Only 364 days until Christmas...
We went to Dad’s for Christmas Eve, Blayne was feeling better but not anywhere normal. We could get a sideways grin once in a while, poor baby. The whole family made it to Dad’s, his three kiddo’s and Rita’s 3 girls.
We even got a picture with all of us! Dad, Rita, Kevin, Blayne, Me, Amanda, Mark, Butch, Megan, Kaitlynn, and Katie. We were all on the couch- I can’t wait to get a copy, I’ll post.
Yesterday we went to Grams for Christmas. We opened gifts and ate snacks, I love snacks…
Blayne made out like a 9 month old should, he is staying with grandma today… more spoiling.
I am at work fighting the urge to crawl under my desk and take a nap… Sorry, I don’t have anything witty or interesting left.
It's official
It’s official. Blayne is allergic to milk.
From the mayoclinic website:
All food allergies are caused by an immune system malfunction. Your immune system identifies certain milk proteins as harmful, triggering the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies to neutralize the protein (allergen). The next time you come in contact with these proteins, these IgE antibodies recognize them and signal your immune system to release histamine and other chemicals. Histamine and other body chemicals cause a range of allergic signs and symptoms. Histamine is partly responsible for most allergic responses, including runny nose, itchy eyes, dry throat, rashes, hives, nausea, diarrhea, labored breathing and anaphylactic shock.
There are two types of protein in milk that can cause an allergic reaction:
* Casein, which is found in the solid part (curd) of milk that curdles
* Whey, which is found in the liquid part of milk that remains after milk curdles
You or your child may be allergic to only one milk protein or allergic to both casein and whey. These proteins are not only present in milk — but also are found in many processed foods. Certain foods contain both casein and whey; other foods contain only one allergy-causing milk protein
Blayne was tested for soy, wheat, cow’s milk, mango, and cheese. Apparently, the lab forgot to test the mango and cheese so we are waiting for the results.
When the nurse called me yesterday with the results, I was prepared for a milk allergy. I was not prepared for the severity of my baby’s allergy.
There are two ways to test, skin test and blood test. According to the nurse, they prefer not to do skin testing on anyone younger than age 6. Blayne had the blood test, a RAST test more specifically. The suspected allergen is introduced to the blood and a reaction either occurs or not. There is a scale 0-6 that is assigned to each testing agent, Blayne’s results:
Wheat 0
Soy 0
Milk 2
Cheese n/a
Mango n/a
I was super excited to hear so many zeros!! Also, only scoring a 2 for milk?? We can surely beat this little allergy, right?
The nurse continued to talk, after my sigh of relief. She explained that testing for a 9 month old is very rare and the numbers indicated above are not very dependable. She explained that the doctor requested his IgE numbers as an infant can score a 0 on all tests, but will have an elevated IgE and still have severe allergies. The reason: 9 month olds are not exposed to the number of allergens as say, a six year old.
This is the part my heart skipped a beat.
For the current age of my baby, 9 months old, IgE is scaled from 1-10. 10 being severe. Blayne’s number… 62. Yes, you read that correctly. 62!! This is critical.
Blayne cannot touch milk, smell milk, let alone inject the stuff. One drop could send him immediately into Anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis could kill him. This was NOT on any of the literature or mentioned in any of the stupid birthing classes!!!
Yesterday, I was in shock. I slept on the news and woke up today scared. Did you know that turkey, sandwich meat, has whey as an ingredient? Whey is MILK.
I have a LOT of research to do… specifically how to cope. I know that people live with Allergies daily, this isn’t a terminal situation… but it still sucks and scares the bejesus out of me.
Just this morning, I dropped Blayne off at daycare, he crawled over by the little boy who was drinking from his bottle. Little friend dropped his bottle to play with Blayne and little girl crawled over and immediately stuck bottle in her mouth. If that happens to Blayne, he spends the night in the hospital. It can happen that quick. Yes, I am freaking out a little bit.
I have wanted to snap some pictures of him with Christmas lights since the day I found out he was on the way. Tonight, we did just that. Unfortunately, he wasn't much in the mood. He was so sleepy. I had to wake him up...
This is Blayne pre-shoot.

Poor little guy. He went to sleep about 6 minutes after I walked in the door tonight. Right after we played airplane... holy crap. Swinging this baby over your head will work out those biceps and triceps!!
After he woke up- We stuck the santa hat on and let him play with the lights... Enjoy-

And finally, my personal favorite. I think this one will go in the Christmas Cards this year....

PS- Say a little prayer for Lindsay. She had two identical twin girls today... about 5 weeks early. Boston and Teagan.... They need our prayers and good thoughts, the girls are 3.5 and 5 pounds approximately. Little tykes.
I was not tempted to poke my eyes out at work today, that's a plus.
It is 1016 and my sweetest husband is unloading the dishwasher... its the little things folks...the little things.
Bath Time
1. My job is suckingsobadIwanttocry right now. Oh, wait... I HAVE CRIED!!! Is it worth you sanity to cry at work? For the record, I am not a crybaby. I have to be really, really, really, upset. Example: My idioit boss asked me to be a co-workers hoe this week. He asked me, "Jennifer will you be XYZ's Ho?" To which I replied, Uhhhh. He continues, "You do know what a Hoe is right?" "A tool to cultivate a garden" was my response. I definately think he is scum.
2. I am not in the Christmas mood. Yes I know it is Blayne's very first Christmas ever...still not in the mood. at all...
3. Work should have 2 spots. There.
4. Still looking for that part time, tele-commuting job. Come on a girl out!
5. Blayne loves to take a bath in the kitchen sink. I snapped a few pics and will leave the night with them... Happy Wednesday.
Bath Time...

December 1st... Already?!!

I stayed home with Blayne today. He is still sick, has double ear infections poor guy. We had to have tubes put in his ears when he was 6 months old due to having 5 infections in 5 months... the little guy never pulled on an ear once. His doctor is pretty sure the medicine will take care of this flare up. If not- Off to Dr. Brownlee...
Kevin and I are trying to figure out how to move back to Muskogee. It is just home. PLUS- I would be able to work part-time and stay home with Blayne more. I need a tele-commuting job... know anyone who is hiring?
I am sad tonight. Since the day we brought Blayne home, I have always fed him is bottle at night and he snuggled up and went right to sleep. For the past 2 nights, he is very interested in his bottle, but not so much the snuggling. *Tear* My little boy is growing up. I tried to tell Kevin that we were so much fun that he didn't want to go to sleep... who am I kidding?? After an hour of Blayne playing he finally decided he would crash. At least he let me rock him.
Going back to work tomorrow. Wish me luck- I need it.
We have always had Thanksgiving dinner (lunch) at my Grandma's house. The reason... the guys get up before the roosters even think about morning and race to the woods to climb their tree stands and freeze their behinds off waiting for Daddy Buck to come trotting by. While they are in the woods, the women gather together the food that my grandmother has been cooking for 3 days prior and try to find a place to set it all out. Approximately 11:30... the deer hunters race in and fight over the bathroom sink then race to the kitchen to begin their feast. By 12:45 there are about 6 men in camouflage laying in the living room watching football while the women look at each other and wonder how in the world we are going to get ALL THAT FOOD BACK IN THE REFRIGERATOR!!! Somewhere between 2:45 and 3PM the men rouse from their hibernation. Once they gather all their gear, it's back to the woods until dark. This is when the gals sit around the kitchen table with magazines, newspaper ads, and dessert. We map out our own hunt. Around 530 we gals start dragging out the food for Round 2. The men get in and it all starts over again.
This is how Thanksgiving has gone for the last 30 years... Until this year.
This year, we went to Jeff and Christie's house. Except two of the 4 brothers weren't there and more than 1/2 the grand kids weren't there. It was sad for me. We ate, then gathered up the leftovers and went home. GASP- what about traditions??? What about drawing names for Christmas??? What about what YOU said about wanting to be with YOUR family? YOU know who YOU are. I am disappointed and hope YOU read this. YOU were missed.
After lunch we, the Taylors, went to Grandma's house. The guys went to the woods and we went to the Bristow after Thanksgiving sale on Main Street. HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF MARY- the entire town of Bristow, give or take 5 were there. You couldn't get into the shops without taking someone out with your elbow or purse. I bought some Jelly Beans. Gran bought something for Jaci... It was CRAZY! A new tradition? Maybe.. I can go with the flow... but it was nuts!
Saturday we went to watch Jacob wrestle. Let me just say that Blayne will NOT be a wrestler. Not because I dont' like the sport... I do, although I do not understand the rules at all. Blayne will not wrestle because I can not put up with Parents being mean to their 6 year olds who are crying on the mat because they just want to go home, or because their 40 pound kid didn't win the match. GIVE ME A BREAK. I so wanted to take my fist and put it on about 4 adults front teeth. People who are mean to kids should have to wear shock collars. I HATE THAT.
Jacob won 3rd place and was told we were proud of him about 4 billion times. He thought he won a gold medal. That was cool.
Last night, we watched Bedlam. OU beat OSU and hopefully will be headed to the Big 12 championship game. How cool would it be to have an OU/Texas National Championship rematch?..... Wishful thinking. My buddy from High School came to watch the game with us. Michael is a hoot and I heart him. He and Kevin hit it off.. I think. So hopefully we can hang out more often. I miss hanging out with friends.... but that is an entirely different post.
For now- I'll leave you with some pictures of Blayne. In 5 days he will be 9 months old.... my how time flies...
- Note to self-Time to lower the bed... Blayne standing in his bed.
- From Halloween- Blayne was a Sock Monkey. He wore his costume for 15 minutes.
- Jaci holding Blayne. She was Batgirl.... She LOVES to hold him.
- My two favorite guys.
Kevin- I love you so much.
We have an appointment with the allergist doctor for next Thursday. I am pretty excited. I wish I could feed him some mashed potatoes this weekend...but as it stands. He will have turkey and dressing from a bottle, baby bottle that is.
Still working on my project outline. I have it done, but stupid blogger doesn't recognize the format...
Until next time... JT
Blayne is in bet... yes it is 615 and my son is in bed, I think he is just exhausted. Poor kid- He has a big weekend ahead too. poor kid.
Working on a new blog project. Not sure it will go... will see.
Have a BIG to do list before the Holidays.... i hate holidays.
Something a brewin...
First- I need a slammin new look.... wonder if I can get to that today?
Crisp cool air, 20oz french vanilla coffee, and Green Day BLARING as loud as I could get it on the way to work.
Yes... it is a good day.
- I hate leaving Blayne at daycare everyday.
- I hate that when I get home from work, it is time to eat, bathe, and go to bed.
- I hate starting new projects at work with absolutely no information...just a go get em.
- I hate that it's Friday and I am doing a list of I hates already...
Scared to death
It started in high school. Before TiVo was invented, I would set the VCR to record Survivor, then CSI. I would watch Friends at 7pm. Shower at 7:30 watch something, gasp I forget which show!!, at 8pm, then finally ER at 9.
Now, it is Watch Survivor, Greys, then ER. You see, for the past 15 years of my life... I have done the exact same thing every Thursday night.
Last Thursday, I was really looking forward to my night. I had just finished with day 2 of the two worst days of work, I was ready for a break! I came home, played with Blayne and began our night time ritual of play, eat, bath, bedtime.
Pursuant to rule #1 for Thursday night, Kevin and I were discussing exactly what junk food I was to feast on this night. For some reason, we could not decide what sounded good for supper. While we stared blankly at one another, I decided that I would feed Blayne. He has graduated to stage 2 baby food and with it comes Macaroni and Cheese (my fave)! I tore open the bottle to feed my little guy. He ate the 4 ounce bottle and began to get fussy. At first, I thought he was getting sleepy. He sometimes does that when he finished eating. He took two bites of his desert, mangos, and began to throw a fit.
I picked him up and he began to throw everything he ate up. Blayne has allergies and has had a lot of phlegm. We thought that he was just feeling bad...haha. Kevin headed off to Reasor's and I stayed comforting our baby. 2.5 minutes after Kevin left, I thought it would be a good idea to call the doctor. I called, held...and held....and held. Finally, the answering service answered and sated that they would page the nurse. What the heck?!!!
About 10 minutes after the puking began-Blayne started to develop hives all over his body. I immediatly called Kevin and asked that he return home asap! He walked in the door, took one look at Blayne and said, "Get him dressed. We are taking him to the hospital." Kevin took two steps, literally, turned around and said. I am calling an Ambulance.
Now- People... My husband is a Paramedic. He DOESNT call an ambulance. This is about the time my body started to shake.
The ambulance arrived with two very polite medics who kept their head on straight. They didn't scare Blayne at all infact, he liked them. Kevin had already began an Albuterol treatment before they made it to the house. Turns out, that was a really good thing.
We went to the hospital where Blayne was admitted due to being given 3 shots of epinephrine in route.
Blayne was released the next day with perscriptions for two epi-pens. Mom and Dad have the job now to train everyone how to use them in case of an emergency.
Tuesday we will visit with the pediatricion who will begin allergy testing with my 7month old. Poor baby.
At this time, it is either Milk or Cheese....
Today is Labor Day, the unofficial official end of summer. The only rule I know... No more white shoes. Speaking of shoes, I need to find me a pair of boots...
Anyway... I thought the easiest way for me to get back into the blogging world, would be to share some pics...
Here is Blayne-O. He is wearing his uncle Butch's hat. It is a nasty, filthy number.... but Butch likes it. Apparently, Blayne thought he was pretty cool as well. My little guy is growing up so fast!!

This is Jacob and Blayne. Doug and Leigh belong to Jacob. You know, the whole... Oh your Jacob's mom... I am getting ready for that crap now.
Jacob lives in Arkansas with his incubator. Hopefully one day he will be an okie like he was born to be. Jacob loves Blayne. He dotes on him each time they are together. We have only had one almost drop him on his head incident, but mom was there to save Blayne. Other than that... Blayne thinks he has a big brother. Jacob is such a good kiddo.

Ahhh- the I heart dad shirt. This was bought by me before Christmas last year from Baby Gap. I believe it was bought before we knew that Blayne was going to be a little boy. I loved it the moment I saw it, if it had said mom, it wouldn't have been so special. I love that when Blayne wears it, Kevin's eyes light up. It is sooo cool. The pants that go with it are a white and red where's waldo type number. They are stinkin cute!! Believe me, that is hard to find for a little guy.
Finally- Our first family picture. When Blayne was born, we didn't take the camera. So... we waited until May. I love this picture of the three of us.
Sooooo looooong typepad
I will for sure update this dude way more often... now.. off to check out the new digs.
Stay tuned!