Today is Labor Day, the unofficial official end of summer. The only rule I know... No more white shoes. Speaking of shoes, I need to find me a pair of boots...
Anyway... I thought the easiest way for me to get back into the blogging world, would be to share some pics...
Here is Blayne-O. He is wearing his uncle Butch's hat. It is a nasty, filthy number.... but Butch likes it. Apparently, Blayne thought he was pretty cool as well. My little guy is growing up so fast!!

This is Jacob and Blayne. Doug and Leigh belong to Jacob. You know, the whole... Oh your Jacob's mom... I am getting ready for that crap now.
Jacob lives in Arkansas with his incubator. Hopefully one day he will be an okie like he was born to be. Jacob loves Blayne. He dotes on him each time they are together. We have only had one almost drop him on his head incident, but mom was there to save Blayne. Other than that... Blayne thinks he has a big brother. Jacob is such a good kiddo.

Ahhh- the I heart dad shirt. This was bought by me before Christmas last year from Baby Gap. I believe it was bought before we knew that Blayne was going to be a little boy. I loved it the moment I saw it, if it had said mom, it wouldn't have been so special. I love that when Blayne wears it, Kevin's eyes light up. It is sooo cool. The pants that go with it are a white and red where's waldo type number. They are stinkin cute!! Believe me, that is hard to find for a little guy.
Finally- Our first family picture. When Blayne was born, we didn't take the camera. So... we waited until May. I love this picture of the three of us.