1. My job is suckingsobadIwanttocry right now. Oh, wait... I HAVE CRIED!!! Is it worth you sanity to cry at work? For the record, I am not a crybaby. I have to be really, really, really, upset. Example: My idioit boss asked me to be a co-workers hoe this week. He asked me, "Jennifer will you be XYZ's Ho?" To which I replied, Uhhhh. He continues, "You do know what a Hoe is right?" "A tool to cultivate a garden" was my response. I definately think he is scum.
2. I am not in the Christmas mood. Yes I know it is Blayne's very first Christmas ever...still not in the mood. at all...
3. Work should have 2 spots. There.
4. Still looking for that part time, tele-commuting job. Come on people...help a girl out!
5. Blayne loves to take a bath in the kitchen sink. I snapped a few pics and will leave the night with them... Happy Wednesday.
Bath Time...

adorable!!! i can't wait until aislinn starts enjoying her baths like that.
love it. and you. hope work gets better!
Cute kid! Love how kids can find fun in the simplest of things. Speaking of jobs that suck I am out tomorrow. Take care!
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