
I love facebook.

I love it because it allows an avenue to reacquaint myself with people I have known my entire life, but never see anymore.  I love it because it allows me to sit at home in my PJ's with a cup of coffee, no bra, (tmi?)  and socialize. I love it because I can talk to one of my best friends who lives in Utah, like she is next door.  I love it because a conversation can last four days, and everyone is okay with that. I love it because I am ultimately a people watcher, and you can't get any better people watching than facebook.

This weekend, I was accused.  Accused of being on facebook too much.

Last Sunday, I was at grandma's.  She cooked lunch and one uncle and two cousins, Jeff, Josh, and Tyler,  who will go unnamed were there.  The normal riff raff between father and sons continued through lunch when at the end of the meal, Tyler  Thing 1, pulled out his cell phone and discretely checked his text messages.  No harm, right?  WRONG.

Grandma immediately announced that she will be collecting all cell phones in a basket on Christmas day and locking them up, because ...wait for it.... wait for it.... facebook is of the devil.... 


I immediately knew this was going downhill and fast.  I quickly reached for the honey so I could have something to occupy my time and silently counted to 193 in my head. 

Before I knew it, I had fingers pointed at me, calling me out.  " AND SHE IS THE WORST! " 

Not cool guys... not cool at all.

Thing 2, Josh, tried to stick up for me, but he knew he was outnumbered so he backed off pretty quickly, chicken.   Jeff Uncle Sell Out's favorite word was "yeah" agreeing with everything grandma was saying.  I tried to remind him that he is on it more than anyone... but that point was mute.

I finally ended the conversation by saying... I am 31 (gasp) years old.  I believe I can post whatever I wish on facebook.  Besides, how do you KNOW what I do on the Internet... You don't even touch a computer or smart phone.

Needless to say, we cleaned the kitchen in very awkward silence.

After   MUCH thought about this whole debacle I have decided that maybe I do post too much random nothing-ness on facebook.  Maybe I do spend too much time reading about other people and their cool lives.  I decided that, although I will still participate daily in the facebook era, I will try to post more to this blog... I mean, it is intended for my kids. 

I would die if they read some of my status updates.... lol  
Maybe they will think I was cool???   nah