LOVING this crazy stage. He was supposed to walk his momma down the aisle... he screamed the entire time. To me, it was adorable- I am sure the beauty in the white dress was thinking otherwise.
I can see the resemblance in Liam and Blayne as well..... so strange.
Here is a picture of the Taylor men... Some of them. Steve and David aren't in it, nor are Scott's other sons. Maybe this summer (or sooner) we can get them all together and get one. There I go about those stinkin resolutions again.
Front: Eli Taylor 6months - Liam Taylor 2 Years
Back: Kevin Taylor, Scott Taylor, Brett Taylor
I apologize for the quality of this photo. It is actually from a camera phone that I 'borrowed' from facebook :)
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