Christmas is 11 days away. I'm not exactly sure where we are in the song.. if I should receive two turtle doves or if I should be receiving eleven lords a-leaping. either way... the gifts would be the ONLY thing that would suggest Christmas in my house. Well, except the pesky elf on a shelf that forgets to move days on end. He does, however, remind my children to be nice... WIN.
I feel guilty that my tree is buried in my garage, that my living room has been transformed to a playroom so there isn't a snowballs chance of a tree fitting in there, anyway. I feel guilty that my children don't beg for decorations and fluff. Guilty because there will come a time soon, that they won't care about a tree or decorations and I'll wish for nothing but a year with them small.
Am I the only one who doesn't go above and beyond for holidays? I post the cutest ideas to my pinterest boards, yet never follow through. I'm just tired. Exhausted. I come home to recharge and do nothing.
My children seem to appreciate the low key atmosphere, the days that are carefree with no schedule or requirements. Weekends are spent in pajamas with mismatched socks and messy hair. We eat picnic style whenever we are hungry- usually in living-room while watching cartoons. We nap, we play, we do laundry.
This is normal, yet for some reason, 11 days from Christmas, I feel like I am cheating my little people from something I see enjoyed on television.
I look back and don't ever remember celebrating holidays. sure, we had a Christmas tree with a hundred wrapped boxes under it. I don't have many other memories of Christmas when I was younger.
Am I doing the same disservice with my own children?
What are your thoughts? Am I scaring my children?
1 day ago
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