Thanksgiving came and went this year. On one hand, it was Blayne's first Thanksgiving which was cool. On the other hand, a LOT of my family was not together...that was not so cool.
We have
always had Thanksgiving dinner (lunch) at my Grandma's house. The reason... the guys get up before the roosters even think about morning and race to the woods to climb their tree stands and freeze their behinds off waiting for
Daddy Buck to come trotting by. While they are in the woods, the women gather together the food that my grandmother has been cooking for 3 days prior and try to find a place to set it all out. Approximately 11:30... the deer hunters race in and fight over the bathroom sink then race to the kitchen to begin their feast. By 12:45 there are about 6 men in camouflage laying in the living room watching football while the women look at each other and wonder how in the world we are going to get ALL THAT FOOD BACK IN THE REFRIGERATOR!!! Somewhere between 2:45 and 3PM the men rouse from their hibernation. Once they gather all their gear, it's back to the woods until dark. This is when the gals sit around the kitchen table with magazines, newspaper ads, and dessert. We map out our own
hunt. Around 530 we gals start dragging out the food for Round 2. The men get in and it all starts over again.
This is how Thanksgiving has gone for the last 30 years... Until this year.
This year, we went to Jeff and Christie's house. Except two of the 4 brothers weren't there and more than 1/2 the grand kids weren't there. It was sad for me. We ate, then gathered up the leftovers and went home. GASP- what about traditions??? What about drawing names for Christmas??? What about what YOU said about wanting to be with YOUR family? YOU know who YOU are. I am disappointed and hope YOU read this. YOU were missed.
After lunch we, the Taylors, went to Grandma's house. The guys went to the woods and we went to the Bristow after Thanksgiving sale on Main Street. HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF MARY- the entire town of Bristow, give or take 5 were there. You couldn't get into the shops without taking someone out with your elbow or purse. I bought some Jelly Beans. Gran bought something for Jaci... It was CRAZY! A new tradition? Maybe.. I can go with the flow... but it was nuts!
Saturday we went to watch Jacob wrestle. Let me just say that Blayne will NOT be a wrestler. Not because I dont' like the sport... I do, although I do not understand the rules at all. Blayne will not wrestle because I can not put up with Parents being mean to their 6 year olds who are crying on the mat because they just want to go home, or because their 40 pound kid didn't win the match. GIVE ME A BREAK. I so wanted to take my fist and put it on about 4 adults front teeth. People who are mean to kids should have to wear shock collars. I HATE THAT.
Jacob won 3rd place and was told we were proud of him about 4 billion times. He thought he won a gold medal. That was cool.
Last night, we watched Bedlam. OU beat OSU and hopefully will be headed to the Big 12 championship game. How cool would it be to have an OU/Texas National Championship rematch?..... Wishful thinking. My buddy from High School came to watch the game with us. Michael is a hoot and I heart him. He and Kevin hit it off.. I think. So hopefully we can hang out more often. I miss hanging out with friends.... but that is an entirely different post.
For now- I'll leave you with some pictures of Blayne. In 5 days he will be 9 months old.... my how time flies...

- Note to self-Time to lower the bed... Blayne standing in his bed.

- From Halloween- Blayne was a Sock Monkey. He wore his costume for 15 minutes.

- Jaci holding Blayne. She was Batgirl.... She LOVES to hold him.