wow- it has been so long since I have been online, I almost forgot how to make a banner, or even remember my blogger password.
So much has happened, yet, so litle has happened at the same time.
We made it to muskogee, we are about 10 miles south toward Warner. We are in the country, Kevin is stoked... all I can think about is the fact that snakes live in the country. I brought a cat home from my grandparent's... maybe she will help keep them away.
Staying home with the bambinos took some getting used to. At first, I had no routine at all and they just about wore me down. I had spent the last two years working about 65 hours a week at the office, and sadly, I didn't even know my son. We have since remedied that issue. It took a month or so to learn how to translate baby talk, but we got it down.
We spend a lot of time watching the same movies over and over and over.... but we play a lot too. Blayne is learning his ABC's right now. Its so much fun to watch him learn. We know our colors, we can count to 6 then 10. Somehow we forget about 7... lol
Blayne and Emileigh have finally decided that it is fun to play with each other. Well, Blayne has decided. Em has always wanted to watch her big brother. He facinates her. She will laugh out loud at him at such random times. I love it.
Today is our anniversary. Starting that 7 year itch. wish us luck!
I have so much to talk about, I just don't have the time... I promise to update more!
1 day ago
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