When I was growing up, I thought that I would never get to be a grown up. I mean, my whole life, I was a kid. I can remember complaining to my grandma about being a little girl…and she would always say. “each year goes faster and faster the older you get, please don’t wish your life away.” As I sit at my desk in my office, I am reminded of this statement…more than ever before.
March 5th, 2008 was scary. I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and had blood trickling down both legs. I woke Kevin up from a deep sleep, forced him to let me take a shower, then proceeded to St. Francis’ labor and deliver department. I was a regular. The last few months of my pregnancy with Blayne landed me there several times for one thing or another. I remember walking to the desk, giving my name, and waiting for the nurse to call me back. It was 1am and she was the nicest lady ever. She was older, short and didn’t treat me like I was a first time mother. I went through the motions, removing normal people clothes, putting on yucky hospital clothes and settling into the bed awaiting the many devices to be hooked to me. She applied the monitor and proceeded to bring me a jug of water with the instructions to DRINK!
As I slurped the water down, she began the questioning. The bleeding had stopped, I was actually comfortable, and was happy to hear my baby’s heartbeat and thumps when he kicked me. I will never forget the look on her face… it was of confusion as I answered each question, took a drink, and smiled at my worried husband. About 10 minutes into the questioning, she said, “Do you not feel that??” I was confused… “No” She proceeded to explain to me that I was having some pretty good contractions. Hmph. Didn’t feel a thing.
She called the intern or resident or whatever he was into the room to “check” me and perform an ultrasound. At this point, I was a little nervous… Blayne wasn’t due until April 10th. It was just too early! The guy, after sticking his arm in me to his shoulder, announced that I was “tighter than a drum” and gave me a shot to stop the contractions. After looked at the ultrasound and congratulating my husband on a boy, he left. I finished my jug of water, put my clothes on and went home. I was exhausted.
That night, I convinced Kevin to take me to my grandma’s house in Slick. I didn’t want to be alone and he had to work in Muskogee that night. He agreed and off we went. How I wish I knew then what I know now…
I grew up with my grandparents. Even when I lived away, I always called and felt the most at home in Slick. It was really tough for me to think about having a baby and not getting to stay with my grandparents as much. I’ll admit, I was jealous of my kid… almost mad for taking that away. How stupid, right?
Kevin took me to Slick. We sat on the couch watching basketball and talking. I caught up on the Bristow news (that took about 15 minutes) and we went to the Golden Wu for dinner. Around 9PM Kev left for Muskogee. I went to bed around 9:30 or so feeling tired, but pretty good. I mean, I was at grams after all.
At 3:30ish I woke up. Again, not unusual for a preggo to wake up in the middle of the night. I felt the urge to go to the bathroom and stumbled in the dark as to not wake anyone up. About the time I made it to the door, I felt the warm liquid again. I can remember saying, “ oh hell, not again!” then slapping my hands over my mouth afraid my grandma heard me say hell.
I used the hallway bathroom and to my surprise, no blood. Whew! I was scolding myself… pissed that I had just peed all over myself. Finished with business and stood up. That is when I felt it. The back pain. Dull…. Coming on then going away… I paced back and forth in the bathroom a minute and decided I had better go call Kevin and let him know my water had broken. I took my time to the kitchen, picked up the phone at 4am and called my husband. “Kev, I think my water just broke” “WHAT?!!!!” he replied… I said, “Well, Im not sure. It either broke or I pissed all over grandma’s carpet… and I will NEVER fess up to that!” The next thing I remember hearing is, “ I’m on my way!” and hung up.
Now… you must understand. I went to ALL of the pregnancy/birthing classes. ALL.OF.THEM. I was convinced that I would be in labor for a minimum of 12 hours and the paid would be must worst then menstrual pain. What I was feeling, nothing compared to my monthly gift. I thought I had HOURS before this kid would be on the way.
The second obstacle was to figure out how to get to the shower in Grandma’s bathroom, which is in her room, without waking her. I decided this was impossible, so I snuck in like I was 5 and whispered, “graaandddma- I think my water just broke.” She was out of that bed in about 2.6 seconds. I tried to explain to her that I had HOURS before delivering this baby, and that I decided that I wanted to take a shower before going to the hospital. You will remember I did the same shower first thing the night before, again… product of thinking I would have hours then wouldn’t shower until tomorrow- I didn’t my hair to be greasy!
Showering- BAD IDEA when in labor. This baby, I’ll stink like the garbage truck… I have NO idea how I made it out of that shower. I was contracting so hard in my back I would double over, count to 30 about 4 times then continue my shower. I ran out of hot water before I had all the shampoo out of my hair. It was bad. I got out of the shower, got dressed and thought I had better call Kevin to see where he was. He answered on the first ring and told me he was in front of Jess Dunn prison on highway 16 still about 45 minutes away from Slick. I think my grandmother just about had a panic attack at this time.
I went into the living room to wait for Kevin, refusing to leave with her as I know she isn’t comfortable driving in Tulsa. She sat next to me and tried to talk. By this time, there was no talking. I was just concentrating on breathing and counting. She finally got bored of watching me and went into the Kitchen to make some coffee. That sucked. The second that aroma of coffee hit me, I was throwing up. In fact, that is where Kevin found me, praising the porcelain gods in gram’s bathroom.
Kevin yelled at me to get up and get in the Jeep. I can remember grandma following him saying, “she’s gonna have that baby on the Kellyville road!!!” I kept on counting.
Inhale 1-2-3-4-5 Exhale 1-2-3-4-5 as slowly as possible. The whole time thinking, get me to the hospital so they can give me that shot to stop these contractions!
I’m not sure how fast we drove that Kellyville road. I never want to know really. Again, I closed my eyes and counted. This time tried not to think about Bambi jumping out in front of the jeep. I swore I fell asleep, Kevin denies that to this day. I remember when we made it to the Kellyville turnpike entrance, and forced the words, “go I-44 to Yale” out between breathing to avoid a long route. I remember when we made it to the Yale exit, and I saw that beautiful pink hospital on the hill… I knew I was almost there.
Kevin pulled into the ER and asked if I needed a chair. I waited for the current contraction to end and bolted out of the door to the ER. I made it to the ER doors when the next contraction started. I kind of fell/slid into the chair in front of the triage desk and woke the guy up who was sitting there. He asked, “What…” to which I interrupted by saying Jennifer. Taylor. Labor. 3rd Floor. Hurry!!! He was around that desk, out of the office, had a wheel chair, and me loaded before I could say Ahhhh. My hair was literally flowing as he raced me to the labor and delivery desk to check in. The exact same place I was the night before.
The clerk began to ask questions. I couldn’t answer… Kevin showed up and answered the questions she had. She parked me in the waiting room and called the nurse. I remember hearing her say, “this girl is really in pain.” Somewhere during this time, Kevin lets me know that it is 6am. BAD timing to show up at a hospital. The night shift is ready to go home…shift change….blah.
The doors to L&D open and the nurse from the night before is standing there. Only, this time, she isn’t friendly. She has a scowl on her face and her eyes keep rolling around in her head. I thought, “Oh crap…this isn’t good.” She pushes me to a room and asks me to change. Okay, look… changing when you aren’t in labor is a pain. Changing when you ARE in labor is impossible. I am very serious when I said that I almost walked my fat self across the room to that dang bed. When I finally did make it to the bed, I sat down, Indian style. You know, legs crossed in front of you. This was the most comfortable I had been yet.
This did not make pissy nursy-poo happy. She asked me 3 times to lie back. I ignored every request. My legs crossed, my arms stretched behind me, my chin on my shoulders. I.WAS.COMFORTABLE.DANGIT.
Now, things at this point were moving pretty slowly. I could tell she was just trying to take her time so the next nurse on duty could do the work. She did however, have to check me. That is when things went crazy. She got down to business, scowl on her face and all…. About 8 seconds later, her face went from scowl to fear. She announced, “SHE IS 8 CENTIMETERS!!!” Wait just one minute mean nurse…. I AM NOT READY TO HAVE THIS BABY! I HAVE HOURS LEFT TO LABOR.DIDN’T YOU PEOPLE GO TO BIRTHING CLASSES?!!!
Everything went a little crazy at this point. I immediately asked for my epidural and mean nurse said, “did you pre-register?” I quickly remembered that we were going to do that TODAY… so said, “No” She almost laughed out loud and said, “well, then you won’t be receiving one… but I’ll ask.” OI swear. If I hadn’t been strapped down, I would have whipped her. About this time, another nurse came in and began an IV so a bunch of antibiotics could be administered as I had not had my strep b test completed. It took her 3 times, she said, “im so sorry, this must hurt” each time. Seriously, I didn’t feel a thing. She could have stuck that needle in my neck and it wouldn’t have hurt. She finally got it and I assumed the position of Indian style.
Kevin then pulled his head out of the fog and called my Grandmother and Leigh. They were supposed to be in the delivery room with me. I didn’t think either would make it…
Sometime later, a new fresh faced nurse came in with the best news of the day, so far ;). She announced that the anesthesiologist agreed to administer the epidural and was on the way. She also stated she was my new nurse. THANK.GOD.
About 15 minutes later, I had my epidural and was laying back in my bed relaxing. Leigh and Grandma arrived and all was good. The doctor got there, checked me and requested some instruments and excused herself to go get a coke. It was 8:20 when she got back and it was time to start pushing. Grandma on my right side, Kevin on my left and Leigh in the corner smiling from cheek to cheek. My epidural worked too well. I couldn’t feel my contractions so I just pushed the whole time. The doctor had to use the vacuum to help Blayne get out, and the cord was wrapped around his foot. But in about 15 minutes. He was here.
Because he was 5.5 weeks early, he went to the NICU for evaluation. He was never put on oxygen, never had an IV, just held his own. At 10PM that night, he was released and got to come see his mommy and daddy.
I was walking 15 minutes after I delivered him. Except for mean nurse- it was a fantastic experience. I guess I should thank Mean Nurse…she makes the story a little better.
Today has been a year. Kevin took me to lunch and we reminisced, I almost cried. My little baby is 1 today. I am sure it gets harder… I can’t imagine 21.
If you have made it this far, congratulations. I had this on my Typepad blog and lost it. I want to always remember this special day.
Hug your babies!

What a beautiful story...and a beautiful mom and baby boy to go with it. Congrats for making it this far! Yep, it gets harder and better every day!! Love ya!
What a beautiful story...and a beautiful mom and baby boy to go with it. Congrats for making it this far! Yep, it gets harder and better every day!! Love ya!
so i took a nap half way through this...haha j/k..but i fig it was worth it! fo sho! wish i cldve been there! for the new baby yay! love you
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