Thursdays have always been my day. My day to come home straight from work (school years ago) grab the closest thing near me to eat for dinner (Junk Food required) and settle on the couch to watch 3 hours of T.V.
It started in high school. Before TiVo was invented, I would set the VCR to record Survivor, then CSI. I would watch Friends at 7pm. Shower at 7:30 watch something, gasp I forget which show!!, at 8pm, then finally ER at 9.
Now, it is Watch Survivor, Greys, then ER. You see, for the past 15 years of my life... I have done the exact same thing every Thursday night.
Last Thursday, I was really looking forward to my night. I had just finished with day 2 of the two worst days of work, I was ready for a break! I came home, played with Blayne and began our night time ritual of play, eat, bath, bedtime.
Pursuant to rule #1 for Thursday night, Kevin and I were discussing exactly what junk food I was to feast on this night. For some reason, we could not decide what sounded good for supper. While we stared blankly at one another, I decided that I would feed Blayne. He has graduated to stage 2 baby food and with it comes Macaroni and Cheese (my fave)! I tore open the bottle to feed my little guy. He ate the 4 ounce bottle and began to get fussy. At first, I thought he was getting sleepy. He sometimes does that when he finished eating. He took two bites of his desert, mangos, and began to throw a fit.
I picked him up and he began to throw everything he ate up. Blayne has allergies and has had a lot of phlegm. We thought that he was just feeling bad...haha. Kevin headed off to Reasor's and I stayed comforting our baby. 2.5 minutes after Kevin left, I thought it would be a good idea to call the doctor. I called, held...and held....and held. Finally, the answering service answered and sated that they would page the nurse. What the heck?!!!
About 10 minutes after the puking began-Blayne started to develop hives all over his body. I immediatly called Kevin and asked that he return home asap! He walked in the door, took one look at Blayne and said, "Get him dressed. We are taking him to the hospital." Kevin took two steps, literally, turned around and said. I am calling an Ambulance.
Now- People... My husband is a Paramedic. He DOESNT call an ambulance. This is about the time my body started to shake.
The ambulance arrived with two very polite medics who kept their head on straight. They didn't scare Blayne at all infact, he liked them. Kevin had already began an Albuterol treatment before they made it to the house. Turns out, that was a really good thing.
We went to the hospital where Blayne was admitted due to being given 3 shots of epinephrine in route.
Blayne was released the next day with perscriptions for two epi-pens. Mom and Dad have the job now to train everyone how to use them in case of an emergency.
Tuesday we will visit with the pediatricion who will begin allergy testing with my 7month old. Poor baby.
At this time, it is either Milk or Cheese....
1 day ago