
I have a tomato problem...actually, it's my dear husband that has the problem.  I'm just married to it.

We have hundreds of plants:

Here is a list of the varieties:

Cherokee Purple
Caspian Pink
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Lime Green Salad
Black Cherry
santa sweets
super sweet 100
black krim
purple russian
russian 117
redfield beauty
orange strawberry
kelloggs breakfast <=----very limited
black and red boar
juane flammee
1884 yellow pinkheart

Hit me up if you want some plants.  They are organically grown and very yummy... or so I am told. I do not eat them!

Blayne is Sick

Blayne is sick.

He hasn't been sick since September when he spent his last days in Daycare.  Not a stuffy, runny nose. Not a cough. Not anything at all.

Yesterday he spiked a fever. 101

We got it to come down with a Tylenol/Motrin cocktail... But still. 

Blayne is sick.

I HATE having a sick baby.  Hope he gets to feeling back to normal soon.  It's supposed to be 80 next week!

Dog update.

The bulldogs next door kept us locked in our house yesterday...  I had a very upset two year old.  Kevin got home from work around 4:45 and stayed outside... waiting on anyone to come home next door.  I definately felt sorry for the poor sap.  Around 7:30, while we were finally outside playing with the bambinos, a white car pulled up.  "BINGO" yelled my husband and proceeded to march across our yard to meet the poor guy. 

I noticed the shirt the guy was wearing... it had an EMS patch on the right sleeve... ugh oh. 

Kevin didn't notice, he kept marching... about 10 feet he turned around and said... "I know this guy!!"

Turns out they work together. 

After a looooong conversation about dogs and kids, the dogs aren't staying next door anymore... They are back at his house.  Turns out, he is dating my neighbor. 

I still stand behind my thoughs about pit bull dogs. 
Kevin says they had a week.

I haven't even started on the post card I received yesterday from the US Census bs.  Seriously...... This is getting old.

It is in the mail

I completed our census and put it in the mail.

Wonder if I get a letter that now confirms receipt?


I was born on Monday September 10, 1979 in Bristow, Oklahoma to Darrell and Susan Graham-Shelton.  I was one of the last babies to be born in the tiny hospital, they soon after closed their maternity ward.  I was named Jennifer Adriane.  I wonder if they knew millions of other parents thought Jennifer was just the right name?  I mean growing up I have known many, many Jennifer's. 

My mother told me once, had I been a boy, they would have went with the equally original  Jason for my name.  Crazy.

My parents were young, my dad was 22 and mother was 21.  I can't even fathom having a child so young.  We lived in a trailer way out in the middle of nowhere.  A pecan grove in Tuskegee, Oklahoma

I came home in a baby blue dress, which thankfully I still have.  Apparently, I cried all the time... my dad tells me that they would put me in the car and drive around to get me to fall asleep.  Funny, stick me in a car now and I do the same thing.  I am a terrible traveler.

I was the first grandaughter to Wesley and Joann Shelton, and the first niece to my three uncles: Curtis, Jeff and Mike.  To say I was going to be spoiled was an understatement. 

I was definately not the first grandchild for my maternal grandma.  She lived in Depew with my Uncle Jamie and aunt Liz.  Unfortunately, I do not know much about the Graham side of my family, but hopefully will be able to research it a bit more in the future.

For the integrity of this project, any reference to grandma will probably be regarding my Grandma, Joann Shelton.  As you will learn, they were (are) very big influences in my life.  I will reference my mother's mom as Grandma Martin.  Although she wasn't a "Martin" when I was born, she married a few years later.  I actually remember a bit of of the wedding. 

I have heard many stories of being a baby... we all do.  Some of my favorites:

I was born a Bristow Purple Pirate.  In fact, when I was just 10 days old, I attended my first football game.  My mom's cousin Anita tells that she and my mom argued who were going to carry me through the stands... I was there to cheer on my uncle Mike.  He was the quarterback for the State Champion Purple Pirates.  I was so proud =).

My parent's used to drive a yellow Jeep wrangler... you know, the kind that the top was removed?  My grandmother gripes and says that they used to put me in the back seat, in a car seat no less, and drive around.  Here was a little bald baby with a bonnet on my head... remember they were 22!

Anyway- this is the beginning.... I will not write everyday about "my story" but will from time to time. 
Just a way to get things down for my kids- and maybe give you a little glimpse into my world.

Until next time!

My Story - Introductions

I have been wanting to begin a project for what seems like hundreds of years.  Everytime I sat down to begin this project though, the time just didn't seem appropriate or the feeling just wasn't there for me.

Tonight, the project begins.  The project is titled my story and, well is just that.  My story.

I have an absolute fear of dying before my children really know me.  In a way I guess I plan to write enough down so that they will spend 5 years of mind numbing boredom reading it all someday.  In reality, I wish I had more information from my own mother.

If I write about you. Please do not be offended.  This blog is only my side of the story so feel free to chime in if you have a different version.  Also, this is a very rough draft.  It will be full of typos, grammatical, and spelling errors.  I plan to write from the heart and maybe someday take out my Mrs. Alcorn red marker and do some dirty clean up.  

* I plan to use this post to mark the chapters so it will be edited numerous times.
* I plan to label all posts my story and only the posts pertaining to this project.
* I do not expect this to be completed before Blayne graduates college.  Remember, I suck at blogging.

With that being said and without further ado-

My Story:


bad dogs

We live in the country.  About 10 miles south of Muskogee off of highway 64.  (Those of you who are stalkers, I beg you to try to find me... )  I understand that people choose to live in the country for a number of reasons, most of them are absolutely none of my business.  One reason people choose to live in the country has to do with the fact that a lot of towns are tightening the grip on certain types of dogs. 

If you are an owner of a pit bull dog, please do not allow this to hurt your feelings, this is my opinion.  However, I find that this opinion is fairly and scarily accurate.

It has been my observation that pit bull owners have the dogs for one of two reasons: 1) they fight them or 2) they are trying to hide/protect something. 

Our neighbors have this very cute and innocent miniature Yorkie.   I love it, I would bring it inside and give it a much needed bath and comb it's ratted hair if I thought they wouldn't miss it.  It weighs around 3.5 pounds and is cute as a button.  The day we moved it, it came over to introduce itself. (I am not sure if it is a he or she.) We have played with it since October. 

A couple of months ago, a white pit bull dog showed up and is chained to their front porch.  Hmmmmm  They are never home during the day, just come in at dark and leave before sunrise in the morning.  On the weekends, they stay in their tiny house with the blinds drawn and never venture out.  That's fine with me, I am all introverted as well and feel that is a nice quality to have.... however, the pit chained to the front porch is a little worrisome. 

Fast forward to Sunday.  Two more pit bulls showed up and were chained to various locations around the house.  All centrally located to the front door mind you, but non the less chained.  This was fine until I took my two year old out to play and the neighbors were allowing these dogs to run around the yard.  One of the black ones started toward Blayne barking, which of course scared him to death and he started balling his eyes out.  This momma bear scoops him up, and immediately yells some pretty bad things to the neighbor about god and dogs and leashes.  The guy (who isn't my neighbor... I don't think) quickly apologizes and say's "ma'am, I didn't know kids lived here"   IDIOT.   Do you think my husband and I get off playing on slides and tricycles, and little cars?  Get a life.

So- after that altercation, we now have two pits chained up in front of the house no one is ever at. 

Today the camels back has been broken.

remember, I live in the country.  There are others around me who have barn cats who pretty much roam around.  There is a black one in particular who roams a ton. 

Kevin and I were sitting in the house today during naptime enjoying the peace when all of a sudden we hear what sounds like world war 3 outside the window.  We jump up in enough time to see the big black pit dragging it's chain around and attacking that cat.  The dog killed the cat.... just like that, in front of our window. 

My heart was broken and my blood boiled all at the same time.

sometimes i wish i had a gun...

Just a thought...

I have a gripe. 

I sit and watch the news in the evening and hear the same thing nightly: 1/4 of the country is outraged with the government, a 1/4 is happy-go-lucky, and the rest want to complain about everything.   

I am not one to get in the middle of political battles.  I used to want to be a lobbyist when I was in high school.  That's funny, because I never ran for an office of any kind during those years.  Anyway, I wanted to be in Washington D.C. so badly.  I wanted to be where the action was, to be involved in something greater than myself.

Then I actually thought about it.  There wasn't enough money anyone could pay me to endure the crazyiness that is involved in politics.  Think about it, every single thing you do, from what time you wake up, to what store you shop in, to what your beliefs are on any issue, are debated and scruitinized to the 1,000th degree.

I know that you will never make everyone happy, but to never make anyone happy.... that just wasn't for me.

So, fast forward a few years and I endure the political bull-crap online, on the news, at the store... etc.  People happy about the bailouts, people mad about the bailouts.... blah blah bah 
I say nothing, personally my beliefs are well, mine.  Remember, I keep my mouth shut...

Until I walk out to get the mail last week.  There, in my mailbox, sits a little white envelope stamped with US CENSUS.  Ha, I think.  Better get that dude filled out and back in the mail!  I stick it on the kitchen table for later, you know, when I have time to actually correctly fill it out. 

That night, when both kids were fast asleep, I retreived the official looking letter and sat down to complete the form.  I opened it, and inside... 



Wonder how much money was spent mailing all of the pre-notification letters.  Bet that money could have been better used to pay down some of that debt everyone is griping about...

Speaking of griping... why am I the only one to be bringing this up? 

Yeah!! I am ALIVE.

wow- it has been so long since I have been online, I almost forgot how to make a banner, or even remember my blogger password.

So much has happened, yet, so litle has happened at the same time.

We made it to muskogee, we are about 10 miles south toward Warner.  We are in the country, Kevin is stoked... all I can think about is the fact that snakes live in the country.  I brought a cat home from my grandparent's... maybe she will help keep them away. 

Staying home with the bambinos took some getting used to.  At first, I had no routine at all and they just about wore me down.  I had spent the last two years working about 65 hours a week at the office, and sadly, I didn't even know my son.  We have since remedied that issue.  It took a month or so to learn how to translate baby talk, but we got it down. 

We spend a lot of time watching the same movies over and over and over.... but we play a lot too. Blayne is learning his ABC's right now.  Its so much fun to watch him learn.  We know our colors, we can count to 6 then 10.  Somehow we forget about 7... lol 

Blayne and Emileigh have finally decided that it is fun to play with each other.  Well, Blayne has decided.  Em has always wanted to watch her big brother. He facinates her.  She will laugh out loud at him at such random times.  I love it.

Today is our anniversary.  Starting that 7 year itch.  wish us luck!

I have so much to talk about, I just don't have the time... I promise to update more!

wait for it.... wait for it...

Hold on to your pants...I am in the middle of a blog overhaul and kickstart.

It has been way to long, I mean EMILEIGH is SIX MONTHS OLD.
