
I hate moving. I hate moving almost as much as I hate funerals. It ranks right up there at the top of my do not do list.

I hate packing, I hate loading, I hate unloading and I hate that I can't find a single thing.

I LOVE unpacking though. Stick me in a house full of loaded up boxes and I will be in heaven. All I need is a weekend of un interrupted time and space. I can be an orginzation queen.

Problem is, I have none of it. No time, no space, and interruptions every 2.5 minutes.

My alarm went off this morning at 05:00. I groaned, I slept so well last night. The search began. Box of towls- check. Undergarmets- Check... shoes. Searching. .. ... Ahhh.

I did make it out of the house at 06:01. I pulled into the parking lot at 21st and Memorial at 7:02. score.

i hate moving.

I love that my baby boy got to play outside as much as he wanted to yesterday.
I love that my children will have their own space.
I love that my family is about 15 minutes away

I love that tomorrow- we are gonna carve pumpkins and drink hot chocolate on my front porch.

I love that my children don't understand how hard I work for them, they just care how hard I play with them.

Boomer Sooner

I made it through the first week back to work. It was a weird week, but it ended well. This Saturday morning, I enjoyed sleeping in until 7:45. I am now sitting behind a computer that I have avoided all week with a cup of yummy coffee.

I love autumn! The crisp air, the changing foliage, football, and warm drinks. Blayne is in his room watching Barney and drinking his milk. I LOVE this age.

Today is the Red River shootout, aka OU/texas (hence the crimson font). It begins in a little over two hours. I am making a big pot of chili and beer bread to enjoy during the game and after. We are moving in 7 days and I have yet to pack one single item. I suppose that will be what I do today as well.

I love Saturdays....


if you know me, you know that i am the worst decision maker alive. i change my mind at least 10 times before i settle on any decision, no matter how big or small.

i have this fear of making the wrong decision. its a little weird though, this only applies to my personal life decisions. i can be at work throwing decisions down on a dime... sigh.

the biggest decision of my life just happened:

stay at home with my beautiful babies or go back to work?

i have flip-flopped a million times. there are some situations at work that made the decision very easy two weeks ago. so easy, i convinced my sweet husband to move back to muskogee immediately and pick up 100 hours of overtime to compensate for my lack of salary. talk about a monkey wrench when i went to talk to the EVP on thursday and i came home with wanting to go back to work.

i work for a transportation company, you know, the big trucks that either you hate because they run you of the road or you love because you get behind them on the interstate and can afford to drive a little faster?

i work with those men and women who are behind the wheel. delivering the freight to our customers who expect it on time no exceptions. hurricane katrina? that was just a rainstorm... talk about a headache.

anyway- i digress.

those people behind the wheel. they have families at home. those people behind the wheel have children at home. children whom they sometimes do not see for weeks at a time, and when they do get home.. it could be for hours. hours that is spent buying food to replenish their pantry and doing 2 weeks worth of laundry. they should be out side playing catch with their children, watching barney... anything. instead, they are getting ready for the next run. because our customers expect that of us.

my customers expect that of me. you see, i have two sets of customers. those that pay me to pick up and deliver their freight to their customers, and those who actually do the work (drivers). my job directly affects so many people... i rock at it, and i don't want to leave!

then i have the two most beautiful babies in the WORLD. babies, i never thought i would have. doctors told me multiple times that i would never carry a baby. adoption was my only answer. those doctors suck. thank goodness.

so i had a decision. back to work, my career that i have worked my heiney off for, or stay at home with my precious babies.

for the last three days i have changed my mind so many times. written lists of pros and cons... cried in restaurants, cried while driving, cried when i held them.... dreamed about the decision i was about to make.

yesterday, i was made an offer. a really good offer. one that is going to make bigger changes to our lives...

it came down to one thing:

my babies are not going to chance.

i cried some more, re-introduced myself to God, asked everyone i talked to what the answer was, changed my mind 5 more times... and finally it all fell into place.

we will be living in muskogee. the reason, family. to keep my kiddos out of daycare, i needed someone on the following schedule:

Monday- 5:30 Am to Noonish
Wednesday- 5:30 am to 6:pm ish
Thursday- 5:30 Am to Noonish

because i have the best family and the best friend in the entire world, i have all three covered. and the best part, no daycare. no worrying about pink eye, or stitches, or some idiot feeding my child cheese.

thank you.

thank you Rita, Amanda, Butch, and Leigh. you have allowed me to continue working, for now, and will give my sweet babies what they need. i love each of you, more today than ever. :)

sooo- that's what i have been doing.

back to the office monday morning. 7am. i can't wait.

Okie from Muskoge

So... Today is Monday... I thought that I would be going back to work today. Last week, my mind was changed for me. There are things I can't reveil yet, but dont worry... Things are good, better than good.

Last Friday, Kevin and I spent the day combing the streets of Muskogee for a house. We will be leasing in order to get our feet under us with one income (Guess that is one secret out of the bag hua?). We started with the Muskogee paper and got absolutely nowhere fast. Second, we used word of mouth. There are some great townhouses available.. if you want to spend a lot of cash on about 600 square feet... sheesh.

I was getting very disappointed after the 6th house we looked at. Then I had the brilliant idea of calling a couple of realators. CHA-Ching.

We found a BEAUTIFUL house on six acres in the COUNTRY south of Muskogee. Beautiful I am so excited. I'll post pictures as soon as we take posession around the 22nd. It feels so good, like a dream. This move will allow me to stay at home with my wonderful children, spend a TON of time with my family, and give the opportunity to have my sisters and brother drop by at a moment's notice.


The downside: My husband is trying to kill himself right now working overtime to fund this move. In the next two weeks, Kevin will be putting in around 100 hours of OVERTIME. Yes, that is 180 hours total. It's a good thing he gets to sleep at work... I love him for taking one for the team.