I wish I could apologize for not keeping up with the updates, but really, when bedtime finally comes, I'm one sleepy momma!!!
We have been getting up at the crack of dawn (well, okay... sometimes 8:30-9:30 feels like the crack of dawn) and going until 10:30pm or later. Days are spent beside a large body of water on a beach so white, it makes ME look tan.
Speaking of that sparkling beautiful sand, it gets everywhere. I'm not sure exactly what I expected, I guess I thought if I took my hefty camera bag, and was super careful, sand wouldn't intrude. WRONG. That crap is everywhere.
I wouldn't change a thing.
I'm sitting on the balcony as I type. Attempting to edit four days worth of pictures. We'll see how far I get. I promise to get some online today. Thanks for all of the emails, tweets, text messages, etc. It feels really good to know that there are actual people, who I know, following :)
Please, let Thursday have 72 hours in it....
1 day ago
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