Dear Blayne

Dear Blayne,

     Today, we made brownies together and took them to Daddy and the guys he works with.  While we were on the way to deliver them, you were talking away about everything you could think about, and about as fast as you could think about it.   You are changing so fast, buddy.  I'm so excited to watch you grow up, but at the same time, it makes me sad that I am not allowed a pause button. 
     You keep Daddy and me cracking up.  I always said you would be as witty as your daddy.  I am pretty sure, you won't make a liar out of me on that.  Depending on your mood, I can be "Ruby-mommy" while you are "Max-Blayne."  You turn me into a dragon when you want me to chase you.... "Oh no!!! Here comes dragon mommy!  Run Emileigh!!!" 
     Your imagination is amazing.  You pretend to be robot Blayne  and everyone else in the house is expected to be robots as well.  You get tired of us, you just come up and pull the lever to shut us down.  If it were only that easy.
     You are adding words to your vocabulary daily, and phrases that use to be difficult, seem to roll off of your tongue.  You are quick to say "No fank you" when you don't want something, and just as quick to say "I'm sorry" when you feel you are just about to get into trouble.  However cute it is, you like to say, "it was just an acks-a-dent, momma" when you know you should be in trouble.  Most of the time, you get out of it though :)
     You love to play with Levi, next door.  In fact, you call him your best friend.  You think that everyone is our best friend, so innocent baby.  I hope you have a lifetime filled with best friends. 
    You sing like an angel when you allow me the opportunity to hear.  You carry the correct tune and it warms my soul to hear it.  You always ask me to sing with you... I am sure that will soon change.  I can't carry a tune in a bucker, buddy.  But until you forbid me from singing, I will join you joyfully. 
     You have such a sweet spirit, love.  If you think I am upset about something, you quickly say, "it's okay momma.  It will be okay."  It breaks my heart that you are so thoughtful.  If something is wrong with sissy, you come find me... "momma, girl is mad- help her." 
    You have a temper.  You love to play outside and the park is your favorite adventure.  You would live at Honor Height's park if we would let you.  Your second favorite thing to do is pick up rocks and sticks and throw them in the water.  You could do this for days.
   Yesterday, we went to Pettit Bay at Lake Tenkiller in Tahlequah.  You were so unhappy when we loaded up to head home.  You cried and cried.  It made me sad.  Daddy and I talked about when we were little and our parent's made us do something we didn't want to do, or understand why we had to do it.  I hate that you felt that yesterday, but you made up for it.  I was trying to console you and you quickly said, "NOT TALK TO ME ANYMORE, MOMMA!"  I am sure when you are 15, my reaction will be much different, however it was super cute.
     I love you, little man.  I love you more than I could ever imagine loving anyone in my entire life.  I hope that you will feel that before you have your own children... My wish is that when you are grown, you will know your parent's loved you with everything we have.  I look forward to more "Blayne-isms" and many, many more laughs. 

                                                                                                                                       love,    Mom :)

Weekend Update:

Today marks two full weeks I have been back to work.  I feel alive again, Saturday's feel like Saturday and I feel like I am contributing to society again.  I haven't had to worry about the TaylorTots, they have been able to spend a lot of extra time with Daddy, and they are in heaven.

I am so thankful for the time I spent at home with them, as babies. 

I started working at LinkAmerica in 2004- I have been through a LOT of changes, yet going back last week was really strange.  There were a lot of old faces, but so many new faces.  Such a shock.  LinkAmerica is known for changing things internally... I'm ready for the ride.  It was a nice two year break.

Kevin and I bought a new car last week.  We ended up with a Chevy Malibu.  After fueling the expedition and shelling out $96.00 for three days worth of commuting, something had to give.  So far, we have had it a week and a couple of days, put almost 900 miles on it, and have only put $80.00 in the fuel tank.  SCORE.

My family is blended meaning when dad got remarried, I gained three sisters.  They are amazing women who I love dearly.  Last week, they lost their cousin in a very, very tragic accident.  She was 19ish.  My heart broke watching various facebook posts.  If you are a spiritual person, please keep the them in your prayers.  Amanda, Megan, and Katie- Love you three.

I stopped playing Farmville this week!  I start summer school on June 6th and decided school, work, family, and summer was more important. 

Im going to sign off for now, I have two perfect little Taylor's who are playing upstairs.  I think I hear cartoons calling my name :)

Hi hoooooo, Hi hoooooooo.... Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

Three weeks after Emileigh was born, I went back to work. Two weeks after that... I quit.

Tomorrow, I return.

I have such mixed feelings.  I am nervous, I am anxious, I am excited... I am scared I will miss my kids.  I will miss living in "comfortable clothing" and sleeping at convenient times. 

I am excited about getting back into the real world.  I am excited about contributing financially to this family once again.  I am excited that Kevin will get to spend more time with the kids.

The good totally outweighs the bad, and I know in a week, I will be over the anxiety. 

I am going back to LinkAmerica.  They called, we met, we stuck a deal.  I will have a ton of flexibility, with is the major point in my going back to work.  

Let's face it.  Link is what I know.    I have no problem working with truckers, or customers, or maintaince, or cranky people. 

it's the damn spreadsheets that kick my ass!