August 28th isn't my favorite day. Ever.
If you are tired of hearing about my medical "stuff" then this isn't the blog for you. However, I need to get this out. I need to do it for ME.
Last August 28th (2011) I woke up in the early morning hours and couldn't walk. I couldn't just not walk, I couldn't stand up. I couldn't get out of the house had there been a fire. I would have been in big trouble.
That morning is, and always will be, etched so vividly in my mind. Kevin thought I was making a big deal out of a sore back. He was supposed to go to work and thought I just wanted him to stay home. I mean, four hours earlier, Emileigh woke up and I jumped out of bed to tend to her. When the alarm went off at 07:00 - My life was different. Maybe forever.
The past year has been so stressful. To my marriage, to our finances, to relationships within my family. My mental state has been good and really poor. It's really hard to depend on people for every aspect in your life. Two major back surgeries, five steroid injections, many doctor appointments, and more money than I care to admit later... and I could proudly say, we survived such a crazy year. Barely at times, but we did.
This August promised a turn of events. Although I take more neuronton in one day than most do in 23 days and live on pain medication, the beginning of school and soccer for Blayne and dance class for Emileigh was on the horizon. We jumped head first into church, I jumped back into friendships that have been idle for over a decade, and finally, Kevin went back to school to get some classes finished for that elusive Nursing degree.
We always take one step forward and land five steps back it seems.
Broken Foot Day 3 |
Exactly one year later... I broke my foot.
To say I'm in a bad place mentally is an understatement.
I have to keep telling myself that bones heal. I will not need surgery, and this will get better!!
The doctors have said that in 3 to 6 weeks, I'll be walking again. I'll have to wear a really cute boot for a while when I start to bear weight on it again... but I'll be able to walk.
Until then, I am back to depending on my husband who is stretched so thin he'll be lucky if he isn't at a mental hospital soon. I'm also blessed to have my grandparents who step in and do way more than needed. I pretty much get pushed to the side of the road and my kids walk the straight and narrow :)
My neighbor, Gina has been so great with helping us feed, water, and exercise (SPOIL) Bobo... he probably thinks he belongs to her. She has cooked dinner for us and will again, she "called it" already.
I'm lucky my kiddos are so resilient. I'm lucky I have family members willing to help more than my needs allow. I'm lucky that I have a husband who loves me, through sickness and health. I'm really working on that sickness part lately. ")
Speaking of resilient kiddos and an amazing husband, they had plans to spend Saturday together from before my broken foot episode. They ending up picnicking and hanging out at the splash pad.
Seriously Bristow, we really, really
, really, need a splash pad.
Here are some pictures of their day. Kevin snapped a few in between bathroom breaks, but that's another story. Gotta love EmJ.
Today, while Daddy is at work saving lives, Emileigh was able to convince memaw she needed Fwinger Nail Polwish on her toe nwails. Lucky for her, she is the favorite great-granddaughter and her demands are greatly received :)