Today was special, daddy and I got to spend time with all of our attention focused on YOU today. Blayne has been begging to go stay with papa and doodah, so we shipped him off. I love spending time alone with you, just the three of us: Daddy, Mommy, and You.
At dinner tonight and you stole the show for sure. We went to Runts and you ate your very first fried pickle today. Of course, you made the funniest face but kept eating away.You wore your OU shirt and brand new OU flower that Aunt Amanda bought you... with your smile you took the breath away from a lot of people today. I love that you are such a friendly little girl :)
You are such a little stinker though. You are 13 months old right now and refuse to walk. We have to trick you to get you to stand on your own. I should be happy that I have a baby who prefers to be held, but I am ready for you to walk! I know I should cherish this time, before long, you will be running everywhere.
You have begun to show your personality a bit lately. Uncle Butch taught Blayne to "put em up" when I was still pregnant with you. It is super cute and Blayne tends to "put em up" from time to time. We really never taught you the trick, but you learned all on your own. The last week, you have been wanting to fight everyone you see :) I wish Butch was here to see it.
You went to the doctor for the first time this week. You have your first ear infection, but are such a trooper. I wouldnt have know you were even sick if it hadn't disrupted your sleeping habits. You were SUCH a good girl at the doctor's office. Not a peep out of you.
I cherish the time we get to spend one on one. While you will never know what it feels like to be the only child, you will know what it feels like to be the baby. The daughter. I hope it is a good experience that you will tell your daughter about one day. I love the way you ask for mama now, not just when you are scared or hurt. I love that you always have to know where everyone in the house is at all times. You have began to love to watch "Dora the explorer" and "Mickey Mouse." You shout Duuura Duuura and do the "we did it" dance so perfectly.
You and Blayne started attending Children's Day Out this week at the United Methodist Church in Muskogee, Ok. While your brother cries when I drop him off, you are such a big girl and crawl in the room and play with the closest toy/friend you come to. I hope that you will continue to be friendly, I want to to be nice to everyone. We will work on that more later.
I love you so very much, Emileigh. When you are a mommy one day, you will understand. Right now, you will just have to trust me.
1 day ago
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