A moment in time

A moment from Blayne:

What do you mean I have a little sister? MOM!!?

Oh, well. She looks innocent enough...

Hey, look- I have a duck.

Maybe I'll even share with you!

Yeah right! This duck is MINE.

But I'll tell ya what... I think you are pretty cute...

So you can stick around. Muah.


I went to lunch today with a girlfriend from work.

Our office is located at 21st and Memorial and there is an El Chico right up the road. We arrived around 12:30 and was given the BEST table in the entire place. Emileigh was out of the way and away from traffic. SCORE.

We ordered our food, Lynda chicken taquitos and me... Nachos. I remember asking our waiter specifically if there were tomatoes on the food, I didn't want them. He assured me there weren't.

This is what I received:

I promise, this is right out of the kitchen to the table plating. My server could have DIED.

I just took a picture.

Part One

Emileigh Joann Taylor was born Tuesday, September, 15 2009 at 2:24 PM. She weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and weighed a staggering 20 an 5/8 inches long.... Here is her story:

As everyone who got into earshot of me, or was kind enought to read my twitter, facebook status, or blog knows, this little girl took a toll on her momma. Approximately 6 weeks before her birth, she decided she was tired to being in utero and thught it was a good idea to come early. The next 6 weeks were pure torture for her mother... but looking back, I am so glad I got those preciuos weeks.

My doctor decided to induce my delivery at 38 weeks 6 days gestation. I truly believe she did it for my sanity instead of overall health. Maybe she should get a plaque or something, I am sure saved a life or something :).

My last post left off with me leaving the doctor's office for the last time. Blayne went to spend the night with my parents in Muskogee and came home on Saturday. Kevin and I spent one last day as a family of three before Kev went to work on Sunday. Grandma came as usual and hung out until Monday morning when Kevin got home.

We agreed that Blayne would stay with my grandparents in Slick while I was in the hospital. When grandma went home Monday morning, she went ahead and took Blayne with her. I stood on the sidewalk crying so hard when she left with my baby. I know that it was the hormones, but it was so... hard. I really felt like I was cheating him out of something amazing. (I now know better)

I had a list of last minute things I wanted to get accomplished that was a mile long, so Kevin and I got started. I was determined to do all of the items along with him. I guess I just forgot about the previous 6 weeks of going from Bed to Chair to shower.... We went to Babies R Us to look for a Big Brother shirt and walked around for 30 minutes before I asked someone where to find one... I was quickly told, "we are out, sorry." GRRRRRRR I bought Emileigh some socks and left. I was hungry, couldn't decide what I wanted, and we ended up at Teds. It was okay if I could do it over, I would pick McDonalds. About half way through the meal, I start to sweat. Contractions and walking and just being in public got the best of me. So much for item #3-47 on my to do list. We headed straight home for a nap.

Kevin and I took a much needed nap and woke up around 4pm. Kev got started on the list and by 7PM, it was finished. I started to get nervous about the induction and repacked my bags for the 5th time. I packed Kevin's clothes, snacks, etc. Checked and rechecked... by 10pm I was tired. I made a couple of phone calls, took an ambien and went to bed.

I was told to be at the hospital at 5am on Tuesday. My alarm went off at 4am. I drug myself to the shower and left my snoring husband in the bed. My girlfriend Leigh texted me stating she was on the way. At 4:30, Leigh arrived and we were getting things loaded into the Jeep. We got to the hospital, parked and I walked right on up to Labor and Deliver like nothing was going on.

My nurse came out to get me around 5:15 and took us to my room, Myself, Kevin and Leigh. I quickly got into the fashionable gown and planted myself into the bed. I was hooked up to the monitors and had my IV going by 6am. Pitcoin running.

I have to say at this point, the nurses at St. Francis ROCK. My night nurse was so super friendly and easy to talk to... and my day nurse, Karen- Well... I heart her to the moon and back.

This is where the fun stops.

Dr. Parks (I love her) arrived to check on me around 8ish. I was having contractions about 3 minutes apart and was breathing right through them. No worries. Dr. Parks tells me that she is going to break my water. I get on my back and seriously have the worst experience to date. Apparently my bag of water is HIGH and very hard to reach. My girlfriend Leigh was standing by my head telling me how good I was doing with the scariest look on her face. I am telling you IT HURT. It didn't help that I was contracting through them.

Thanksfully, my nurse asked the doctor to put internal monitors on the baby. This allowed me to sit up and move around pretty well. I also received a cathather at this point due to the monitors. I was bed bound. At this point I am dialated to around 2-3 and 60% effaced.

When that ordeal was over, the nurse said she would call the anesthesiologist for my epidural. He arrived around 9am. It was nice to see him because I was having some doozies of contractions at this point. I was ready for some R&R before getting to the baby birthing business.

My nurse ushered everyone out of the room but Kevin and helped me get to the side of the bed. This guy (the anesthesiologist) was more interested in talking than working. This experience was so completely different than with Blayne. I felt everything including the medicine being inserted. It actually felt like it was pooling behind my left knee cap. I was very vocal about this and was told that sometimes that happens, blah blah blah.

The epidural seemed to help and I was back down at 930 resting. By 10am I could feel everything from my pelvic bone north. Not something that is supposed to happen. The nurse called the anesthesiologist back down to my room and he gave me a bolus. BAD MOVE. About 15 minutes after that medication was given, I couldn't feel anything. I seriously lost my hearing. It scared the CRAP out of me. I called for Kevin to get a nurse, something was WRONG and she immediately arrived and started oxygen, upped my fluids, monitored my blood pressure, etc. Eventually I gained my composure and was told the medication dropped my blood pressure. I tried resting again, but woke up within 20 minutes with hard contractions.

At this point, I can not feel my legs at all however can feel every.single.contraction. It is around 11am and I am just having to deal with it.

The anesthesiologist came down again around 1230, gave me another bolus of medication that worked for about 1/2 an hour. The nurse checked and I was between a 3-4. I was devistated at this news. I had been laboring for 6 hours and was exhausted.

**********are you sick of reading yet? Sorry, it gets longer*****************

From 1230 to 130 was the longest hour of my life. I was in so much pain and still could not feel the bottom half of my body. I couldn't even roll over without assistance. Thank goodness Kevin and Leigh love me, because they were my legs. I seriously had no movement. It was a very scary feeling to say the least.

There were about 23 babies born at St. Francis on September 15. My noon, my nurse had delivered 2 and a set of twins for a total of 4 babies already. Needless to say, she was busy.

Around 1:30I could not stand the pain. I had decided that I already couldn't feel my legs, lets get the anesthesiologist in there to dope me up again. I looked forward to the 20 minutes of relief. About this time, Dr. Parks came in. I was conracting every 1.5 minutes and just said, THIS IS TERRIBLE!!!!! She asked when I was last checked, and Leigh told her 1230. She said she would go get my nurse, and left. I waited 15 minutes and couldn't deal, so I pushed the call light and asked them to send in my nurse or get the anesthesiologist down there.

A new nurse came in about 10 minutes later and asked me to roll over so she could check me... Serioulsy? I can't feel my legs. She totally thought I was being a baby. I asked her to wait until the contractions were over...she sighed. I ended up on my back and she checked me. It was 2pm and she asked me to push. I pushed, she said "STOP" you are going to have this baby!! I didn't freaking care, I wanted the pain to stop. I was soaking wet with tears and sweat and she wanted me to push. HELL NO.

Things started getting pretty wild. I was literally begging for them to hurry. My nurse came back in to deliver, dr showed up and Kevin texted my sister (who wanted to be in the room for the birth) at 2:12. Thank goodness Kaitlynn ran, because Emileigh Joann arrived at 2:24. I literally pushed 3 times. I could not feel my legs, but could feel everything else... It was soooooooo bad.

I will write the "rest of the story" later... This is one long one.


Sooo much to say

I have so much to blog about... I really wanted to get through it tonight, but the computer had different ideas. I will definitely get something uploaded tomorrow. I have a story to tell...

Plus- All of the pictures are on my camera. I griped at Kevo tonight and do not dare to ask to use the desktop computer... I'll stay with my little laptop in my room :) Sorry baby... it must be the leftover hormones. Love ya.

More tomorrow= sorry for the delay!

Whew... a long one. Updated.

So much going on... and I haven't blogged. Sorry!!

Let's pick up where I left. We went to the doctor two weeks ago (almost) and were given the news baby Emileigh has too much water floating around with her. I came this close to having a full out panic attack (thanks to google) but after a couple of days, decided what will be will be. I chilled.

That was Thursday, on Friday Dr Parks called and said that EmJ's bladder and kidneys looked good and stay off of google. She reminded me that she would be on Vaca the next week and if I were to go into labor it would be okay with her. Plth.

Saturday my girlfriend Leigh came up and we had pedicures. AWESOME- and then watched the OU BYU game. Ewww. Funny thing: I was petrified that my water would break while getting my toes done, so I refused to go to Walmart. Leigh and I went to this little place right by the house (right off of Riverside next to Camilles) and settled in to pampering bliss. I was doing just fine until the massage chair started thumping my lower back. I am sure that we were the topic of some funny conversations while we tried to figure out how to turn that thing OFF.
It was trying to beat the kid out of me... sheesh. Oh well, way worth it and my toes are painted to boot.

Sunday came, Kevin went to work and Grandma came to stay. She, for the last six weeks, has been coming on Wednesday's and Sunday's to stay with Blayne and me while Kevo went to work. Such a nice blessing. She does laundry and cooks and does all that stuff... LOVE IT, WILL MISS IT.

Monday was Labor day, we hung out and did absolutely nothing.... I became a little nervous knowing that my Doctor was officially off for the week.

Thursday came and with it brought my stupid birthday. I was really looking forward to getting to see the doctor and getting the non-stress test done that was ordered the week before. I woke up bright and early 7am and called the hospital. I was shut down before I could get half of my request out. NO ROOM AT THE INN! At 1130, I called back (as requested by the super hateful inn keeper from earlier) and was told NO. Ms. Nice (or heiney) was kind enough to tell me "they can do that procedure in the doctor's office!"
I hung up, and cried. My hormones are way out of wack and I really just want some assurance this little girl is okay.

I had to wait until 2pm to see the doctor and time went sllllooooooooooow. I got to the office and after the long walk was contracting. I sat down in front of "new nurse" and she proceeded to ask me if I wanted a Flu shot... Ugh- NO. I want nothing but to know my baby is okay. She then asked me if I wanted to be Checked. I am sure I looked at her like she was Shrek because her reaction was priceless. I simply said "Sure, I have no idea what I want... I have never been this far before... aren't YOU the one in charge?"

She laughed (I think she wanted to punch me) and I watched her proceed into an exam room. I went to the bathroom to leave a little urine in the cup (TOTALLY DIFFERENT POST TO COME) and moseyed my way to the room.

When I arrived, I didn't notice an ultrasound machine. Nurse walked in and I asked, "am I not getting an ultrasound?" She replied "ugh, no" to which I came this close again to a meltdown. I explained that is the only reason I was there and something about too much fluid and well...she quickly left the room to chat with the doctor.

3 seconds later she returned and took me to Dr. Razdon's ultrasound room. Whew.

During the ultrasound, I was lost. I am used to Dr. Parks' machine and can usually read the estimates. This machine was ancient and didn't give them. I asked if she could tell me how much she weighed and was told NO. "Dr parks didn't ask me to do that" WHAT??? Are you effing kidding me? I started to melt again, on the inside... but got over it pretty quickly. I decided Dr. Razdon was pretty cool. I explained my fear of a C-section and she put my mind at semi-ease.

I did get an induction date of September 15th and asked to arrive at 05:00! Due to the whole earlier episode with the inn keeper at St. Francis, Dr. Razdon advised not to call ahead, just show up. I laughed. She did a bio-physical profile of the baby and decided we looked pretty darn good.

I came home, and got ready for Blayne to go stay with my Dad and Rita (papa and doodah) and get ready for a long awaited dinner out. It was my birthday after all :)

Blayne stayed in Muskogee until Saturday. Yesterday was a typical Sunday with Gram, and today has been spent doing any last minute things. Like Blogging. HA.

Blayne went to Slick with Meemaw and will stay there until we come home... I am FREAKING OUT.

I think that waiting 6 weeks then getting an induction is way worse than having your water spontaneously bust...

I'll update more later!

Polyhydramnios: Too Much Amniotic Fluid

Okay- so we made it to 37 weeks 1 day. We are full term and can deliver at anytime. I can breathe a little easier at that statement, however after today's doctor appointment, I have some new worries.

Here is the scoop:

Everyone knows that I have been on lock down for the last 5 weeks. I have literally moved from my bed, to my recliner, to my couch. The times I have tried to escape and take a journey, I have either landed in the hospital or on my bed with riveting contractions, both suck.

Today Kevin and I went to the doctor at 11:30. We are on weekly visits now, and I was really looking forward to seeing the doc. Last week, week 36, I had the Strep B test so I was not able to have my normal ultrasound. I was having some "ahem" complications in the bathroom department (sorry, but I have to explain) and melted down in Dr. Park's office. She suggested a couple of OTC medications and asked if I needed a small dose of anti-depressant. Kevin assured her that I was just really tired from not getting any sleep, so I left with a prescription of Ambien.

Although we got to hear the heartbeat, the visit was less than incredible. I did not get the chance to talk about my fear of having a C-section due to this baby being so much bigger than Blayne. (Blayne had to be suctioned out) Oh- forgot to add, last week I gained 8 pounds. I chalked it up to being in my "condition" and didn't think anything else about it. I knew it wasn't from eating, because.. I just can't eat.

This week, I felt much better and was really looking forward to the visit. I knew that we would be having our ultrasound, and I would be able to bring up the baby's weight then. I got to the doctor, and went right in. My blood pressure rocks and proceeded to the scale. I gasped when I gained another 8 pounds!! Guys, I have lost weight every appointment.... gaining 16 pounds in 3 weeks, 8 pounds in one week... a little weird. I got off the scale, prepared for a lecture, trying to figure out where the weight was coming from and sat for my turn in the ultrasound room.

Once inside, Dr. Parks came in smiling and greeting us. She asked me to lay back and measured my tummy. This is where the visit went down hill. She immediately lost her smile and mentioned to me that I was huge. "Really?? Because I thought I was looking good doc!" She started pushing around and asked if I could breathe okay and if I was in much pain. Ugh, yes... more pain than I can describe at times. It feels like my insides are going to fall out!

She began the ultrasound and immediately became concerned. "you have too much water!" As in there is way too much water around the baby.

Apparently the 15 pounds I am gaining... all going to the uterus and surrounding the baby. She measured the baby's belly, then took a different angle she preferred. She mentioned that Emileigh is stretched head to toe, (no kidding!) and began looking for her kidney's. She did state that her kidneys looked okay.

I asked if we could induce Friday, she said they (i am assuming insurance) won't let her. She did state that I really needed to go into labor this weekend though, and began giving me pointers in how to start the process.

Dr. Parks is going to be on Vacation next Tuesday through Friday, so if anything happens then, I will see one of her associates. I'm okay with that, but a little nervous. She did state that she was going to do some research and we might induce this Sunday- I am way for that. Please say a little prayer....

Last bit of advice she gave me, when my water breaks- it's going to gush. That made me chuckle a little. I guess public outings are off limits right now!

Anyway... I still had some questions, so Kevin and I googled when I got home. BIG MISTAKE!

Polyhydramnios- Here is the link.... Say a little prayer this is just a freak thing, that my water will break this weekend, and baby Em will have absolutely no heart or swallowing issues.

Thanks for taking the time to read this- it really means a lot to me.

Blayne got kicked out of daycare today for having pink eye- that is an entirely different post! ahhhh kids!