Ten on Tuesday

10 Ways to Enjoy the Summer

1.  Laying on the couch under a light blanket watching a movie because the air conditioner is down low.
2.  Home Grown, Vine Ripe Tomato - Picked from the vine, into the mouth before even walking in the house.
3.  12 hours of daylight, meaning less depression!
4.  Summer television shows. AKA- big brother!
5.  Fireworks, before children.  Fireworks with a 9 month old and 2 year old is a whole new experience.
6.  freshly cut grass, it smells and looks so wonderful.
7.  Shorts, flip flops, t-shirts.
8.  Swimming pools, waterparks, water!
9.  Flexible schedules, less rushing, more relaxing.
10. Watching my kids play in the sand box, play outside, and explore.