
Growing up, I wanted to be a Mommy.  I wanted to be a wife and mother more than anything in the world.  When I was in Kindergarden, we had a play.  I believe it was about different occupations A-Z.  I was a Librarian, I really wanted to be the Kite Flier.  (That was Tara Smith and she had the biggest, most beautiful balloon that she used.) Librarian?  Okay- I went from Kindergarden to second grade wanting to be a Librarian.  When I was in Middle School, I wanted to be a basketball coach.  Not because I enjoyed the game, but because I despised every middle school coach I ever had and just knew I could be better.

High School came and I decided that I wanted to be a teacher.  Senior Year: I wanted to be Mrs. Alcorn.

I didn't go to college at the same time my graduating class did.  I entered in 2001, a couple of years later.  I felt out of place.  Young enough to fit the sterotype of "typical college student" but older than the rest of the freshmen class.  I bailed shortly after the attack on September 11th.  It is just a coincidence, or I thought it was. 

I attempted NSU again in 2003.  I was not a MARRIED college student. Surely, I would fit in much better now, right?  Umm NO.  

I bailed again and went to work at LinkAmerica. 

The next 7 years were spend with my head deep in the transportation industry.  I was like a sponge, soaking up every term, account, formula, and driver history.  It was my life for a long time, putting in many, many, many weeks of 70+ hours.  I was always accessable by cell phone during all hours of the day and night, and was issued a laptop to be able to access the system, oh and email.  I literally worked 23 hours a day.  Kevin learned a lot by just listening to me sleep.  I could do my best dispatching while sleeping. :)

Although I moved up the ladder fairly quickly, I would always face the fact that I was a woman in a man's world.  YES that still exists and actually thrives in this industry.

When Emileigh was born, we made the decision that I would stay at home with the kiddos.  I will never, ever, ever regret that decision. 

About six months ago, I got the itch.  I want to jump back into the work force, but I wanted to do something that would stick with me the rest of my working life.  I have thought a million times about going back to transportation, even looking into the program at the University of Arkansas.

I just didn't want to get back into the industry.  That chapter is closed... that Book is closed.

I am opening a new chapter in a new book.  This week I started back to college, to pursue a degree in Nursing.  My hope is to work with either Labor/Delivery, or the NICU.

Yesterday was my first class back.  I am taking a Winter Intersession (minimester) class at Connors.  Psychology. 


Stay tuned.. this could change at any minute.


I love facebook.

I love it because it allows an avenue to reacquaint myself with people I have known my entire life, but never see anymore.  I love it because it allows me to sit at home in my PJ's with a cup of coffee, no bra, (tmi?)  and socialize. I love it because I can talk to one of my best friends who lives in Utah, like she is next door.  I love it because a conversation can last four days, and everyone is okay with that. I love it because I am ultimately a people watcher, and you can't get any better people watching than facebook.

This weekend, I was accused.  Accused of being on facebook too much.

Last Sunday, I was at grandma's.  She cooked lunch and one uncle and two cousins, Jeff, Josh, and Tyler,  who will go unnamed were there.  The normal riff raff between father and sons continued through lunch when at the end of the meal, Tyler  Thing 1, pulled out his cell phone and discretely checked his text messages.  No harm, right?  WRONG.

Grandma immediately announced that she will be collecting all cell phones in a basket on Christmas day and locking them up, because ...wait for it.... wait for it.... facebook is of the devil.... 


I immediately knew this was going downhill and fast.  I quickly reached for the honey so I could have something to occupy my time and silently counted to 193 in my head. 

Before I knew it, I had fingers pointed at me, calling me out.  " AND SHE IS THE WORST! " 

Not cool guys... not cool at all.

Thing 2, Josh, tried to stick up for me, but he knew he was outnumbered so he backed off pretty quickly, chicken.   Jeff Uncle Sell Out's favorite word was "yeah" agreeing with everything grandma was saying.  I tried to remind him that he is on it more than anyone... but that point was mute.

I finally ended the conversation by saying... I am 31 (gasp) years old.  I believe I can post whatever I wish on facebook.  Besides, how do you KNOW what I do on the Internet... You don't even touch a computer or smart phone.

Needless to say, we cleaned the kitchen in very awkward silence.

After   MUCH thought about this whole debacle I have decided that maybe I do post too much random nothing-ness on facebook.  Maybe I do spend too much time reading about other people and their cool lives.  I decided that, although I will still participate daily in the facebook era, I will try to post more to this blog... I mean, it is intended for my kids. 

I would die if they read some of my status updates.... lol  
Maybe they will think I was cool???   nah

Goin' to the chapel.....

Kevin is from Ponca City, and most of what is left of his family still lives there.  We don't ever seem to get there enough and I always feel super guilty when we do go because I tend to drag him to see someone in my family every three days. 

We always come up with some sort of excuse as to why we shouldn't go.  In reality, we should definitely make it more of a priority. 

This blog isn't a premature list of new year resolutions. 

Last Saturday, Kevin and I went to Ponca City to see his nephew, Scott get married. Kevin is the youngest of 8 children, so he and Scott are fairly close in age 6 years.  It is strange to me that when I married Kevin, I immediately became an Aunt and great-Aunt all at the same time :)

We haven't seen Scott in a few years and I was SUPER excited to meet two of his sons.  I almost fell over when I met Eli.  He is six months old and the resemblance to Emileigh is striking.  Infact, his hair grows the exact same as her's.  Mohawk style :)

Liam just turned two, and unfortunately for his parents is LOVING this crazy stage.  He was supposed to walk his momma down the aisle... he screamed the entire time.  To me, it was adorable- I am sure the beauty in the white dress was thinking otherwise.

I can see the resemblance in Liam and Blayne as well..... so strange.

Here is a picture of the Taylor men... Some of them.  Steve and David aren't in it, nor are Scott's other sons.  Maybe this summer (or sooner) we can get them all together and get one.   There I go about those stinkin resolutions again.

Front:  Eli Taylor 6months - Liam Taylor 2 Years
Back: Kevin Taylor, Scott Taylor, Brett Taylor

I apologize for the quality of this photo.  It is actually from a camera phone that I 'borrowed' from facebook :)