
* Blayne loves Dr. Pepper.  I know he shouldn't even know what it is, but he does.  He requests milk 99% of the time, so I feel less guilty when I give him the good stuff.

* Emileigh is very independent.  She loves to be put in the middle of her brothers room, surrounded by his toys, and left alone to play with them all.

* Blayne will watch a movie over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....... same one.  I get so tired of hearing the same movie, but he loves it. 

* Grandma will be here tomorrow.  We are going shopping sans kiddos.  I am so excited, it's really sad.

* I could not watch an entire game of soccer for two reasons.  1. I know nothing about the game. 2. That buzzing sound those people are making is driving me insane.  

*watching blayne watch soccer and kick an invisiable ball- priceless.