January 1, 2016.
When I logged onto blogger, today, and clicked new post, a nice white sheet of blank screen stared right back at me.
That's what January 1 is all about, though, right? Fresh starts. We each have been gifted 364 days ahead of us to make this year The BEST year ever.
I'm going to be participating in that mantra. With a little difference. I'm going to be posting each day of this year. Yep. Everyday. I'm going to be writing letters to my children. I'm going to share some pretty personal things, and Im going to post short snippets.
Why? Because I feel called.
I feel as if Jesus is asking me to be vulnerable. He is asking me to tell my story, then to tell people why I trust Him.
You see... If you are having a sucky day, you might not know the One who can bring peace that passes all understanding.
Is my life perfect? absolutely not, y'all.
I have stories that need to be told. I need to tell you about growing up. That is going to be very hard.
I have stories about marriage that will be hard.
I have stories about being a terrible parent to my children.
I'm going to tell you how I struggle with money and time and exhaustion. How I long to please everyone, yet fail at that, daily.
Im going to show off two of the most important people in my life. I'm going to share my dreams, my fears, my faults, and my tears.
I'm about to get real in 2016.
Will you join me? My email is JenTaylor03@gmail.com I'd love feedback and comments. You can add them to the posts, or privately.
It's my prayer that I am able to encourage many of you this year but if it turns out to be just one - Well, that will be okay
Back to the blank white page.
There are some stuff in 2015 that was so hard to walk through. I failed multiple times, but just like January 1st, I've been given an opportunity to start over. Jesus teaches me, and he FORGIVES me. I'm so grateful for grace.
I'm also thankful for these two adorable kiddos!
The first picture of 2016- after I gave Blayne a haircut for the very first time.
1 day ago
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