Young Living Lavender Essential Oil

some of my friends know that i have been bitten by the essential oil bug.  it happened about a year ago, and really... I've kept pretty quiet about it.  why?  no idea.  dumb, really.  they have rocked my world.

I'm so honored to be a part of a really great team that has single-handedly changed the way we market and talk about our oils.  i don't want you to buy oils from me... i want you to buy oils from yourself.  buy a dang kit and use them.  don't have a party, don't beg, just buy the kit and fall in love.


i plan to talk about an oil here and there... introduce you.  I will also be setting up an entire area of my blog devoted to essential oils.  first things first... let's talk about lavender.

* Add one drop of lavender EO to your mascara tube to promote lash growth, extend your mascara life, and strengthen and add volume to your lashes.  ONE.DANG.DROP.

*apply 2-4 drops on location to sooth minor burns.  You know, those that occur when your fingers get too close to the flat iron?  yep.  Soothing.  

* need some help sleeping?  LAVENDER IS YOUR FRIEND.  Rub a drop on your palms and smooth over your pillow.

* Rub lavender on dry, chapped, or irritated skin.  YES, PLEASE

*  Sunburn?  Lavender + Coconut OIL BOOM....

*Drops of lavender and epsom salts in the bath to promote relaxation and super peaceful sleep.

*Lemon and Lavender together can kick the pants out of eczema.

Transparency, Story, and Essential Oils Welcome back

There are times during the day that I have an opinion, or a thought, or when God speaks and wants me to get it out...  There are times where I want to tell my story, where I want to start/join/end a conversation.  I'm interested in blogging, but not the typical "mommy-blog" that promotes perfection (even if the world knows it's plastic).

I want to be transparent.  Okay, no I DON'T want to be transparent, but I feel called to be on this journey.  It's something that I've been battling for a long time... years.  I've blogged and then stopped.  I've shared some really personal stuff, even posted pictures, once.  I received emails from folks thanking me.  I received hugs, advice, and even some flack.  

I'm not going to promise a post schedule, although I hope to get to somewhat of a regular posting system.  I'm not going to promise that what I say will be relevant to your life, or even interesting.  I will promise that my writing and my context will get better.  Stick with me!  I'll hopefully have some guest bloggers who jump in and tell their story.

I'm AM going to rain oil down on your head from time to time, because it's legit, I love it, and I BELIEVE that essential oils will rock your face off.

I am going to tell MY STORY.  My perspective, my life.  If you don't want to read it, then don't.  If it should hurt feelings, then... sometimes the truth hurts.  I've had my fair share of humiliation and hurt feelings.

In the mean time- I've got to decide what to do with the aesthetics around here.  something that is me.  There might even be a new blog that is born from this blog... There is a lot of history at this little corner of the internet main street so starting new is scary, we will see if I stick to it.

Thanks for walking with me.  Transparency is super scary, but since He is the one urging... it will be worth it.