1 day ago
bad blogger
i know i need to update. i really have a lot to talk about... just not ready... not yet.
Being a parent is hard.
The parenting isn't so hard. It can be... expecially when Kevin is working for thee days straight and I change dirty diapers every hour, and Emileigh is teething, and Blayne is just cranky. That stuff is draining.
However, when one of your children have something wrong, that is when things are hard.
Blayne has a cavity. He is 2.5 We have brushed his teeth since he was tiny. He loves to "brush teeth" I do not allow him to drink tons of juice, sugary drinks, etc. He chooses to eat french fries and chicken over cake and candy. He has beautiful sweet white baby teeth.... and one has a great big ugly cavity behind it.
Yesterday, grandma spotted it. I was crushed... I cried 1/2 the way home from Slick... I know that cavities happen... I know that it doesn't require major surgery to get it corrected. However, Blayne has a complete melt down when we cut his hair... getting him in a dental chair is going to be difficult.
I was sitting on the couch feeling sorry for Blayne, and well, really myself and saw that Michael Schofield updated his blog.
If you aren't aware of his story, you should really check it out. His daughter, January, is one of the youngest ever diagnosed with child onset schizophrenia. It is such a heart breaking story, yet it sometimes comforts me to read how a father will fight for his child.
Suddenly, a little cavity isn't so importaint to me.
When you have time, visit his page Jani's Journey. You will not be sorry you did... it might actually make you look at things a bit differently.
:) JT
The parenting isn't so hard. It can be... expecially when Kevin is working for thee days straight and I change dirty diapers every hour, and Emileigh is teething, and Blayne is just cranky. That stuff is draining.
However, when one of your children have something wrong, that is when things are hard.
Blayne has a cavity. He is 2.5 We have brushed his teeth since he was tiny. He loves to "brush teeth" I do not allow him to drink tons of juice, sugary drinks, etc. He chooses to eat french fries and chicken over cake and candy. He has beautiful sweet white baby teeth.... and one has a great big ugly cavity behind it.
Yesterday, grandma spotted it. I was crushed... I cried 1/2 the way home from Slick... I know that cavities happen... I know that it doesn't require major surgery to get it corrected. However, Blayne has a complete melt down when we cut his hair... getting him in a dental chair is going to be difficult.
I was sitting on the couch feeling sorry for Blayne, and well, really myself and saw that Michael Schofield updated his blog.
If you aren't aware of his story, you should really check it out. His daughter, January, is one of the youngest ever diagnosed with child onset schizophrenia. It is such a heart breaking story, yet it sometimes comforts me to read how a father will fight for his child.
Suddenly, a little cavity isn't so importaint to me.
When you have time, visit his page Jani's Journey. You will not be sorry you did... it might actually make you look at things a bit differently.
:) JT
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