Hi hoooooo, Hi hoooooooo.... Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

Three weeks after Emileigh was born, I went back to work. Two weeks after that... I quit.

Tomorrow, I return.

I have such mixed feelings.  I am nervous, I am anxious, I am excited... I am scared I will miss my kids.  I will miss living in "comfortable clothing" and sleeping at convenient times. 

I am excited about getting back into the real world.  I am excited about contributing financially to this family once again.  I am excited that Kevin will get to spend more time with the kids.

The good totally outweighs the bad, and I know in a week, I will be over the anxiety. 

I am going back to LinkAmerica.  They called, we met, we stuck a deal.  I will have a ton of flexibility, with is the major point in my going back to work.  

Let's face it.  Link is what I know.    I have no problem working with truckers, or customers, or maintaince, or cranky people. 

it's the damn spreadsheets that kick my ass!