We live in the country. About 10 miles south of Muskogee off of highway 64. (Those of you who are stalkers, I beg you to try to find me... ) I understand that people choose to live in the country for a number of reasons, most of them are absolutely none of my business. One reason people choose to live in the country has to do with the fact that a lot of towns are tightening the grip on certain types of dogs.
If you are an owner of a pit bull dog, please do not allow this to hurt your feelings, this is my opinion. However, I find that this opinion is fairly and scarily accurate.
It has been my observation that pit bull owners have the dogs for one of two reasons: 1) they fight them or 2) they are trying to hide/protect something.
Our neighbors have this very cute and innocent miniature Yorkie. I love it, I would bring it inside and give it a much needed bath and comb it's ratted hair if I thought they wouldn't miss it. It weighs around 3.5 pounds and is cute as a button. The day we moved it, it came over to introduce itself. (I am not sure if it is a he or she.) We have played with it since October.
A couple of months ago, a white pit bull dog showed up and is chained to their front porch. Hmmmmm They are never home during the day, just come in at dark and leave before sunrise in the morning. On the weekends, they stay in their tiny house with the blinds drawn and never venture out. That's fine with me, I am all introverted as well and feel that is a nice quality to have.... however, the pit chained to the front porch is a little worrisome.
Fast forward to Sunday. Two more pit bulls showed up and were chained to various locations around the house. All centrally located to the front door mind you, but non the less chained. This was fine until I took my two year old out to play and the neighbors were allowing these dogs to run around the yard. One of the black ones started toward Blayne barking, which of course scared him to death and he started balling his eyes out. This momma bear scoops him up, and immediately yells some pretty bad things to the neighbor about god and dogs and leashes. The guy (who isn't my neighbor... I don't think) quickly apologizes and say's "ma'am, I didn't know kids lived here" IDIOT. Do you think my husband and I get off playing on slides and tricycles, and little cars? Get a life.
So- after that altercation, we now have two pits chained up in front of the house no one is ever at.
Today the camels back has been broken.
remember, I live in the country. There are others around me who have barn cats who pretty much roam around. There is a black one in particular who roams a ton.
Kevin and I were sitting in the house today during naptime enjoying the peace when all of a sudden we hear what sounds like world war 3 outside the window. We jump up in enough time to see the big black pit dragging it's chain around and attacking that cat. The dog killed the cat.... just like that, in front of our window.
My heart was broken and my blood boiled all at the same time.
sometimes i wish i had a gun...
1 day ago
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