Today, Blayne and Emileigh started school.
Technically, they started Kids Day Out at St. Paul United Methodist Church, here in Muskogee. Last Friday, we visited the church to meet the classroom teachers and get an understanding about how they conduct the day. Blayne fell in love immediately. Emileigh just loved all of the toys! We had to drag him out, kicking and screaming to stay and play.
Today was the official day #1. We woke up early, took showers, packed his backpack, and grabbed lunches. Off to school we went.
Sadly, neither one of them cried when we left. (Kevin met and rode into town with me, yay)
It was nice to have five hours to get some things accomplished without having little feet running under mine. I felt like I could focus my complete attention on them when they came home today. I think it will be a fantastic journey.
We picked them up at 2:00. (They attend MWF from 9:00 - 2:00)
Blayne asked if he could go back morrow?
I'll have to take pictures this Wednesday.
1 day ago
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